2018年9月25日 星期二

紀念漢寶德先生:2018年8月19日 (禮拜天)

時間 2018年8月19日 (禮拜天) 10:00~12:30
電話:(02) 23650127

參加人員:羅時瑋教授 (東海;作品有《情境與心象──漢寶德》等);李肇修教授 (台南藝術大學退休校長);曹永老師;鍾漢清先生.........





情境與心象──漢寶德,台北:典藏藝術家庭 2008



238 談漢寶德的書、翻譯與"入世精神" 鍾漢清


漢寶德《建築‧社會與文化》郭肇立新編,台北:建築情報,2001 (修正四版)
 "修正四版"的編 (橫)排和插圖很好,又努力作出簡單的索引(還缺一些,如Edwards Shil,p.136;Peter Drucker 的書,漢先生可能讀的是遠東圖書張譯本......),很有貢獻。然而,郭博士對內文和內容都依舊,沒請漢寶德先生作出比較合規格的書寫 (譬如說,頁108的是"她",全名是Moholy-Nagy, Sibyl(1903~71), 該年 (1970)還有專書:. The Architecture of Paul RudolphPraeger.) 漢先生1973年寫的〈葛羅培的現代建築〉,對美國的建築學界有許多嚴厲的批評:
2018年10月是Paul Rudolph (1918~97)的百年紀念,美國國會圖書館在26日有展示和研討會。文中批評的Robert Charles Venturi Jr. (June 25, 1925 – September 18, 2018) 剛過世;Vincent Scully (August 21, 1920 – November 30, 2017);Charles Willard Moore (October 31, 1925 – December 16, 1993) ...

漢寶德《建築‧社會與文化》,台北:境與象,1975/1980 (修正二版)




















漢寶德《文化與文創》台北:聯經,2014.10 仰望漢寶德,從《文化與文創》談起| 生活| 三立新聞網SETN.COM https://www.setn.com › 生活 2015/12/22 - 漢寶德的著作不少,但他辭世前一個多月,出版的《文化與文創》,絕對是這位文化老兵...

幾位朋友:羅時瑋教授 (生平介紹、座談)等,一起談他們所認識的漢寶德先生。

台中科博館的館訊368期,36cm*28cm 彩色8頁之刊頭。


<大乘的建築觀>1995 中國文化是一種大眾文化:未來的建築傳統應以民間多元發展為主要方向。

漢先生在東海的教職期間是1961~77,維基百科資料錯誤:1960年至1970年 (sic 應該為1961~1977)曾任台灣東海大學建築系系主任。

漢寶德先生與出版、翻譯 ;The Ascent of Man文明的躍昇 : 人類文明發展史(待補)

漢寶德先生很早就知道:翻譯可幫助深入點的學習。 他晚年說一生的譯稿,遠比出版的還多。 他的翻譯作品在internet 之前,難免有些小問題;有的問題出在編輯或出版者,如《體驗建築》缺最重要的一張照片: 體驗建築 Experien...


"黃健敏分享了 1 則貼文。 2015年3月15日 · 境與象-漢寶德紀念論壇更新了近況。

1972......漢寶德編譯: 《路易士.康 Louis I. Kahn》台中:境與象出版 該書中由漢寶德所撰的「 康與當代建築」 一文,收錄在《漢寶德談現代建築》 一書,典藏出版,2008/10."


我所知道的漢寶德先生 《境與象雜誌》《境與象叢書》境與象出版社
2018年8月,漢清講堂將邀請羅時瑋等專家來紀念漢先生:我所知道的漢寶德先生 。 《境與象 雜誌》《境與象 叢書》(境與象出版社)等,內容的部分。 維基百科,自由的百科全書 漢寶德 個人資料 性別 男 出生 1934年8月19日 中華....

2018年9月21日 星期五

漢清講堂2018年(12月17日)胡適之先生紀念演說:談Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy

我在漢清講堂談《胡適留學日記》:自傳與諸多寶貝 (2017年胡適之先生紀念(II))


1. 胡適日記中的托爾斯泰
2. 旁觀世界第一次大戰



托爾斯泰臨終時事 12.27托爾斯泰臨終時事

The Burial of Leo Tolstoy



Yasnaya Polyana 晴園


Anna Karenina’ 研究 Leo Tolstoy的思想變遷

1915.7.10 p.191


200 《胡適留學日記》中的諸多寶貝 2017-12-17 漢清講堂)

"There was something in her higher than what surrounded her. There was in her the glow of the real diamond among glass imitations. This glow shone out in her exquisite, truly enigmatic eyes. The weary, and at the same time passionate, glance of those eyes, encircled by dark rings, impressed one by its perfect sincerity. Everyone looking into those eyes fancied he knew her wholly, and knowing her, could not but love her."
--Anna’s thoughts about Liza from ANNA KARENINA (1878)

2017.12.18 我讀到哈佛大學教授 Claudia Goldin推薦此本胡適說1200頁的小說 ( economic historian and a labour economist, author of the forthcoming Women Working Longer: Increased Employment at Older Ages):

Look no further

Read on to see what professors from Harvard think you should read next year.

Anna Karenina  by Leo Tolstoy

The book has been described as the 'best novel ever written' Shutterstock/TippaPatt
"I'm re-reading Anna Karenina. There is no better novel I know about how women (and I don't mean just Anna) – elite, intelligent, educated – are ignored, oppressed, and have little legal recourse. Women are the caregivers, the empathetic. They hold society together and provide salvation even as the priests take the credit.
"Tolstoy's novel is as relevant today as it ever was. As a sideline, one also learns about technical change in agriculture and how to incentivise labourers to adopt it. And there is more … It is clearly the best novel ever written and worth another close read from us all."
- Claudia Goldin, economic historian and a labour economist, author of the forthcoming Women Working Longer: Increased Employment at Older Ages


一.    ANNA KARENINA (1877) by Leo Tolstoy
2017年胡適之先生紀念會上,我們提到胡先生留學日記上的閱讀 ANNA KARENINA Tolstoy筆記。

Modern Tragedy By Williams, Raymond /McCallum, Pamela (EDT) /Publisher:Broadview Pr Published 2006
《現代悲劇 》南京: 譯林, 2007 (據第一版翻譯)
該書的這章,很可參考:Social and Personal Tragedy: Tolstoy and Lawrence
V. Nabokov《俄羅斯文學講稿 》(LECTURES ON RUSSIAN LITERATURE)上海: 譯文出版社, 2018,頁164~275

Lectures on Russian Literature First Edition

  • Anna Karenin, Translated by Constance Garnett. (1901) Still widely reprinted. Revised by Leonard J. Kent and Nina Berberova (New York: Random House, 1965). Revised version reprinted by Modern Library.    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anna_Karenina

安娜‧卡列尼娜(全二冊)   高惠群等譯,上海譯文,2010.8~2017.4 第8刷
安娜‧卡列尼娜 草嬰譯,南京:譯林,2014.4~2017.9 第14刷
安娜‧卡列妮娜,台北:志文,1986.9~1990.1 第2刷

"Levin and Kitty were particularly happy and conscious of their love that evening. And their happiness in their love seemed to imply a disagreeable slur on those who would have liked to feel the same and could not—and they felt a prick of conscience."
--from ANNA KARENINA (1877)

【百果樹紅磚屋 / 黃昏電影院】本週影片
《安娜卡列妮娜Anna Karenina》(1948 , 139分鐘)
  《安娜卡列妮娜Anna Karenina》根據俄羅斯作家列夫•托爾斯泰於1874年-1877年間創作的小說所改編而成的,曾於1935、1948、1997、2012年改編成電影,1948年的版本是由費雯•麗領銜主演。

圖像裡可能有2 個人、文字

"There was something in her higher than what surrounded her. There was in her the glow of the real diamond among glass imitations. This glow shone out in her exquisite, truly enigmatic eyes. The weary, and at the same time passionate, glance of those eyes, encircled by dark rings, impressed one by its perfect sincerity. Everyone looking into those eyes fancied he knew her wholly, and knowing her, could not but love her."
--Anna’s thoughts about Liza from ANNA KARENINA (1878) by Leo Tolstoy
A famous legend surrounding the creation of Anna Karenina tells us that Tolstoy began writing a cautionary tale about adultery and ended up falling in love with his magnificent heroine. It is rare to find a reader of the book who doesn’t experience the same kind of emotional upheaval. Anna Karenina is filled with major and minor characters who exist in their own right and fully embody their mid-nineteenth-century Russian milieu, but it still belongs entirely to the woman whose name it bears, whose portrait is one of the truest ever made by a writer. Translated by Louise and Aylmer Maude. READ more here: https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/…/anna-karenina-by-leo-…/


George Sand在Nohant祖居 ......The Musée de la Vie romantique (The Museum of Romantic Life, or Museum of the Romantics)

George Sand married in 1822 with Casimir Dudevant whose family was established in Guillery in Lot et Garonne. The couple settled in Nohant right away but also spent a lot of time in Paris, Bordeaux or Guillery before making the family home of George Sand, from 1826, a definitive pied-à-terre.
More than 20 years later, during the writing of Histoire de ma vie, the novelist evokes the silence of her campaign, oppressing her husband, soothing for her ...

"This beautiful country, though quite inhabited and well-cultivated, was utterly dreary, and my husband was astonished and frightened by the solemn silence that hangs over our fields as soon as the sun carries with it the already rare and contained sounds of work.
Everything is peaceful, but everything is silent. Everything rests, but everything seems dead.
I have always loved this country, this nature and this silence. I do not cherish just the charm, I undergo the weight, and it costs me to shake it, even when I see the danger ... ".

Illustrations: Berry campaign (SKAVUISA photo blog); George Sand's house south facade by Vincente Santaolaria (1920s, Museum of Romantic Life in Paris); place of the village of Nohant near the house.


#moncarnetgeorgesand #georgesand #maisondegeorgesand #nohantvic

翻譯 年糕
圖像 裡 可能 有 天空, 樹, 雲, 戶外, 大自然 和 水
圖像 裡 可能 有 植物, 樹, 戶外 和 大自然
圖像 裡 可能 有 樹, 天空, 房屋 和 戶外
George Sand se maria en 1822 avec Casimir Dudevant dont la famille était établie à Guillery dans le Lot et Garonne. Le couple s'installa à Nohant tout de suite mais passa aussi beaucoup de temps à Paris, Bordeaux ou Guillery avant de faire de la maison familiale de George Sand, à partir de 1826, un pied-à-terre définitif.
Plus de 20 ans après, lors de la rédaction d'Histoire de ma vie, la romancière évoque le silence de sa campagne, oppressant pour son mari, apaisant pour elle...
"Ce beau pays, quoique assez habité et bien cultivé, était complètement morne, et mon mari était comme surpris et effrayé du silence solennel qui plane sur nos champs dès que le soleil emporte avec lui les bruits déjà rares et contenus du travail...
Tout est paisible, mais tout est muet. Tout repose, mais tout semble mort.
J'ai toujours aimé ce pays, cette nature et ce silence. Je n'en chéris pas seulement le charme, j'en subis le poids, et il m'en coûte de le secouer, quand même j'en vois le danger...".
Illustrations : campagne du Berry (blog photos SKAVUISA) ; maison de George Sand façade sud par Vincente Santaolaria (années 1920, Musée de la Vie Romantique à Paris) ; place du village de Nohant aux abords de la maison.

Musée de la Vie Romantique

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The Musée de la Vie Romantique in Paris
The Musée de la Vie romantique (The Museum of Romantic Life, or Museum of the Romantics) stands at the foot of Montmartre hill in the 9th arrondissement of Paris, 16 rue Chaptal, ParisFrance in an 1830 hôtel particulier facing two twin-studios, a greenhouse, a small garden, and a paved courtyard. The museum is open daily except Monday. Permanent collections are free. An admission fee is charged for temporary exhibitions. The nearest métro stations are PigalleBlancheSaint-Georges, and Liège.
The Musée de la Vie romantique is one of the 14 City of Paris Museums that have been incorporated since January 1, 2013 in the public institution Paris Musées.


The main pavilion, built in 1830, was the Paris base of the Dutch-born painter Ary Scheffer (1795–1858), one of the prominent artists of the time, close to King Louis-Philippe and his family. For decades, Scheffer and his daughter hosted Friday-evening salons, among the most famous in La Nouvelle AthènesGeorge Sand (1804–1876) used to come as a neighbour with Frédéric Chopin, meeting Eugène DelacroixJean Auguste Dominique IngresAlphonse de LamartineFranz LisztGioacchino Rossini and singer Pauline Viardot. Later in the century, Charles DickensIvan Turgueniev, and Charles Gounod attended regularly.


The property remained in private hands and passed by descent until 1982 when it became a museum, under the name of "Musée Renan-Scheffer". It is one of the City of Paris' three literary museums, along with the Maison de Balzac and the Maison de Victor Hugo.
After an extensive renovation conducted by Jacques Garcia under the direction of Anne-Marie de Brem, it reopened in 1987 as "Musée de la Vie romantique". Daniel Marchesseau, conservateur général du Patrimoine, was appointed director in November 1998. For 13 years, he developed an ambitious program of exhibitions and acquisitions. Attendance has widely grown, from 18.000 visitors a year (1998) to 145.000 in 2010. He retired in winter 2013. His successor, Jérôme Farigoule, was appointed in September 2013.


The Museum displays on the first floor numerous mementos of the romantic literary figure George Sand, including family portraits, household possessions, pieces of jewelry and memorabilia including plaster casts by Clésinger of the writer's sensuous right arm and Chopin's delicate left hand, plus a number of her own unique and rare watercolours called "dendrites".
On the second floor, one can admire a number of Romantic canvases, sculptures and objets d'art.
The Museum also displays several portraits and material related to the famous scholar and writer Ernest Renanwho had married Ary Scheffer's niece.

Exhibitions and catalogues


浪漫生活博物館(法語:Musée de la Vie romantique)是位於法國首都巴黎第九區蒙馬特山的一座博物館,包括兩個工作室、一個溫室和一個小花園,除了禮拜一之外每日開放。免費入場,但在特展時會收費。自2013年1月1日,浪漫生活博物館成為十四座巴黎城市博物館之一。


Museum of Romantics webpages on paris.fr(French)
Museum of Romantics page on Paris Musées' website (English)
Paris Musées official website (English)
w:fr:Daniel Marchesseau
Fodors article
PlanetWare description
ParisInfo entry (English)
Evene.fr description (French)