家族旅行,周六午後的"奇美博物館"是預約,所以必須去,很有看頭:以繪畫為例,國內唯一地方有許多19世紀二流的歐洲畫家作品,偶爾有精彩之作;20世紀的不多,不過Degas的雕塑、Picasso的陶器、Chagall的.....、Max Ernst 的"三聯畫".....都夠水準。
26日早上的program是台灣歷史博物館,妻說是簡學易設計的,展覽規劃等都很用心......不過,我因為想看The Impressionists:Painting and Revolution(2011, BBC,Waldemar Januszczak主持),決定守候在小妹家看末集Final Flourish--回來看公視的說明,過份簡單,又有一處標點符號錯誤:
4.【繪畫和革命:最後盛況】本集中探討關於色彩輪和光學的一些複雜技術問題,以秀拉的『大碗島上的星期天下午』(嘉德島的假日午後)為例,在1886年的印象派畫展中出現時,大家都注意到了,印象派在這裡顯然有新東西出現,秀拉製造出現代巴黎的刻板印象,一個正面、一個反面,現代 世界的兩面隔著一條河,互相對峙。
公視的節目說明應該向英文學習,介紹要求全貌簡述 (末行his later waterlily paintings in the Orangerie in Paris也過份簡單,背後的故事很有意思,如Mason說那兒是現代藝術的Sistine Chapel......)
,而不是拿一處說說:我讀過John Russel的Seurat 專書和Monet多本專書,這節目都給我些新知識。
Final Flourish
This episode takes a closer look at the late years of Impressionism, using the last show these artists did together as a starting point. Waldemar looks in considerable depth at the work of Georges Seurat, taking into consideration his academic training at the Beaux-Arts School in Paris and the artists that influenced him, such as Piero della Francesca and Puvis de Chavannes. There is also an insight into the complex but fascinating world of optics and art, and the ways in which the Impressionists were using the new discoveries in light and eyesight to influence their work. Van Gogh's time in Paris, a period very little is known about, is also covered, charting the incredible journey the artist made from his brown and dull canvases to the splendid colour and light that pervaded his work on the cusp of his departure for the South of France. The film finishes with a revisiting of Monet and his later waterlily paintings in the Orangerie in Paris.