2010年12月25日 星期六

座談題目: 我的中國經驗與其限制 (3)

敬請踴躍參加 我的中國經驗與其限制 (2011年1月8日)

: 我的中國經驗與其限制。
時間: 2011年1
8日 周六 10:00-12:00
電話:(02) 23650127


David Hung (美國)

鴻 海董事長郭台銘今(29)日應邀出席櫃買中心2010資本市場論壇,有關新台幣匯率升值的問題,並沒有正面回應,因為「一談就會被過度放大」,不過他指 出,日圓升值到「80」多元兌1美元,企業還能生存,所以最近常去日本「取經」,台、日間就「經濟技術學」來講,有很大的結合空間。




另外,郭台銘也透露出台、日合作的訊息,他說,台灣就經濟地理學來講,台灣有很大的生存空間,就經濟技術學來講,台灣與日本有很大的結合空間,就 政治經濟學來講台灣有清廉的政府及兩岸和平,台灣經濟本質不是常常走順境,順境人人會走,只是快慢問題,逆境才能看公司能否生存。

《跨国公司在中国: 贏家和輸家》/《2008跨国公司中国报告》

我2009年的聖誕夜是在泉州過的 今年則在台北 我家附近有多家大型教會 不過我們這兒很是個silent night

新闻报道 | 2010.12.25




香港《明报》本周发表报道,题为《平安夜豪宴10万一围》。报道写道:"「中国式奢侈」之风在圣诞节蔓延,想在今晚过一个豪华平安夜,山东济南市一 家五星级酒店推出10万元(人民币,下同)一席的天价晚宴,北京有酒店也提供每位8880元的「明星级」圣诞餐。数据显示,今年1至11月,北京低收入家 庭人均可支配年收入仅12019元人民币,就算普通打工仔整月不吃不喝也不够吃一餐如此高价的圣诞大餐。"

报道接着写道:在北京,不少酒店也推出平安夜豪华晚宴。如果想一边听着著名相声演员郭德纲「栋笃笑」,一边吃圣诞晚宴,头等座位盛惠每位8880 元,而最便宜的1800元座位则一早订满;如果想看魔术师刘谦的「魔幻之夜」,最高票价则为4800元,若是想看喜剧演员小沈阳的表演,则要6888元, 席位也全部售完。……学者认为,随着社会贫富阶层迅速分化,一批暴富人群成为「炫耀性消费」的主体,「国民已经富起来,但国民的财富观还不成熟,如何认识 财富,如何管理财富,还处在低级水平上,提高国民素质,养成成熟财富观,应成为今后社会建设的一个重点」。"


无独有偶,香港《苹果日报》专栏作家李怡圣诞节前发表文章,探讨中国大陆的理想主义与现实主义问题。李怡在他的专栏里写道:"理想主义还是现实主 义?追求理想还是着眼现实?是人生的挣扎。对于食不果腹或生活压力让人喘不过气的人们来说,讲理想是太奢侈了。但如果生活还算稳定,而人生的目的就只是要 追求无餍足的享受和虚荣,那么这辈子活来似乎也没什么意义。倘若一个社会除了金钱之外就没有其它价值标准,那是很可悲的。大陆女歌手邵夷贝,在她创作的新 歌中说:"谁把金钱变成变成了信仰为你树立成功的榜样;

李怡接着写道:"以《中国在梁庄》获得今年的人民文学奖的年轻女学者梁鸿,任职于中国青年政治学院中文系,工作稳定而且受到社会肯定。但有一天,她 对自己的工作和生活怀疑起来,她说:我怀疑这种虚构的生活,与现实、与大地、与心灵没有任何关系。我甚至充满了羞耻之心,每天在讲台上高谈阔论,夜以继日 地写着言不及义的文章,一切似乎都没有意义。在思维的最深处,总有个声音在不断地提醒我自己:这不是真正的生活,不是那种能够体现人的本质意义的生活。于 是她毅然回到她成长的老家,河南省穰县梁庄,在那儿五个月,亲自体验中国农村的巨变:写出这本直击中国农民痛与悲的书。……人不能不顾现实,但把自己的理 想那怕实现一点点,也会是快乐的事。"





本周六 12/25 除了香港有抗議示威 還可參考這篇: “谁在颠覆中国政权?”













我说;就是仍然是共产党政权,上面的变化也不能不影响你们,江泽民上台,弄掉了一个陈希同,他是北京的,可能不影响你们上海警察,但胡锦涛上台,弄 掉了一个陈良宇,上海干部没有受到影响?现在习仲平还没有上台,薄熙来为了在政坛上赌一把,不是也弄掉了一个文强,弄掉了多少你们警察?







就我一个人,赤手空拳,你们就使用了十几个警察,如果算上两班倒,可能有二十多个;还不说你们有几百万军队,几百万警察,武警;不说你们的核武器, 飞机军舰。也不说你们上亿美元的进口的高科技的警察设备。而刘晓波手里,只有一支笔,一台电脑,一个鼠标,一个键盘。怎么就能够颠覆了你们政权?






作者:张鹤慈 (墨尔本)


2011年01月05日 15:37 PM

Macao’s odds

The real story of Macao is told not in the soaring median monthly wages of workers in the gaming industry, which have doubled since 2000, or the steadily rising occupancy rates in the city’s five-star hotels. It is told in the share prices of the 22 Macanese gaming stocks listed in Hong Kong. In spite of successive years of rising gross gaming revenues in the former Portuguese colony – last year they were up a record 58 per cent to US$23bn – the sector has lagged behind the Hang Seng by more than 100 percentage points over the past five years.

澳门博彩业员工月薪中位数的飙涨(自2000年以来已增长1倍)以及五星级酒店入住率 的稳步攀升,并没有道出澳门真正的“故事”——它隐藏在22家在港上市的澳门博彩公司的股价之中。尽管这个前葡萄牙殖民地的博彩业总收入连续多年增长—— 去年创纪录地增长58%至230亿美元——但过去5年,澳门博彩类股的涨幅却比恒生指数(Hang Seng)落后了逾100%。

The main reason is the

主要原因是中国大陆博彩中介公司的权力越来越大,这些中介公司负责召集贵宾赌客。中国 政府的外汇管制,意味着这些虽获许可、但行事隐秘的公司(至少有127家)为澳门33家赌场发挥着至关重要的作用:除了他们,没有人能把人民币存款转换成 港元,以便在赌场换取筹码。2005年前后,当澳门博彩业向外国公司开放之时,赌场向这些中介公司支付的佣金通常为收入的20%到25%。瑞士信贷 (Credit Suisse)估计,如今这一比例已升至44%-48%。

ever-growing muscle of the “junket” promoters from mainland China, which round up groups of associates for VIP visits. Beijing’s currency restrictions mean that these licensed but shadowy groups – 127 of them, at last count – perform a vital function for Macao’s 33 casinos: no one else can collect renminbi deposits to convert into Hong Kong dollars, which the casinos then exchange for chips. Typical commissions paid to the junkets were 20-25 per cent of revenues in the mid-2000s, when gaming was opened to foreign competition. That share has now risen to between 44 and 48 per cent, by Credit Suisse’s reckoning.

如果能做得到,赌场不会去理睬这些中介:大众市场的营运利润率要高出大约3倍多。但即 便是更重视大众市场的赌场,近一半的营运利润也来自于大赌客。与此同时,中介人唯一的问题就是维持充足的营运资金。他们的做法是:将不良债务维持在最低限 度;支付比内地银行高得多的利息、以吸引资金;以及要求赌场预付佣金。在澳门,立于不败之地的并非“房主”,而是“门童”。

Casinos would ignore the junkets if they could: operating profit margins in the mass-market segment are about three times higher. But even the more mass market-focused resorts depend on high-rollers for almost half of their operating earnings. The promoters’ only problem, meanwhile, is maintaining adequate working capital, which they do by keeping bad debts to a minimum, paying much higher interest rates than mainland banks to draw in funds, and tapping casinos for advance commissions. In Macao, it’s not the house that always wins but the doormen.



2010年12月22日 星期三

談豐田精實等 (中衛發展中心)

談豐田精實等 (中衛發展中心)

時間 : 12月23日 10:00-12:00
電話:(02) 23650127

鍾 漢清
黃肇義 (技術總監 企劃推廣部)
羅靜婷 (功能技術部)
魏竹君 (功能技術部)

***** 會前的聯想



像我這樣的員工 日益老去
(本土企業抬頭 外資縮減)
或許只有你們的台灣自行車之A-TEAM 梢有成就

我們沒有創新是無法圖存 繁榮的


事前我同羅女士說希望能夠換書 尤其是中衛的豐田精實叢書中翻譯自日本的大作:


轉動無限可能: 自行車A-TEAM協同合作創贏 (VCD)
豐田流 現場的人材培育
最新圖解 豐田生產方式之基本與實踐


2010年12月18日 星期六

我的中國經驗與其限制 (2011年1月8日)

: 我的中國經驗與其限制。
時間: 2011年1
8日 周六 10:00-12:00
電話:(02) 23650127

鍾 漢清
Hanching Chung (or HC/ hc)
台灣戴明圈: A Taiwanese Deming Circle

中国政治 Politics in China

中國密碼︰中國崛起對西方的影響 Der China Code


Not Really 'Made in China'

The iPhone's Complex Supply Chain Highlights Problems With Trade Statistics

BEIJING—One widely touted solution for current U.S. economic woes is for America to come up with more of the high-tech gadgets that the rest of the world craves.

Associated Press

Researchers estimated the iPhone added $1.9 billion to the U.S. trade deficit with China last year. Above, an Apple store in Palo Alto, Calif.

Yet two academic researchers estimate that Apple Inc.'s iPhone—one of the best-selling U.S. technology products—actually added $1.9 billion to the U.S. trade deficit with China last year.

How is this possible? The researchers say traditional ways of measuring global trade produce the number but fail to reflect the complexities of global commerce where the design, manufacturing and assembly of products often involve several countries.

"A distorted picture" is the result, they say, one that exaggerates trade imbalances between nations.

Trade statistics in both countries consider the iPhone a Chinese export to the U.S., even though it is entirely designed and owned by a U.S. company, and is made largely of parts produced in several Asian and European countries. China's contribution is the last step—assembling and shipping the phones.

So the entire $178.96 estimated wholesale cost of the shipped phone is credited to China, even though the value of the work performed by the Chinese workers at Hon Hai Precision Industry Co. accounts for just 3.6%, or $6.50, of the total, the researchers calculated in a report published this month.

A spokeswoman for Apple said the company declined to comment on the research.

[1215iphone] European Pressphoto Agency

Two academic researchers have found that Apple's iPhone actually added $1.9 billion to the U.S. trade deficit with China last year.

The result is that according to official statistics, "even high-tech products invented by U.S. companies will not increase U.S. exports," write Yuqing Xing and Neal Detert, two researchers at the Asian Development Bank Institute, a think tank in Tokyo, in their report.

This isn't a problem with high-tech products, but with how exports and imports are measured, they say.

Editors' Deep Dive: China Experts Offer Another Take on Trade Surplus

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The research adds to a growing debate about traditional trade statistics that could have real-world consequences. Conventional trade figures are the basis for political battles waging in Washington and Brussels over what to do about China's currency policies and its allegedly unfair trading practices.

"What we call 'Made in China' is indeed assembled in China, but what makes up the commercial value of the product comes from the numerous countries," Pascal Lamy, the director-general of the World Trade Organization, said in a speech in October. "The concept of country of origin for manufactured goods has gradually become obsolete."

Mr. Lamy said if trade statistics were adjusted to reflect the actual value contributed to a product by different countries, the size of the U.S. trade deficit with China—$226.88 billion, according to U.S. figures—would be cut in half.

To correct for that bias is difficult because it requires detailed knowledge of how products are put together.


Breaking down imports and exports in terms of the value-added from different countries can lead to some controversial conclusions. Some U.S. lawmakers, for instance, argue China needs to let its currency rise significantly against the U.S. dollar in order to reduce the trade gap between the two nations.

The value-added approach, in fact, shows that sales of the iPhone are adding to the U.S. economy—rather than subtracting from it, as the traditional approach would imply.

Based on U.S. sales of 11.3 million iPhones in 2009, the researchers estimate Chinese iPhone exports at $2.02 billion. After deducting $121.5 million in Chinese imports for parts produced by U.S. firms such as chip maker Broadcom Corp., they arrive at the figure of the $1.9 billion Chinese trade surplus—and U.S. trade deficit—in iPhones.

If China was credited with producing only its portion of the value of an iPhone, its exports to the U.S. for the same amount of iPhones would be a U.S. trade surplus of $48.1 million, after accounting for the parts U.S. firms contribute.

Other economists say some aspects of the researchers methodology may have led them to overstate their case. The study, for example, assumes that companies such as Toshiba Corp. and Samsung Electronics Co. that make components for the iPhone wholly assembled them in their home countries.

But many of Apple's suppliers have manufacturing facilities in China, so it's likely that some portion of the components they build for the iPhone are made in China as well.

The latest results are broadly similar to analyses made by the Personal Computing Industry Center at the University of California, Irvine, of the trade and manufacture of another Apple product, the iPod. That research also found that Chinese labor accounted for only a few dollars of the iPod's value, even though trade statistics credited China with producing its full value.

In a speech in September in New York, Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao cited that research to argue that trade tensions between the U.S. and China are overblown. Many of China's exports are products that are made in China on contract for foreign companies, he said, so the U.S. shouldn't criticize China for running a big trade surplus.

"Foreign-funded enterprises, including those of the United States, are major beneficiaries" of this system, Mr. Wen said.

—Loretta Chao contributed to this article.

Write to Andrew Batson at andrew.batson@wsj.com

2010年12月17日 星期五


希望能聽STEPHEN OWEN 宇文所安夫婦的演講



本 次會議小型而高端,受邀者均為兩岸與國際唐代文史學界有成就的資深學者,以紀念二十世紀西方的唐代研究大師杜希德 (Denis Twitchett) 教授為契機,旨在促進學術交流,開拓唐代文史研究的新視野,尤其注重探討物質文化研究的研究方向。會議與不久前舉行的「杜希德與二十世紀歐美漢學的典範大 轉移──《劍橋中華文史叢刊》四十周年紀念國際研討會」有一定的連續性,也有不同的重點,報名對象為對唐代文史有興趣的學者與研究生。

目前開放報名,網址如下:http://ppt.cc/39Nx http://tinyurl.com/2fcljxu (兩者通往同一網頁,擇一網址填寫即可),名額有限,收到確認函始為報名成功(本會議保有核准與否之權利)。
詳細會議資訊更新,請參考部落格:http://blog.sina.com.tw/juechen/ ;如有垂詢,請致函下列會議助理信箱:tangstudies@gmail.com

2010年12月16日 星期四


動物詩集: 貓/ 跳蚤 (阿波利奈爾)

從《魯迅年譜》 (北京:人民文學) 1928/11/30 發表從日文轉譯的諷次短詩 跳蚤

這首可以從 阿波利奈爾傳 (阿波利奈尔传guillaume-apollinaire ) 頁527找到

" 跳蚤 朋友 甚至 情人

所以對於我們更有意思的這本塵世動物寓意集 (Le Bestiaire 此翻譯過火 日本的動物詩集即可 )的另一首



"文藝是國民精神所發的火光,同時也是引導國民精神的前塗的燈火。這是互為因果的……. (魯迅 從鬍子說到牙醫1925/11/30 收入 )"



明天是胡適生日 應該為他設一 blog 紀念他

為紀念胡故院長適之先生119歲誕辰,本館謹訂於12月17日上午 9:30 於胡適墓園舉行致意典禮,歡迎各界來賓蒞臨,並致贈一份紀念品。相關資訊如下:



我昨晚真的草立一BLOG 今天還寫一篇:適墓園2010年12月17日



有四花架:近史所兩個 (無限追思),績溪旅台會的(適之鄉長119…..) ,胡復( Victor Hu)的。

副研究員潘光哲 (Pan Kwang-che) * (照片略)說:鍾漢清,你怎麼來的 (台語)? 儀式是所有人(20)向胡先生鞠躬三次 (領頭的是近史所的一位女士,我不認識。禮成之後我去讀昔日羅家倫先生寫的贊語以及胡先生擔任過35年董事的中基金會說明。再去上面點的董作賓先生墓。

真正去胡適紀念館巡禮一番,管理員很少看到像我這樣認真的人。先生的皮鞋 家具等都還安好 (我約20年前在歷史博物館看過) ,這次看到先生送給夫人的幾樣珍珠首飾。故居甚好,知道胡頌平先生用過的房間改成夫人臥室(內有一保險櫃)

我原打算去經濟研究所複印 The Models of Herbert Simon:卻沒找到。就搭270公車在仁愛-新生路口下車。路過瑞麟家,他不在(12點整) ,就步行回溫州街64號午餐。午餐向YY說台北連個諸如"胡適教育大學"的紀念都不肯給......


羅聯添: 臺靜農先生學術藝文的成就

2010年12月10日 星期五

楊聯陞《中國語文紮記 》(12月11日/2010年)

林公孚 陳忠信 張慶麟 劉玉燕 鍾漢清

蠶居 (他今晚參加國軍文藝中心的 崑曲 母丹亭 (二胡)演出 近日買一提琴)
陳兄說下次上花園新城 辦音樂讀書會
蘇兄提議去走古道 (他今天講兩小時多 我建議他去永和社區大學等處開課)
我說一月八日 (2011) 辦"大家談中國大陸的經驗與限制" 參考天下的特刊 你不能不知道的中國2015

: 中國語文紮記

時間: 12月11日/2010年 10:00-12: 00
地點: 台北市新生南路3段88號2樓 tel. 02 23650127


楊聯陞先生簡介 hc
「台語的特色」 ken su
「楊聯陞書中怡和洋行檔案與台灣」ken su


昨天到問津堂買楊聯陞中國語文紮記 店員說 還有5本 即共10本
我想起來 12月初的讀書會 就採用此書好了 時間由你選
2011年元月初則用 DHL勞侖斯短篇小說 請梁先生儘快確定時間


跳轉到: 導航, 搜尋







《中國語文紮記 》





繁體書楊聯陞/著聯經出版公司 ,出版日期:1983-03-15

 本書十四篇論文原以英文寫作,經國內學人譯為中文;文章著眼點皆發人所未發,如中國的世界秩序,朝代興衰芻論,帝制時代作息表,女主考,人質考,侈靡 論,經濟史上的數詞與量詞等,皆探索精微,力求深入,提供治國史者新的視界、新的途徑。作者楊聯陞教授為國內外知名的史學家,著作常見於國外各大史學刊 物。


編者 蔣力
出版社 商務印書館(北京)
ISBN 9787100042376


































2010年12月7日 星期二

2010年 感恩節

2010年 感恩節

與 永安夫婦

2010年12月2日 星期四

The Society of Fellows


George Homans *

Christopher Alexander

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Current and Former Junior Fellows (listed by term)
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The purpose of the Society is to give men and women at an early stage of their scholarly careers an opportunity to pursue their studies in any department of the University, free from formal requirements. They must be persons of exceptional ability, originality, and resourcefulness, and should be of the highest calibre of intellectual achievement, comparable to successful candidates for junior faculty positions at leading universities. These Junior Fellows are selected by the Senior Fellows, who with the President of the University and the Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, ex officio, administer the Society. Those elected receive three year fellowships.

The Society was organized in 1933 under the terms of a gift from A. Lawrence Lowell, then President Emeritus of Harvard. This gift was made in memory of Mr. Lowell's wife and is known as the Anna Parker Lowell Fund. Mr. Lowell was convinced of the value of informal discussions between scholars in different academic fields. Hence, from the time of its foundation, the Senior and Junior Fellows have met for dinner every Monday night during term-time and they are frequently joined by visiting scholars. Junior Fellows also lunch together twice a week.

To be eligible for a Junior Fellowship, a candidate must be at an early stage of his or her scholarly career. Men and women interested in any field of study are accepted. Most Junior Fellows receive the Ph.D. just prior to the start of the fellowship. If still pursuing the Ph.D., Junior Fellows should be at the dissertation stage of their theses and be prepared to finish their degrees within a year of becoming fellows. If already a recipient of the degree, they should not be much more than a year past the Ph.D. at the time the fellowship commences.

The number of Junior Fellows at any one time normally is limited to thirty, and usually ten are chosen each year. The term of appointment is three years, and no extensions are granted. Junior Fellows are required to be in residence in Cambridge or neighboring communities during the academic year and to attend the weekly lunches and dinners. Junior Fellows are not subject to examination, are not required to make reports, receive no credit for courses, and may not be candidates for any degree other than the Ph.D. Those who are still pursuing the Ph.D. should have completed their routine training for advanced work and should be well along in the writing of their theses before becoming Fellows. They may complete the writing of their theses and proceed to such final or special examinations as the universities of their candidacies may require, and may be granted the degree of Ph.D.

Junior Fellows are selected for their resourcefulness, initiative, and intellectual curiosity, and because their work holds exceptional promise. They are free to devote their entire time to productive scholarship. They may undertake sustained projects of research or other original work, or they may devote their time to the acquisition of accessory disciplines, so as to prepare themselves for the investigation of problems lying between conventional fields. Because of this complete freedom of choice and action, it is important that candidates should have demonstrated their capacity for independent work.

During 2010/2011 the stipend for Junior Fellows in their first year will be $60,000. The facilities of most branches of the University, both for instruction and for research, are open to Junior Fellows. Candidates whose research requires substantial laboratory space or extensive equipment should explore arrangements with the appropriate members of the faculty at Harvard for the necessary support. If there is any problem in this regard candidates should inform the Chair.

Candidates are nominated for Junior Fellowships, generally by those under whom they have studied. Applications are not accepted from candidates themselves. A letter of nomination should include an assessment of the candidates's work and promise, the candidate's complete contact information, including current residential mailing address and email address, and the names, mailing addresses, and email addresses of three addtional people who have agreed to write letters of recommendation by the end of September.

Upon receipt of the mailed nomination, the Society will request letters of recommendation from the referees and ask the candidate to submit samples of written work (i.e. dissertation chapters, articles, papers) along with a one or two-page proposal describing the studies he or she would like to pursue while a Junior Fellow. The candidate is also requested to provide official transcripts of both undergraduate and graduate records.

Starting this year, the Society will request that the letters of recommendation be submitted electronically - not by email, but through a portal linked to our website. After receipt of the nomination, the three referees will be contacted by our office both by regular mail and email. (This is why full and accurate email addresses are necessary to process the nomination.) Full instructions for uploading letters will be provided to each referee, along with a password to enter the secure site.

On the basis of the materials submitted, the Senior Fellows select a certain number of candidates for interview. It is from this number that the final selection is made. (The Society pays the traveling expenses of those candidates interviewed.)

The deadline for receiving nominations for Junior Fellowships which begin July 1, 2011 is Friday, September 3, 2010. No nomination will be accepted with a postmark past the deadline. Nominations will not be accepted by email.

All letters should be sent to:

The Society of Fellows
Harvard University
78 Mount Auburn Street
Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138


In accordance with Harvard University policy, the Society of Fellows does not discriminate against any person on the basis of race, color, sex, sexual orientation, religion, age, national or ethnic origin, political beliefs, veteran status, or handicap in admission to access to, treatment in, or employment in its programs and activities. The following office has been designated to handle inquiries regarding nondiscrimination policies: the Office of the Assistant to the President, 935 Holyoke Center, Cambridge, MA 02138. In addition, inquiries regarding the application of nondiscrimination policies many be referred to the Regional Director, Office for Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education, 5 Post Office Square, 8th Floor, Boston, MA 02109.

2010年11月23日 星期二



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2010年11月8日 星期一

HBS Centennial Colloquia Reports

HBS Centennial Colloquia Reports

The Intellectual History of Harvard Business School

Executive Summary:

This colloquium held at HBS in April looked at key developments in the areas of entrepreneurship, organizational behavior, accounting, and strategy, among others. HBS professor Richard S. Tedlow describes the highlights.

About Faculty in this Article:

HBS Faculty Member Richard S. Tedlow

Richard S. Tedlow is the MBA Class of 1949 Professor of Business Administration Emeritus at Harvard Business School.

Date: April 17-18, 2008
Faculty Chair: Richard S. Tedlow

Faculty Summary Report:

Colloquium: The Intellectual History of the Harvard Business School: Six Case Studies

What were the overall goals of the colloquium?

The colloquium had three goals. The first was to explore how seminal ideas have been created, developed, and refined at HBS during the past century. The second was to illustrate the variety of ways in which those ideas have influenced students, the business world, and the academy. And the third was to encourage future innovation by showing the mechanisms through which these high-impact ideas have been developed.

What were a few key developments in the history of Harvard Business School in the areas of entrepreneurship, organizational behavior, accounting and management, values and ethics, and strategy?

For the sake of space, let me select one area of inquiry, and that is Leadership and Organizational Behavior. The key developments include the original teaching of scientific management by Frederick W. Taylor; the change in perspective from Taylorism to the Human Relations approach, which resulted from the Hawthorne studies; and the later development of "contingency theory" as advanced in the classic by Paul Lawrence and Jay Lorsch, Organization and Environment. This extraordinarily rich heritage has exercised an impact around the world and continues to inform the teaching of Leadership and Organizational Behavior here at the Harvard Business School and elsewhere.

The Leadership and Organizational Behavior course in the First Year of the MBA program has a number of daunting assignments. First, it has to overcome the skepticism that some people have about whether leadership can in fact be taught. Then it must locate the organization to be led in the environment in which it exists and develop materials which generate discussion about a variety of issues which, though of critical importance, are often not susceptible to proof. The Leadership and Organizational Behavior course succeeds because, among other reasons, the richness of the field's history informs the faculty, which in turn develop materials which allow for an in-depth exploration of organizational dynamics.

The “starbursts” session provided brief yet in-depth looks at five unique figures in HBS history: John Lintner, Howard Raiffa, Georges Doriot, Theodore Levitt, and C. Roland Christensen. Is it possible to capture in a few words how these five very different people contributed to the life of HBS and to describe their impact outside the School?

Although these people are very different, there are nevertheless important lessons to be learned from them. Each of the five had a signature insight which established his reputation permanently. To be brief:

  • John Lintner—the capital asset pricing model.
  • Howard Raiffa—Bayesian decision theory.
  • Georges Doriot—venture capital.
  • Theodore Levitt—marketing myopia.
  • C. Roland Christensen—the art of case-method teaching.

What is remarkable is that five such extraordinarily different personalities could flourish at our institution. Their backgrounds, both intellectual and personal, were highly diverse. Christensen, for example, was perhaps the School's foremost apostle of the case method. Doriot, in complete contrast, was the only professor at the School who didn't teach by the case method.

There are two characteristics which unite these five people. One is a profound devotion to the School and to its students. Two is that they all aimed high. The goals of all five of these people were very ambitious. The combination of their particular genius and the institution of which they were a part permitted their ambitions to be realized.

What insights or surprises did you walk away with?

I found it remarkable that so many of the most important figures in HBS history, and indeed so many of the people who were making presentations about them (and are very important at the School today) had to make a leap to become a part of this community. They had to leave their comfort zones. They had to abandon the normal methods of career advancement in the fields in which they were trained.

Without this willingness to take a leap, the greats of the past would never have fulfilled their destinies. Nor would the presenters.

I was also deeply impressed by the difficulty of maintaining this special edge as the special edge as the School grows and as business becomes global. The School has always exerted a powerful magnetism for a certain set of remarkable people. There is nothing automatic about this particular magnetism.

Judging from the history of the School, the challenge of the future is to find new ways in a new era to remain a special institution.

Will there be publications or other output from this colloquium?

I am hoping to write a book based on the colloquium.

The colloquium was video- and audio-taped, and there is already an interest by some people who were unable to attend in seeing some of the sessions. Some of the sessions may be edited and used, for example, to help new faculty to orient themselves to the School.

HBS Centennial Colloquia Reports

There are 29 articles for this feature.

As part of the School's centennial celebration in 2008, business leaders and policy makers from around the world met at HBS in October to discuss a wide range of business topics. We will highlight summaries of these discussions each week. Full videos and transcripts are also available.

Transforming Giants

A new type of 21st century company is emerging that is transforming how business is conducted. These are values-driven companies that define a core set of values and rely on these values in making all strategic decisions.

HBS Past and Present

Eight enduring themes have characterized Harvard Business School from its earliest years, and remain as integral as ever to the way the School thinks and operates.

Harvard and HBS: The Next 100 Years

Harvard President Drew Gilpin Faust reflected on Harvard Business School's past 100 years and shared her vision of the future, while HBS Dean Jay Light discussed the School's history and highlighted key focus areas for the future.

Business Summit: Real Estate

Experts discuss the global real estate crisis, the future of securitization, and predictions for the future of the U.S. real estate market.

Business Summit: Business Education in the 21st Century

Business schools are innovating and experimenting to change the MBA experience, and to help business education regain its relevance and value. Along with a changing curricula, programs are attempting to make the learning experience more interactive, engaging, global, and experiential.

Business Summit: Managing Human Capital—Global Trends and Challenges

Human capital needed for globalization is lacking. Progress is required in important areas such as elevating more women to leadership positions, according to panelists at the HBS Business Summit.

Business Summit: Ethics in Globalization

It is impossible to regulate against greed and ethical shortcomings. What can be done is to force greater transparency and accountability.

Business Summit: China in the Global Economy

While the global economic downturn will affect China's exports, the domestic economy is expected to remain strong, agreed panelists at the HBS Business Summit.

Business Summit: The Coming World Oil Crisis

Without enormous changes the world faces an imminent oil crisis—and there are no silver bullet solutions. People must wake up to the sobering ramifications of peak oil, which may be the defining issue of this century.

Business Summit: Historical Roots of Globalization

In this breakout session, panelists shared insights, informed by history, of the convergence that globalization promotes.

Business Summit: The Role of Social Entrepreneurship in Transforming American Public Education

Amid formidable barriers, a set of passionate social entrepreneurs are disrupting the status quo in education with innovative and effective approaches that are producing measurable results. The challenge now is to build support so these solutions can be applied elsewhere.

Business Summit: The Role of Business Leaders in Sustaining Market Capitalism

Business leaders at the HBS Business Summit agreed on the threats to capitalism, but offered different opinions on the way forward.

Business Summit: Business and the Environment

If the causes for global climate change are not addressed, the consequences for the planet are likely to be disastrous. Governments, business, and consumers must act.

Business Summit: Global Environment-Transformed Organization

According to two panel sessions led by HBS professor Clayton M. Christensen, successful organizations must continually transform themselves in today's dynamic world.

Business Summit: The Evolution of Agribusiness

Agribusiness has come to be seen not just as economically important, but as a critical part of society. The future for this massive industry will be both exciting and complex.

Business Summit: The Future of Market Capitalism

Professor Michael E. Porter leads a discussion on the shortcomings of the capitalist system and ways the business community can better serve broader societal interests.

Business Summit: Lawrence Summers on Market Capitalism's Historic Opportunity

Confronting today's economic challenges represents an historic opportunity to save capitalism from itself, and in doing so, to create more prosperity and improve the lives of more people, says Lawrence Summers.

Business Summit: Enterprise Risk Management

Risk management is a key to sustained firm growth, says professor Robert S. Kaplan. Key ingredients to a successful risk management program include the proper culture, clear parameters, discipline, measurement, and accountability.

Business Summit: Niall Ferguson and the Certainty of Uncertainty

The economic crisis should not have been unexpected, says professor Niall Ferguson. Business leaders should consider history when developing their strategies, plans, and models, and should keep in mind that outlier events occur.

Business Summit: Introduction to the Future of Market Capitalism

Professor Joseph L. Bower discusses a two-year research project exploring the views of global business leaders and HBS faculty on what might threaten the world's economic progress.

Viewing 1-20 of 29 Articles View All

2010年11月2日 星期二

讀書會: 帶小狗的女士 (契訶夫小說新選新譯)

Virginia Woolf《论小说与小说家》

俄國人的觀點 介紹三位作家
契訶夫 (第 杜斯妥也夫斯機 托爾斯泰 他們的"靈魂"之重視

而且帶小狗的女士 是最著名的一篇
妙的是 許多中國選集多沒選它
文章最後說 契訶夫的小說聲望越來越高
巴金譯過 Gorky
Meaning #1: Russian writer of plays and novels and short stories; noted for his depiction of social outcasts
Synonyms: Maksim Gorky, Gorki, Maxim Gorki, Aleksey Maksimovich Peshkov, Aleksey Maximovich Peshkov
的回憶契訶夫 (另外在淡淡的幽默--契訶夫回憶/契訶夫文集 收錄)

所以先前講的Gogol 是錯誤

Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol 寫的契訶夫 (Gogol Russian: Николай Васильевич Гоголь, Nikoláy Vasíl’yevich Gógol’; Russian pronunciation: [nʲɪkɐˈlaj vɐˈsʲilʲjɪvʲɪtɕ ˈɡoɡəlʲ]; Ukrainian: Микола Васильович Гоголь, Mykóla Vasýl’ovych Hóhol’) (31 March [O.S. 19 March] 1809,[2] – 4 March [O.S. 21 February] 1852) was a Ukrainian-born Russian novelist, humourist, and dramatist.[2]




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慶祝契訶夫150歲 讀書會 (需報名)


: 帶小狗的女士:契訶夫小說新選新譯

時間: 11月6日/2010年 10:30-12: 00
地點: 台北市新生南路3段88號2樓 tel. 02 23650127



2010年7月號 (309期)




[總導覽] 契訶夫巨人文學生涯全景

[現場] 彩頁直擊契訶夫莫斯科故居

[小說] 所有小說家的老師──短篇小說徹底解析

[戲劇] 世界戲劇最高殿堂──劇作魅力完全解讀

[名作] 經典<帶小狗的女士>新譯精析

[迴響] 誰來穿越時空傳簡訊給契訶夫?


[劉克襄] 當月作家:野地漫遊十五座星球
[林文義] 最新散文<歡愛>


[平路] 最新長篇小說《東方之東》終於曝光

今天早上才讀完讀書會: 帶小狗的女士 (契訶夫小說新選新譯)

而且帶小狗的女士 是最著名的一篇
妙的是 許多中國選集多沒選它
文章最後說 契訶夫的小說聲望越來越高
巴金譯過 Gorky
Meaning #1: Russian writer of plays and novels and short stories; noted for his depiction of social outcasts
Synonyms: Maksim Gorky, Gorki, Maxim Gorki, Aleksey Maksimovich Peshkov, Aleksey Maximovich Peshkov
的回憶契訶夫 (另外在淡淡的幽默--契訶夫回憶/契訶夫文集 收錄)
所以先前講的Gogol 是錯誤......


Dear HC,

大讀代,大家都知道(士大夫,就是staff 的古音),

Ken Su

A generalisation of th

Virginia Woolf

The Common Reader

The Russian Point of View


is kind will, of course, even if it has some degree of truth when applied to the body of literature, be changed profoundly when a writer of genius sets to work on it. At once other questions arise. It is seen that an “attitude” is not simple; it is highly complex. Men reft of their coats and their manners, stunned by a railway accident, say hard things, harsh things, unpleasant things, difficult things, even if they say them with the abandonment and simplicity which catastrophe has bred in them. Our first impressions of Tchekov are not of simplicity but of bewilderment. What is the point of it, and why does he make a story out of this? we ask as we read story after story. A man falls in love with a married woman, and they part and meet, and in the end are left talking about their position and by what means they can be free from “this intolerable bondage”.

“‘How? How?’ he asked, clutching his head. . . . And it seemed as though in a little while the solution would be found and then a new and splendid life would begin.” That is the end. A postman drives a student to the station and all the way the student tries to make the postman talk, but he remains silent. Suddenly the postman says unexpectedly, “It’s against the regulations to take any one with the post”. And he walks up and down the platform with a look of anger on his face. “With whom was he angry? Was it with people, with poverty, with the autumn nights?” Again, that story ends.

But is it the end, we ask? We have rather the feeling that we have overrun our signals; or it is as if a tune had stopped short without the expected chords to close it. These stories are inconclusive, we say, and proceed to frame a criticism based upon the assumption that stories ought to conclude in a way that we recognise. In so doing, we raise the question of our own fitness as readers. Where the tune is familiar and the end emphatic — lovers united, villains discomfited, intrigues exposed — as it is in most Victorian fiction, we can scarcely go wrong, but where the tune is unfamiliar and the end a note of interrogation or merely the information that they went on talking, as it is in Tchekov, we need a very daring and alert sense of literature to make us hear the tune, and in particular those last notes which complete the harmony. Probably we have to read a great many stories before we feel, and the feeling is essential to our satisfaction, that we hold the parts together, and that Tchekov was not merely rambling disconnectedly, but struck now this note, now that with intention, in order to complete his meaning.

We have to cast about in order to discover where the emphasis in these strange stories rightly comes. Tchekov’s own words give us a lead in the right direction. “. . . such a conversation as this between us”, he says, “would have been unthinkable for our parents. At night they did not talk, but slept sound; we, our generation, sleep badly, are restless, but talk a great deal, and are always trying to settle whether we are right or not.” Our literature of social satire and psychological finesse both sprang from that restless sleep, that incessant talking; but after all, there is an enormous difference between Tchekov and Henry James, between Tchekov and Bernard Shaw. Obviously — but where does it arise? Tchekov, too, is aware of the evils and injustices of the social state; the condition of the peasants appals him, but the reformer’s zeal is not his — that is not the signal for us to stop. The mind interests him enormously; he is a most subtle and delicate analyst of human relations. But again, no; the end is not there. Is it that he is primarily interested not in the soul’s relation with other souls, but with the soul’s relation to health — with the soul’s relation to goodness? These stories are always showing us some affectation, pose, insincerity. Some woman has got into a false relation; some man has been perverted by the inhumanity of his circumstances. The soul is ill; the soul is cured; the soul is not cured. Those are the emphatic points in his stories.

Once the eye is used to these shades, half the “conclusions” of fiction fade into thin air; they show like transparences with a light behind them — gaudy, glaring, superficial. The general tidying up of the last chapter, the marriage, the death, the statement of values so sonorously trumpeted forth, so heavily underlined, become of the most rudimentary kind. Nothing is solved, we feel; nothing is rightly held together. On the other hand, the method which at first seemed so casual, inconclusive, and occupied with trifles, now appears the result of an exquisitely original and fastidious taste, choosing boldly, arranging infallibly, and controlled by an honesty for which we can find no match save among the Russians themselves. There may be no answer to these questions, but at the same time let us never manipulate the evidence so as to produce something fitting, decorous, agreeable to our vanity. This may not be the way to catch the ear of the public; after all, they are used to louder music, fiercer measures; but as the tune sounded so he has written it. In consequence, as we read these little stories about nothing at all, the horizon widens; the soul gains an astonishing sense of freedom.

In reading Tchekov we find ourselves repeating the word “soul” again and again. It sprinkles his pages. Old drunkards use it freely; “. . . you are high up in the service, beyond all reach, but haven’t real soul, my dear boy . . . there’s no strength in it”. Indeed, it is the soul that is the chief character in Russian fiction. Delicate and subtle in Tchekov, subject to an infinite number of humours and distempers, it is of greater depth and volume in Dostoevsky; it is liable to violent diseases and raging fevers, but still the predominant concern. Perhaps that is why it needs so great an effort on the part of an English reader to read The Brothers Karamazov or The Possessed a second time. The “soul” is alien to him. It is even antipathetic. It has little sense of humour and no sense of comedy. It is formless. It has slight connection with the intellect. It is confused, diffuse, tumultuous, incapable, it seems, of submitting to the control of logic or the discipline of poetry. The novels of Dostoevsky are seething whirlpools, gyrating sandstorms, waterspouts which hiss and boil and suck us in. They are composed purely and wholly of the stuff of the soul. Against our wills we are drawn in, whirled round, blinded, suffocated, and at the same time filled with a giddy rapture. Out of Shakespeare there is no more exciting reading. We open the door and find ourselves in a room full of Russian generals, the tutors of Russian generals, their step-daughters and cousins, and crowds of miscellaneous people who are all talking at the tops of their voices about their most private affairs. But where are we? Surely it is the part of a novelist to inform us whether we are in an hotel, a flat, or hired lodging. Nobody thinks of explaining. We are souls, tortured, unhappy souls, whose only business it is to talk, to reveal, to confess, to draw up at whatever rending of flesh and nerve those crabbed sins which crawl on the sand at the bottom of us. But, as we listen, our confusion slowly settles. A rope is flung to us; we catch hold of a soliloquy; holding on by the skin of our teeth, we are rushed through the water; feverishly, wildly, we rush on and on, now submerged, now in a moment of vision understanding more than we have ever understood before, and receiving such revelations as we are wont to get only from the press of life at its fullest. As we fly we pick it all up — the names of the people, their relationships, that they are staying in an hotel at Roulettenburg, that Polina is involved in an intrigue with the Marquis de Grieux — but what unimportant matters these are compared with the soul! It is the soul that matters, its passion, its tumult, its astonishing medley of beauty and vileness. And if our voices suddenly rise into shrieks of laughter, or if we are shaken by the most violent sobbing, what more natural?— it hardly calls for remark. The pace at which we are living is so tremendous that sparks must rush off our wheels as we fly. Moreover, when the speed is thus increased and the elements of the soul are seen, not separately in scenes of humour or scenes of passion as our slower English minds conceive them, but streaked, involved, inextricably confused, a new panorama of the human mind is revealed. The old divisions melt into each other. Men are at the same time villains and saints; their acts are at once beautiful and despicable. We love and we hate at the same time. There is none of that precise division between good and bad to which we are used. Often those for whom we feel most affection are the greatest criminals, and the most abject sinners move us to the strongest admiration as well as love.
