2013年3月30日 星期六

城市的設計系統 , 紐約之美並非規劃而來


(The Image of the City by Kevin Lynch...)

A New Theory of Urban Design by Christopher Alexander, et al. New York: Oxford University Press, 1987
這是亞歷山大及其同志在OUP 出版的第6本環境設計的書



Cities For A Small Country 小國(英國)城市

Cities For A Small Country

By Richard Rogers and Anne Power, London: Faber & Faber. 2000. [pound]14.99


作者: [英]裡查德•羅傑斯 / [英]安妮•鮑爾
出版社: 商務印書館 出版年: 2011-10
定價: RMB 38.0元



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Sustainable Cities: Oxymoron or the Shape of the Future?

Executive Summary:

Among the issues looming large in the twenty-first century is a rapid rise in the number of people living in cities and a rapidly growing awareness of our threat to the Earth's environment. In response to both, a number of major corporations and various government bodies have teamed up to explore the idea of "ecocities" —urban communities ideally designed around the idea of environmental sustainability. This paper explores the idea by looking at several ecocities in progress in China, Abu Dhabi, South Korea, Finland, and Portugal. Research by professors Robert G. Eccles and Amy C. Edmondson, doctoral candidate Tiona Zuzul, and HBS research assistant Annissa Alusi. Key concepts include:
  • About 90 percent of urban growth worldwide occurs in developing countries, which are projected to triple their existing base of urban areas between 2000 and 2030.
  • The World Bank plans to team up with government, NGO, and private-sector organizations to help the development of nascent-stage ecocities.
  • The ecocities in progress rely heavily on "smart infrastructure," or the use of centralized computer systems to manage urban systems such as the electric grid and city bus traffic patterns. Both Cisco Systems and IBM are heavily involved in the technological aspects of these initiatives.
  • Financing is a huge challenge for ecocities, which typically require investment capital upwards of $35 billion. So far, the projects have relied on both public- and private-sector involvement, and all eight of the profiled ecocities are planning on eventual real-estate revenue to help offset the cost of development, although the degree to which they do varies according to the economic model of the project.

About Faculty in this Article:

HBS Faculty Member Robert G. Eccles
Robert G. Eccles is a Professor of Management Practice in the Organizational Behavior unit at Harvard Business School.

About Faculty in this Article:

HBS Faculty Member Amy C. Edmondson
Amy C. Edmondson is the Novartis Professor of Leadership and Management at Harvard Business School.

Author Abstract

Two trends are likely to define the 21st century: threats to the sustainability of the natural environment and dramatic increases in urbanization. This paper reviews the goals, business models, and partnerships involved in eight early "ecocity" projects to begin to identify success factors in this emerging industry. Ecocities, for the most part, are viewed as a means of mitigating threats to the natural environment while creating urban living capacity by combining low carbon and resource-efficient development with the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) to better manage complex urban systems.

Paper Information

英國《金融時報》專欄作家 約翰•凱

通常,造訪紐約的英國《金融時報》讀者們可能會在曼哈頓中城區停留或購物,然後驅車或乘地鐵迅速前往華爾街。我有幾小時空閒時間,於是選擇在兩者之間的區域漫無目的地閒逛。在格林威治村(Greenwich Village)、切爾西街(Chelsea)、包厘街(Bowery)以及下東區(Lower East Side),隨處可見造型奇特的建築、奇奇怪怪的商店以及迷人的咖啡館。除此之外,還可以看到層層沉澱下來的美國社會史的印記。

這種看法很難說是我的原創。 50年前,簡•雅各布斯(Jane Jacobs)在她的《美國大城市的死與生》(The Death and Life of Great American Cities)一書中已經將這種看法闡述得淋漓盡致。雅各布斯參與了阻止羅伯特•摩西(Robert Moses,主管紐約市和紐約州一些市政工作)修建曼哈頓下城高速路(Lower Manhattan Expressway)的運動,撰寫此書也是為了給運動造勢。曼哈頓下城高速路是一條高架高速路,能讓駕車者從紐約皇后區(Queens)通過威廉斯堡大橋(Williamsburg Bridge)和荷蘭隧道(Holland Tunnel)直接快速抵達新澤西州。在修建過程中,這條路可能會破壞所經地區的風貌。


雅各布斯打贏了這場戰鬥——修建曼哈頓下城高速路的計劃被放棄了。但不僅如此,她還打贏了一場大得多的戰爭。半個世紀以來,摩西在紐約或許可說一直能呼風喚雨,而在1968年,他最終被趕下了“神壇”。推土機曾將紐約賓州車站(Penn Station)夷為了平地,但在抵達紐約中央車站(Grand Central Terminal)之前就被叫停。雅各布斯行動的影響範圍遠遠超出了紐約市。在不到十年之後,現代主義建築的時代宣告終結。城鎮規劃在構想上變得更為謹慎,在執行中採取了更為循序漸進的方式。

如果說未經規劃的社會交往是城市獲得活力的關鍵,那麼它也是機構獲得活力的關鍵。我並不認為雅虎(Yahoo)的梅里莎•梅爾(Marissa Mayer)曾見過簡•雅各布斯,前者是執掌一家技術企業的經理人,而雅各布斯是一位社區活動家,兩人可能沒有多少共同點。但雅虎不再允許員工在家遠程工作的原因,與雅各布斯用以擊敗城鎮規劃者的邏輯有明顯的共通之處。

與人造城市的規劃者一樣,虛擬化辦公的熱情支持者試圖把一種合理組織結構強加到一個他們並沒有完全理解的體系之上。遠程工作等價於網絡版的辦公室走廊,走廊邊每間辦公室都有一扇屬於自己的緊閉的大門。現代辦公室設計已拋棄了走廊,代之以開放空間,在開放空間中,與他人交流不需要刻意打開辦公室門、提起電話或發送電子郵件。 “交流與合作將十分重要,因此我們需要同在一處工作。”——這句話出自雅虎的備忘錄,不過其中的理念卻與雅各布斯的如出一轍。

雅各布斯當年惹惱了那些城鎮規劃者,他們認為自己的設計會帶來一個合理的世界,在這個世界裡,建築藍圖上那種典型的幸福臉孔將隨處可見。雅虎也面臨類似的批評,批評者是那些難以區分Facebook上的虛擬友誼與一個真實擁抱的技術狂人,比如,光學字符識別(OCR)系統及語音轉文字(speech-to-text processing)系統的發明者羅伊•庫日韋爾(Roy Kurzweil)。他在最新著作《如何創造智慧》(How to Create a Mind)的副標題中作出了一個極為自負的承諾:本書將揭示“人類思維的奧秘”。


