2018年5月13日 星期日

益友系列: 友情五講 (及主要文獻根據 ) 2018年5~6月

時間 2018年5月4日 11:00~12:30
電話:(02) 23650127
題目: 2018年益友系列: 川端康成 與東山魁夷

Because humans are a social species and evolved in the context of collaboration, abilities have been outsourced. As a result, people are individually rather limited thinkers
六月十五日,Herbert A. Simon 紀念日,主題:友情

I. Herbert A. Simon 1916~2001and Allen Newell 1927~1992

Models of My Life | The MIT Presshttps://mitpress.mit.edu/books/models-my-lifeIn this candid and witty autobiography, Nobel laureate Herbert A. Simon looks at his distinguished and varied career, continually asking himself whether (and how) what he learned as a scientist helps to explain other aspects of his life. A brilliant polymath in an age of increasing specialization, Simon is one of those rare ...
I. Herbert A. Simon 1916~2001and Allen Newell 1927~1992
II.《席勒 (Friedrich Schiller 1759~1805)與歌德 (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 1749~1832)》,是
2018年為紀念Herbert A. Simon的系列演講『益友系列: 友情五講 (及主要文獻根據 )  2018年6月15日 』五主題之一,預計5月9日在漢清講堂錄影。

III. Amos Tversky and Daniel Kahneman

The Undoing Project: A Friendship That Changed Our Minds Hardcover– December 6, 2016
by Michael Lewis  (Author)Forty years ago, Israeli psychologists Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky wrote a series of breathtakingly original studies undoing our assumptions about the decision-making process. Their papers showed the ways in which the human mind erred, systematically, when forced to make judgments in uncertain situations. Their work created the field of behavioral economics, revolutionized Big Data studies, advanced evidence-based medicine, led to a new approach to government regulation, and made much of Michael Lewis’s own work possible. Kahneman and Tversky are more responsible than anybody for the powerful trend to mistrust human intuition and defer to algorithms.
The Undoing Project is about a compelling collaboration between two men who have the dimensions of great literary figures. They became heroes in the university and on the battlefield―both had important careers in the Israeli military―and their research was deeply linked to their extraordinary life experiences. Amos Tversky was a brilliant, self-confident warrior and extrovert, the center of rapt attention in any room; Kahneman, a fugitive from the Nazis in his childhood, was an introvert whose questing self-doubt was the seedbed of his ideas. They became one of the greatest partnerships in the history of science, working together so closely that they couldn’t remember whose brain originated which ideas, or who should claim credit. They flipped a coin to decide the lead authorship on the first paper they wrote, and simply alternated thereafter.
This story about the workings of the human mind is explored through the personalities of two fascinating individuals so fundamentally different from each other that they seem unlikely friends or colleagues. In the process they may well have changed, for good, mankind’s view of its own mind.


Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 1749~1832 and Friedrich Schiller 1759~1805


2018年為紀念Herbert A. Simon的系列演講『益友系列: 友情六講 (及主要文獻根據 )  2018年6月15日 』主題之一,預計5月9日在漢清講堂錄影。
I. Herbert A. Simon 1916~2001and Allen Newell 1927~1992

II.《席勒 (Friedrich Schiller 1759~1805)與歌德 (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 1749~1832)》,是

III. Amos Tversky and Daniel Kahneman
IV. Gustave Flaubert, 1821~80 and George Sand 1804~76
V.川端康成 與 東山魁夷
VI. 馬克斯與恩格斯 (2018年暫時跳過)
VII. W. Edwards Deming and W. A. Shewhart

林少華:川端康成與東山魁夷的私人交談- 每日頭條

(文章源自青島出版社2016年版《美的交響世界:川端康成與東山魁夷》,川端康成、 東山魁夷等著,林少華譯。)







只憑想像,總以為東山魁夷身材魁梧,體力無窮,不然難以接二連三地駕馭大作巨構。登門謁見之後,才弄清「廬山真面目」,原來是一位身材不過一米六,且是瘦骨伶仃的老人。風景 東山魁夷東山魁夷原名新吉,畫號魁夷,1908年7月生於橫濱,1931年畢業於東京美術學校。


東山魁夷,為你展現文學與繪畫境界上的雙重造詣原創鹿石 花藝 中國第一手國際 花藝培訓資訊發布平颱風景是心鏡既然人類的心靈是可以彼此相通的那麼我的風景就可以成為我們的風景可以說,風景是人的心中的祈願我是畫家 要讓心靈深深感應風景我希望描繪清澄的風景 ——東山魁夷東山魁夷(1908年








東山魁夷(1908-1999)(ひがしやま かいい Kaii Higashiyama) 日本風景畫家、散文家。1908年7月生於橫濱。原名新吉,畫號魁夷。1931年畢業於東京美術學校。1933年留學德國,在柏林大學哲學系攻讀美術史。




R.K. Narayan died in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India on this day in 2001 (aged 94).
“Friendship was another illusion like love, though it did not reach the same mad heights. People pretended that they were friends, when the fact was they were brought together by force of circumstances.”
R. K. Narayan (1906—2001) witnessed nearly a century of change in his native India and captured it in fiction of uncommon warmth and vibrancy. The Bachelor of Arts is a poignant coming-of-age novel about a young man flush with first love, but whose freedom to pursue it is hindered by the fixed ideas of his traditional Hindu family. This pioneering novel, luminous in its detail and refreshingly free of artifice, is a gift to twentieth-century literature. READ more here: https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/…/the-bach…/9780345803801
