2013年3月25日 星期一

Design History and History of Design/ 設計實驗室/Designs of the Year 2013

Designs of the Year 2013

The Designs of the Year awards, 'The Oscars of the design world ...

作者:英國《金融時報》專欄作家 蒂姆•哈福德




“行為學設計”正成為一個流行詞,這或許並不讓人驚訝。英國華威商學院(Warwick Business School)行為學教授尼克•蔡特(Nick Chater)認為,將基礎科學研究和用戶導向的設計思路相結合,將產生很大影響。心理學和經濟學領域的行為學家正在進行大量人類行為研究,而設計師具備相應的技能和經驗,能夠將這些思想轉變為產品和服務,從而讓我們的生活變得更快樂、或更安全。

英國華威商學院與英國設計委員會(Design Council)合辦的行為學設計實驗室(Behavioural Design Lab)是一個行為學家與設計師嘗試合作的新場所。另外一個這樣的場所,是一些經濟學家和行為學家在美國麻塞諸塞州共同創辦的Ideas42設計實驗室(這個名字源自道格拉斯•亞當斯(Douglas Adams),他曾說,42是一切問題的終極答案,因為42ASCII碼表中代表通配符*。這個名字的寓意在於:在找到有用的答案之前,我們必須提出更好的問題。)

全球發展中心(Center for Global Development Center for Global Development)發表了一篇新的政策論文,由Ideas42的索加托•達塔(Saugato Datta)和森德希爾•穆萊納桑(Sendhil Mullainathan)合寫。論文以肥料的使用為例,對行為學設計進行說明。非洲農民的肥料使用量遠低於人們的預期,產量也非常低。之所以出現這種情況,比較自然的幾種解釋是:農民買不起肥料(解決方法:補貼),或肥料的作用可能不像農學家以為的那麼大(解決方法:農學家應不再插手),或農民不理解使用肥料的好處(解決方法:教育)。





John Walker《設計史與設計的歷史》 Design History and  History of Design ( 1989/1990 ) ,周丹單等南京:江蘇美術2011

 An essential overview as well as a theoretical critique for all students of design history. Walker studies the intellectual discipline of Design History and the issues that confront scholars writing histories of design. Taking his approach from a range of related fields, he discusses the problems of defining design and writing history. He considers the different methods that leading scholars have used in the absence of a theoretical framework, and looks critically at a number of histories of design and architecture.


The scope of the book is admirable. (Times Higher Education )

The best introduction to the critical study of design that I have encountered. (Building Design )

It is the most systematic, the most comprehensive and the most comprehensible account of what design history would like to be ... I would not hesitate to recommend it. (Designer’s Journal )

About the Author

John A Walker recently retired as Reader in Art and Design History at Middlesex University. The author of a number of books on art theory and aspects of popular culture, his other Pluto press titles include Cultural Offensive: America's Impact on British Art since 1945, and Art and Outrage: Provocation, Controversy and the Avant Garde.
 Google Books的作者的經歷很有意思:About the author (1989)
John Walker holds a Ph.D. in solid state physics from the University of Reading. Mr. Walker is a technical manager for Racal Telecommunications Ltd. in Reading, United Kingdom.
 這本書其實是英國 Middlesex Polytehnic 的一兼職碩士課程之講稿

Title Design history and the history of design
Authors John Albert Walker, Judy Attfield
Edition illustrated, reprint
Publisher Pluto, 1989
