2010年2月19日 星期五


我 最近至少有2 場聚會 公開
蘇錦坤 (Ken)先生提一問 相當有意思
百年之後 我們的plogs 跑 (藏)到那
我當時是想 天上人間 網路之空間不會煙沒 (老兵不死 只下地獄)

Peter Drucker has written that "we are currently living through" one of the "transformations" that occurs "every few hundred years" in which "society rearranges itself -- its worldview; its basic values; it's social and political structure; its arts; its key institutions," so much so that "fifty years later, ... the people born then cannot even imagine the world in which their grandparents lived and into which their own parents were born."

Ken 極力鼓吹 "讀書會"
(為什麼取新生讀書會 2010 諸位 近日翻王雲五的八十自述)
我就想 乾脆2010 就將過去幾組的讀者會朋友"強行組合"成一
每次來"新生讀書會"的 都採用ppt 與問答方式
原則上周末 (配合rl)

現在 每次 Ken都可插入他淵博之佛典與漢字
3月中 有Kevin Lin主持的 "從Toyota recalls" 說起
4月上中旬 有張華先生主持挖開兔子洞:深入解讀愛麗絲漫遊奇境
(為什麼不在下旬 因為我經常去泉州遙想 "晚晴老人"弘一大師)
