2014年2月19日 星期三

戴明圈: 世界的與台灣的 : 《轉型:統計品管可靠性與轉型的新經濟學The Trilogy of the New Economics of Dr. Deming》.

我可以贈書轉型:統計品管可靠性與轉型的新經濟學The Trilogy of the New Eco...,不過只送給交出一篇"自我介紹或自己寫的文章"的聽眾。



"......類似的例子還很多。在研究器材的性能和利用時,所抽的樣本,除了要包括收發信號的主設備,連輔助的也要包括在內。在研究家庭的心理或社會問題時,如果只訪談一位家庭成員的話,含蓋面可能並不夠。所以,我們為了了解其完整的互動和壓力,可能得要訪談所有成員。有時,甚至或必須訪談同一社區的其他家庭。"--從事 (統計) 專業實務之原則 // (統計 )專業從業之原則  【hc案:Deming 博士是先知,他的說法的實例和論述,可參考 J. Bruner 的 書Acts of Meaning 第四講:「傳記與自我」--本書譯本『有意義的行為 (sic)』,勉強可參考。】

威廉·愛德華茲·戴明(William Edwards Deming, 1900年10月14日-1993年12月20日),生於美國愛荷華州畢業耶魯大學物理學博士美國統計學家、作家、講師及顧問。1928年在耶魯大學獲數學物理博士學位。後來在紐約大學兼課共長達46年。
1950年他受邀到日本向該國的總經理和工程師講授新法。他的觀念是系統地檢查產品的瑕疵,分析缺點的成因並加以修正,並記錄隨後品質改變的效果, 他的這些觀念被日本公司急切地採納,結果使日本產品攻佔了世界的許多市場。自1950年以來,戴明多次於日本發表在管理學方面的演說,內容包括改進設計、 服務、透過統計學上的方差分析假設檢定等方法進行的產品品質、測試,以致全球市場[1]。1951年日本設立戴明獎,以獎勵在嚴格的品質管理競賽中獲得優勝的公司。戴明博士對日本的貢獻影響了日本的製造業工商業,在日本被視為英雄人物之一,但在美國則在他死後才開始成名。[2]


戴明初期在美國農業部開展人口普查,發明了人口普查的抽樣方法。在1927年讀博士期間結識了休哈特,並接觸到統計過程式控制制理論,開始了長期亦 師亦友的合作。畢業後,在農業部就職期間,還利用休假,到英國倫敦與費舍爾一起從事了一年的統計學研究。在二戰中,他們一起從事軍工企業內推廣 SPC的工作。戰後,他受美國政府派遣到日本協助人口普 查,同時受日本科學家和工程師協會邀請, 在日本工業界宣講統計過程式控制制和全面品質管理,持續改善等管理理念。他的演講獲得巨大的歡迎,他被多次邀請前往日本指導品質管理,實施統計製程式控制 制,全日本工業界掀起了應用SPC和TQC的熱潮。1956年裕仁天皇授予他二等珍寶獎。日本科學家和質量工程師協會把年度品質獎命名為戴明獎。
戴明在美國默默無聞。但是隨著日本等國的崛起,美國製造業山河日下。終於在1980年, NBC製作一擋記錄片節目《日本能.......我們為何不能? 》,戴明作為嘉賓,講述日本的品質管理,全美國突然發現戴明博士。特別是福特汽車公司邀請戴明幫助他們.......,他一直忙碌於全球的諮詢業務,直到93歲。


戴明的主要貢獻在於提出了淵源知識系統,持續改善,員工參與,團隊一體等,戴明的主要著作有《轉危為安,Out of the Crisis》、《新經濟觀,The New Economics》。他的主要論點在《轉危為安》一書中被總結為14點,成為全面質量管的理論基礎。
  1. 建立持之以恆地改進產品和服務目標
  2. 採用新的觀念(考慮應對競爭和思想變革的困難性)
  3. 停止依靠大規模檢查去獲得質量
  4. 結束只以價格為基礎的採購習慣,而是減少供應商數量,基於總體成本
  5. 持之以恆地改進生產和服務系統的每一個過程,使用統計過程式控制制技術
  6. 實行崗位職能培訓
  7. 建立領導力
  8. 消除恐懼
  9. 打破部門之間的障礙
  10. 取消對員工的標語訓詞和告誡
  11. 用領導力來代替定額管理和目標管理
  12. 消除影響員工工作自豪感的一切障礙
  13. 鼓勵學習和自我提高
  14. 採取行動實現轉變

我們所要介紹的世界戴明圈 (共同體)的主人W. Edwards Deming (1900-93),可以說是20世紀下半葉的產業之品質革命的代表人物。他從80歲開始的復出江湖(世界講壇),顯然是個傳奇故事。

2014年2月下旬,我查YouTube,知道關於他的影片,已有5530片了。最熱門的是7年前上傳的 W. Edwards Deming - Part 1, 近16萬3千人看過它,而Part 2 則有近8萬9 的觀眾。這片訪問的人都是著名人士,譬如說,結尾的NEC會長小林;開始的福特汽車公司董事長Don Peterson: 名電視製作人Clare Crawford-Manson,名教授Myron Tribus.....Part 2強調日本採取PDCA循環--持續改善方式......

譬如說,一片所謂"戴明博士的幽默"The Humor of W. Edwards Deming:

Edited from a two-hour video of Dr. Deming speaking in 1990. With apologies to the show "Louie," I've edited down the clips where Dr. Deming got big laughs from his audience. Clearly, Dr. Deming has a serious message and entertainment was not his primary goal. He was not a stand up comedian. But, as he says, our goal should be to have fun, so it's fun to envision him as a comedian.

I hope this compilation is viewed as a loving tribute to Dr. Deming and an homage to "Louie."
他在93歲時捐出住處等,成立The Deming Institute。

各位很幸運,該組織的網頁已經更新並豐富化了。所以我們可以從這兒出發來介紹今天要講的主題,譬如說  戴明博士的年表: (參考 《轉型:統計品管可靠性與轉型的新經濟學The Trilogy of the New Economics of Dr. Deming》,第29-33頁

這幾頁年表中,有些所謂的"里程碑"似的年份,有的是所謂的人生的轉折處,有的是他與各國的緣份。各位對於1970-1971年,他做為"台灣的中國生產力中心"的顧問Consultant to the China Productivity Center, Taiwan. ,一定覺得有點特別。
的確,這之前、之後,與我們有關係, 所以我在1998 的出書,就叫《台戴明圈灣》,談的是1964-2008年間的台灣戴明共同體。
 這頁1961-79 ,題目是: Continuing To Make Contributions Around The World
其實,這在一般人是告別世界之旅;1975年,連在紐約大學兼課近30年都要稱他榮譽教授: Consultant, Statistisches "Retires" from teaching; becomes emeritus at NYU.

   Transforming Japanese Industry With Honor And Respect
 1950-60是戴明博士海外服務的奇蹟十年,因為日本的產業界和科技連盟JUSE, 很信服他的學說,也很能感恩,與他建立終生的師、友關係、1951更設立將來舉世聞名的戴明獎The Deming prize。1960年更榮獲天皇的獎章: the Second Order Medal of the Sacred Treasure by the Emperor of Japan.


James Crow是Deming Electronic Network 1995-200?電子網頁討論的協調人moderator (an arbitrator or mediator):
不過Jim 沒工作,早期英國戴明協會BDA會邀他去走走, 有老先生Tribus年尾會開張支票謝謝他......不過,後來這些小惠都沒了, 就曲終人散了.......
When two men placed a noose around a statue of the University of Mississippi's first black student, it set into motion a new round of soul-searching in a place with a Jim Crow past.

Students say the University of Mississippi needs to mount a more aggressive stand against bigotry after two men placed a noose...


Obituary: W. Edwards Deming (TONY CARTER)

Google一下 'British Deming Association' ,資料多是片斷的。不過卻找到英國報紙Independent 在1994年元月給Deming博士的訃聞:它給 Dr. W. Edwards Deming 在英國BDA年會的400名聽眾的一番介紹: 自費到英國,抱病做免費演講......。

另外一位BDA的主角HR Neave寫戴明博士的功績,他的著作採用同一標題;[PDF]THE DEMING DIMENSION: Management for a Better Future Henry ...
by HR Neave - ‎2000 - ‎Cited by 5 - ‎Related articles
Mar 2, 2000 - ver, and she is someone who worked very closely with Dr. Deming for many years. ... time to help launch the British Deming Association (BDA).

Deming Papers - Association Française Edwards Deming

Selected Papers. Not published in the USA. Jean-Marc Chanel & Jean-Luc Fournier. W. Edwards Deming. W. Edwards Deming. W. Edwards Deming.
You've visited this page 2 times. Last visit: 1/28/13

Deming The Way We Knew Him - Page 32 - Google Books Result

Frank Voehl - 1995 - ‎Business & Economics
They confessed that without the insights they got from Dr. Deming's brief appearance on that ... In the United Kingdom, there is the British Deming Association.

Dr. Deming 在1980年的一些故事,也是很有意思的。

 1.1980 年6月他為故友的傑作之重印寫序
Shewhart, Walter A (1930). Economic Control of Quality of Manufactured Product/50th Anniversary Commemorative Issue. American Society for Quality December 1980. 
 它的譯文請參考:  《 戴明博士文選: 統計品管到淵博知識》The Essential Deming

1980年 6月24日美國NBC電視公司的重要廣播If Japan Can...Why Can't We (white paper).  這節目台灣也播出過,還出過書。陳老師有錄影帶。

3.  他開始活躍於美國產業界,顧問工作繁忙,同時推廣其"一周 (四天)的研習會"。

4.他又去 一些大學開課,如紐約大學,以及華盛頓的大學,這些講學也很重要

5.他多年來一直準備 (至晚從1979年開始寫)的書 Quality Productivity and Competitive Position,接近完成::1982正式出版試用版,平裝。 .....他的寫作方式

David Salsburg wrote:

"He was known for his kindness to and consideration for those he worked with, for his robust, if very subtle, humor, and for his interest in music. He sang in a choir, played drums and flute, and published several original pieces of sacred music."[17][18]
Later, from his home in Washington, D.C., Deming continued running his own consultancy business in the United States, largely unknown and unrecognized in his country of origin and work. In 1980, he was featured prominently in an NBC documentary titled If Japan can... Why can't we? about the increasing industrial competition the United States was facing from Japan. As a result of the broadcast, demand for his services increased dramatically, and Deming continued consulting for industry throughout the world until his death at the age of 93.

If Japan Can... Why Can't We?

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If Japan can... Why can't we? was an American television episode broadcast by NBC News as part of the television show "NBC White Paper" on June 24th, 1980, credited with beginning the Quality Revolution and introducing the methods of W. Edwards Deming to American managers (producer: Clare Crawford-Mason [1], reporter: Lloyd Dobyns [2]).
The report details how the Japanese captured the world automotive and electronics markets by following Deming's advice to practice continual improvement and think of manufacturing as a system, not as bits or pieces.


During the 1980s, Japan was seen to be a manufacturing powerhouse while American industry was struggling to keep pace. It was strongly believed that Japanese manufacturing techniques were uniquely developed for and suited to the Japanese culture, and thus unsuited for American culture.
The release of the whitepaper showed that the Japanese techniques were, in fact, taught to Japanese manufacturers by an American (Deming), whose beliefs had been largely ignored by American management.


Lloyd Dobyns (narrator): We have said several times that much of what the Japanese are doing is what we taught them to do. And the man who did most of the teaching is W. Edwards Deming, statistical analyst, for whom Japan’s highest industrial award for quality and productivity is named. But in his own country he is not widely recognized. That may be changing. Dr Deming is working with Nashua Corporation, one of the Fortune 500, a company with sales last year of more than $600,000,000. Deming was hired in late 1979 by Nashua’s Chief executive, William E. Conway.
Bill Conway: And of course our major supplier of copier machines was a Japanese company. And so we saw the advantages of how many things the Japanese companies were doing. And we heard about Dr Deming. And so we got under way with our quality program with Dr Deming.
Dr Deming: They realized that the gains that you get by statistical methods are gains that you get without new machinery, without new people. Anybody can produce quality if he lowers his production rate. That is not what I am talking about. Statistical thinking and statistical methods are to Japanese production workers, foremen, and all the way through the company, a second language. In statistical control you have a reproducible product hour after hour, day after day. And see how comforting that is to management: they now know what they can produce, they know what their costs are going to be.
Bill Conway: Many of these programs on statistics have died in American companies because they didn't get the top management support. Now, why top management does not believe that this is the way the Japanese have improved their industry over the last 30 years I don't know.
Dr Deming: I think that people here expect miracles. American management thinks that they can just copy from Japan—but they don't know what to copy!
Lloyd Dobyns: But one part of Deming’s program is not likely to please them. He insists that management causes 85% of all the problems.
Dr Deming: I ask people in management what proportion of this problem arises from your production worker. And the answer is always: All of it! That’s absolutely wrong. There’s nobody that comes out of a School of Business that knows what management is, or what its deficiencies are. There’s no one coming out of a School of Business that ever heard of the answers that I'm giving your questions—or probably even thought of the questions.

 Quality Productivity and Competitive Position

Quality Productivity and Competitive Position [Paperback]
W. E. Deming (Author),
  • Paperback: 373 pages
  • Publisher: Massachusetts Inst Technology (June 1982)


Deming Prize « IM Mark Ginsburg Presents A Personal Chess History

nezhmet.wordpress.com/tag/deming-prize/ - Cached
14 Jul 2008 – Posts about Deming Prize written by nezhmet. ... Chess History, 

似乎紐約大學自設一種Deming Prize 獎品是一本書

For something completely different now I present an award I got in 1991 (during my graduation from NYU with an MBA in Stat/Operation Research) from Dr. W. Edwards Deming – considered a Very Important Person in quality control and, as I understand it, revered by the Japanese.  To wit: “The Deming prize was instituted by the Union of Japanese Scientists and Engineers and is awarded each year in Japan to a statistician for contributions to statistical theory.  The Deming prize for application is awarded to a company for improved use of statistical theory in organization, consumer research, design of product and production. ”
Dr. Deming was 90 years old when I got the award in May of 1991!   The typo in my handwritten last name did not bother me.
Dr. Deming passed away a few years after (20 December 1993) I received this accolate.
An award from Dr. W. Edwards Deming, NYU, 1991.

  Ian Oeschger - Think bigger about parks
W. Edwards Deming, the statistician and management consultant, famously observed that "you can't manage what you can't measure." This may be ...
