2011年5月15日 星期日




東京大學總合研究博物館之各項展覽,不僅將專業先進之學術成果,向社會大眾展示與發表,也冀望打破過往在學科專業化 發展下所產生的學術分野,使參觀者於「藝術與科學」的跨領域架構下,享受「觀賞」與「學習」之雙重樂趣。東京大學行動博物館展覽曾於世界各地進行展出,此 次於臺大圖書館之展出,為系列展覽III最完整的一次公開展示。

本展覽屬於「Mode & Science」系列展之一,期結合以抽象概念為主的數理科學及強調技術層次的時尚設計,從中帶領參觀者由新角度體察事物,思索各種人體、形態及運動等,如何游移於二度與三度空間之中的各種問題,並呈現融合科學與時尚的獨特之美。

開幕典禮:2011年5月16日上午9點 | 臺大圖書館一樓
專題演講:西野嘉章館長(東京大學總合研究博物館) | 2011年5月16日上午10點 | 臺大圖書館B1國際會議廳

展場規劃・視覺設計:UMUT WORKS (西野嘉章‧關岡裕之)
The University of Tokyo Mobilemuseum
“ANTHROPOMETRIA——Mode & Science III by Naoki Takizawa”

To promote education and research as well as to encourage mutual exchange, the University of Tokyo Mobilemuseum “Anthropometria” exhibition is presently being organized, under the auspices of the National Taiwan University Museums and the University Museum, the University of Tokyo (National University Corporation).

Not only do the exhibitions held by the University Museum, the University of Tokyo present to the public the academic results of advanced and specialized research, but also they aim to break the traditional academic partitions between art and science, inviting viewers to take pleasure in seeing and knowing the transdisciplinary world of “Art & Science.” The University of Tokyo Mobilemuseum has been touring around the world. The exhibition it is going to hold in the National Taiwan University Library is the most complete among the Mode & Science III series.

The present exhibition is one of the “Mode & Science” exhibition series that combine mathematical science with fashion design, the abstract concepts with the technical skills. It leads viewers to think about forms and motions, and allows them a new way of seeing things as human bodies come and go between two-dimensional and three-dimensional spaces. This exhibition demonstrates the unique beauty of science and fashion.

Opening Date: 9:00am, May 16, 2011
Lecture: Yoshiaki NISHINO / Dr., Director (The University Museum, the University of Tokyo)|10:00am, May 16, 2011 | B1, International Conference Hall, National Taiwan University Library

Dates : May 16 to August 14, 2011
Venue: Atrium, 1st Floor, National Taiwan University Library
Organized by: National Taiwan University Museums & The University Museum, the
University of Tokyo (National University Corporation)
Produced by: Yoshiaki Nishino (UMUT)
Space and Graphic Design by: UMUT works (Yoshiaki Nishino & Hiroyuki Sekioka)
