2019年11月17日 星期日

"20世紀美國論"(漢清講堂 2019年胡適紀念演講, 2019年11月19日)

漢清講堂  "20世紀美國論"(漢清講堂 2019年胡適紀念演講)
時間:2019年11月19日周三  11點~12點半
電話:(02) 23650127

一. "20世紀美國論"(漢清講堂 2019年胡適紀念演講, 2019年11月20日);胡適 《五十年來的美國》1953;《美國的民主制度》;程天放(1899-1967)《美國論》1960等、讀程天放先生的《美國論》後記/胡適
. 談鄭明萱譯作與美國文化(Simon U,2019年12月下旬)1.《從黎明到衰頹:五百年來的西方文化生活》From Dawn to Decadence By Jacques Barzun2.《極端的年代1914-1991(上下), 艾瑞克‧霍布斯邦   , 麥田 , 19963.《哥倫布大交換:1492年以後的生物影響和文化衝擊》 , 克羅斯比   貓頭鷹 ,2008/ 2019;4.《費城奇蹟:美國憲法誕生的關鍵127天

---"20世紀美國論"(漢清講堂 2019年胡適紀念演講, 2019年11月20日)

一. "20世紀美國論"(漢清講堂 2019年胡適紀念演講, 2019年11月下旬);胡適 《五十年來的美國》1953;《美國的民主制度》;程天放(1899-1967)《美國論》1960等、讀程天放先生的《美國論》後記/胡適
二. 談鄭明萱譯作與美國文化(Simon U,2019年12月下旬)1.《從黎明到衰頹:五百年來的西方文化生活》From Dawn to Decadence By Jacques Barzun;2.《極端的年代》1914-1991(上下), 艾瑞克‧霍布斯邦   , 麥田 , 1996;3.《哥倫布大交換:1492年以後的生物影響和文化衝擊》 , 克羅斯比   貓頭鷹 ,2008/ 2019;4.《費城奇蹟:美國憲法誕生的關鍵127天》。


Hu Shih and FDR. FDR Memorial
 with the National Archives in the background,
 August 6, 2014. (Photo by Jeff Reed, National Archives)




The Economist ·  By examining millions of books and newspaper articles published since 1820, researchers found that wealth does bring happiness, but some other things bring more of it  ECONOMIST.COM Can money buy happiness? Two centuries’ worth of books suggest it can

Disparities in economic development since the industrial revolution / edited by P. Bairoch and Maurice Lévy-Leboyer.
International Economic History Congress (7th : 1978 : Edinburgh, Scotland) 1981.

The NUMBER OF millionares

Wealth inequality in the United States increased from 1989 to 2013.

"New York with Moon". Georgia O'Keeffe. 1925.

In rich countries 81% of people live in urban areas. In the rest of the world half the population still lives in the countryside

United States

Guy Sorman來台數次,我見過2次。他 是少數熟知法國總統顧問"業務"與地方政治運作的知識分子。

漢清講堂3 年前的2節目,多少談到美國有組織才能,公益事業發達:
124 行善與公益(blog) 鍾漢清 2016-10-27 22 views
123 資中筠其人其書 陳健邦 (Ben Chen) 2016-10-27  1.2K views
----資中筠《財富的責任與資本主義演變》資中筠《20 世紀的美國》

Charity(2016 ):China 13.4T /0.2% vs USA18.7 T/ 2% GDP
13.79億 vs 3.234億 (2016年)

台中,初中時,多了許多酒吧,然而,與我家隔約1~2公里,我沒體驗。溫紳分享了 Windson Chen :越戰與美軍大量來臺(1965-11-14)

On Photography is a 1977 collection of essays by Susan Sontag. 
She also explores the history of American photography in relation to the idealistic notions of America put forth by Walt Whitman and traces these ideas through to the increasingly cynical aesthetic notions of the 1970s, particularly in relation to Arbus and Andy Warhol.    Susan Sontag

 Photography. A Concise History By Ian Jeffrey   攝影簡史
第七章 欧洲社会和美国自然
●第八章 美国社会
●第九章 人类境况
●第十章 自我肯定,自我缺席

《美國人》(The Americans 1958)By Robert Frank (1924–2019) 

Robert Frank's (...) enormously influential The Americans is in ways reminiscent both of Tocqueville's analysis of American institutions and of the analysis of cultural themes by Margaret Mead and Ruth Benedict. Frank presents photographs made in scattered places around the country, returning again and again to such themes as the flag, the automobile, race, restaurants—eventually turning those artifacts, by the weight of the associations in which he embeds them, into profound and meaningful symbols of American culture.  

1969 2nd printing  The Americans, 1997 6th printing
In this rare interview, photographer Robert Frank discusses his seminal book The Americans (1958). He reflects on specific images from the series and gives insight into his process at the time.

Wim Wenders: Once, 2010

Fascinating and revelatory, Once gives us a unique look at the universe Wenders has created out of the hidden pieces of everyday life.

These thirty-eight sketches of New York City as Dreiser experienced it between the years of 1900 to approximately 1915

Photo Booth
Bruce Gilden’s Gritty Vision of a Lost New York
The street photographer’s new book of recently discovered pictures from the seventies and eighties, “Lost and Found,” shows the vibrance and squalor of the city.
By Chris Wiley

Alaska vs Chukotka
Alaska is a vibrant state with a swelling population. Less than three miles away, Chukotka's population is meagre and its standard of living vastly inferior

The Mechanical Bride: Folklore of Industrial Man
1951:a study of popular culture  麥克盧漢選擇了他書中包含的廣告和文章,不僅是要引起人們對它們的象徵意義及其對創建和傳播它們的公司實體的影響的注意,而且還要仔細考慮此類廣告對目標社會的意義。
McLuhan chose the ads and articles included in his book not only to draw attention to their symbolism and their implications for the corporate entities that created and disseminated them, but also to mull over what such advertising implies about the wider society at which it is aimed.

Did you notice the Model-T bodies of the women in that revived 1930 movie last night? (p. 94);The rustic scene accentuates the positively phoney? (p. 20)

A Nation Transformed by Information:
How Information Has Shaped the United States from Colonial Times to the Present

Henry R. Luce 1898~1967, Creator of Time-Life Magazine Empire
Time 1922;Luce launched the business magazine Fortune in February 1930 and acquired Life in order to relaunch it as a weekly magazine of photojournalism in November 1936

The Powers That Be is a 1979 book by David Halberstam about the American media. The subjects in the book: CBS · The New York Times · The Los Angeles ...

1973年VS 2019年:1973美國媒體是如何報導水門事件聽證會的?彈劾連續劇正在播出之際,重溫PBS電視台有關水門事件的節目,可以體驗:媒體與政治在口吻和基調上,多麼不同。

By the 1930s, Hollywood studios became fully vertically integrated, as production, distribution and exhibition was controlled by these companies, enabling Hollywood to produce 600 films per year.
Hollywood became known as Tinseltown[29] and the "dream factory"[20] because of the glittering image of the movie industry. Hollywood has since[when?] become a major center for film study in the United States.

作者: (法)諾文·明根特

「好萊塢50年」The Kid Stays in the Picture by Robert Evan,台北:絲路出版社,1996 這本書相當精彩。
(The Kid Stays in the Picture by Robert Evans(1994, put to film in 2002)
A revised edition of the book, published in 1995, adds several chapters of new material, including material on his projects after his return to Paramount Pictures台灣96年所出版的,應該是舊版。)

Gone with the Wind is a 1939 American epic historical romance film adapted from the 1936 novel by Margaret Mitchell.
 Guinness World Records arrived at a figure of $3.44 billion in 2014, making it the most successful film in cinema history

The Walt Disney Company, commonly known as Disney is an American diversified multinational mass media and entertainment conglomerate headquartered at the Walt Disney Studios complex in Burbank, California.

Fantasia is a 1940 American animated film produced by Walt Disney 
The film consists of eight animated segments set to pieces of classical music conducted by Leopold Stokowski, seven of which are performed by the Philadelphia Orchestra.

Image copyrightGETTY IMAGES
Image caption
There is already a statue of Marx and his collaborator Engels in a Berlin park


The American Relief Administration in Europe and Soviet Russia
On June 26, 1921, the newspaper Pravda reported that a famine was raging in the Volga area
, feeding some 10m people
1919 ~1922/23  The ARA's operations in Russia were shut down on June 15, 1923, after it was discovered that Russia renewed the export of grain

美國將在柏林大使館的陽台上(屬於美國領土)豎起這座高2.1米的銅像。銅像將俯視柏林牆和德國聯邦議院所在的德國國會大廈,而這正是裡根1987年發表演講的地點。在那裡,裡根對時任蘇共總書記戈爾巴喬夫喊話:"請推倒這堵牆!"  2019.11.8   In June 1987, President Ronald Reagan spoke at Berlin’s iconic Brandenburg Gate in view of the Berlin Wall, and delivered a message to Mikhail S. Gorbachev, the Soviet leader at the time.

1990 兩德統一:‘Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit’ – Unity and Justice and Freedom
The Berlin Wall fell #onthisday in 1989, which led to German reunification in 1990. This medal commemorates the reunification, with one side inscribed with the words ‘Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit’ – Unity and Justice and Freedom http://ow.ly/Uc1gU

夏洛滕堡宮(Schloss Charlottenburg)1965 理查德·謝貝(Richard Scheibe)在塔圓頂上新造的Fortuna風向標
1701~1743?  她是風向標。一般的風向標是個箭頭,或者加一隻公雞。這個地方來點特別的,放一個洗過澡提著毛巾的女人。毛巾飄起,就指著當時的風向。

Marshall Plan
The Marshall Plan (officially the European Recovery Program, ERP) was an American initiative passed in 1948 to aid Western Europe, in which the United States gave over $12 billion[1] (nearly $100 billion in 2018 US dollars)

The outcome of the 2020 US presidential election will not only determine domestic policy, but global geopolitics in the coming years.

 Thomas L. Friedman, Michael Mandelbaum; That Used To Be Us: How America Fell Behind In The World It Invented And How We Can Come Back  

《我們曾經輝煌》That Used to Be Us: How America Fell Behind in the World 
佛里曼與外交思想家曼德鮑姆合著2011,探討美國政府當前所面臨的四大危機:全球化、資訊科技革命、債台高築,及能源過度使用。美蘇冷戰結束後,美國政府對這些議題視若無睹。當今中國大陸無論在教育、工業、科技的崛起,都一再提醒美國「也曾擁有如此光榮」(That Used to Be US),並顯示美國當今政治體系及核心價值的崩壞。佛里曼深信,只要深入了解美國歷史,就會找到讓美國克服當前危機的方式,讓美國重返輝煌時代。本書提出許多成功企業家的例子,指出他們並未放棄美國夢的願景及勇往直前的態度及行動,佛里曼更提出建言,包括振興傳統核心價值,及建立新的第三方運動復興國家經濟。

Demographic history of the United States - Wikipedia
Population in 1790 に移動 - The ancestry of the 3.9 million population in 1790 ..‎Historical Census ... · ‎Median age at marriage · ‎Immigration · ‎Migration within the ..


https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Demographic_history_...

Expansion: 1902 to 1912; Expansion: 1902 to 1912; Major breakthroughs: 1920s–1930s
In the 1920s, DuPont in 1928. Carothers invented neoprene, a synthetic rubber;the first polyester superpolymer; and, in 1935, nylon. The invention of Teflon followed a few years later and has since been proven responsible for health problems in those exposed to the chemical through manufacturing and home use. DuPont introduced phenothiazine as an insecticide in 1935: "Better things for better living,"

在1920年代,杜邦繼續致力於材料科學,於1928年聘請華萊士·卡洛瑟斯(Wallace Carothers)從事聚合物的研究。卡洛瑟斯(Carothers)發明了氯丁橡膠,一種合成橡膠; [9]第一種聚酯超聚物。 還有1935年的尼龍 鐵氟龍的發明是在幾年後進行的,此後已被證明是造成製造和家庭使用該化學品的人的健康問題的原因。[10] 杜邦於1935年推出了吩噻嗪作為殺蟲劑。


Data show that generational replacement, not changes of heart, have made American society more liberal
Anxiety and depression is the leading concern for people born after 1997 https://econ.st/36hNNOE



Second World War: 1941–1945
Space Age developments: 1950 to 1970
developing Mylar, Dacron, Orlon, and Lycra in the 1950s, and Tyvek, Nomex, Qiana, Corfam, and Corian in the 1960s.
Conoco holdings: 1981 to 1999
After 64 years, DuPont has retired "Better things for better living,"
1999, global corporate positioning statement: "The miracles of science."

對歷史女神的看法:不理她;表面、摸象;Trivial Many vs Vital Few;帝國史觀;旁觀者;同情的理解?

Trump’s Opposition to ‘Endless Wars’ Appeals to Those Who Fought Them

Tsukioka Yoshitosh1839~92 i, A Ghost Jizō Startles a Near-Sighted Old Man at Asajigahara, 1881. Color woodcut
Tsukioka Yoshitoshi
月岡 芳年 ( Taiso Yoshitoshi 大蘇 芳年)

Poe's "The Tell Tale Heart".
Arthur Rackham's illustration for Edgar Allen Poe's "The Tell Tale Heart". (1935).



By 2035, Latinos will represent 35% of the U.S. population. How will this impact America's political, social, economic and cultural future?

The British Library 2014 is an installation by Yinka Shonibare CBE of 6,328 hardback books, bound in African wax print fabric. Names of individuals are printed in gold leaf on the spines of 2,700 of the books, most of whom are first- or second-generation immigrants to Britain who have made significant contributions to British culture and history. Other books are unmarked, suggesting that the story of immigration in Britain is still being written. ⁣

On free display at Tate Modern: http://bit.ly/2OXfC8w


Speaker Nancy Pelosi: "This Constitution is the blueprint for our republic—and not a monarchy."

1. America is an aristocracy of people who have never worked a day in their lives. 60% 的財富來自遺產
2. 你根本不知道The 10 Best Memoirs of the Decade

American Politics
The Promise of Disharmony

Samuel P. Huntington, HUP, 1981

For decades, America resettled more refugees than the rest of the world put together. Under President Donald Trump, the country has become far less welcoming

美国财政亏空继续扩大,幅度为多年来所仅见。美国国债不日将达17万亿美元。Lewis Thomas 搞不清楚聯儲局 federal reserve bank

Inside the Castle: Law and the Family in 20th Century America 圍城之內

Inside the Castle is a comprehensive social history of twentieth-century family law in the United States.



In the 1860s Abraham Lincoln created land-grant colleges to broaden education. In the 1930s Franklin Roosevelt pushed through sweeping social-insurance policies. Glenn Hubbard says similar policies are now needed

Today’s well-paid professionals can’t buy into the American dream of home ownership. So they’re renting it instead. “Saving for a huge down payment seems almost impossible.”

Since 2009, studies show a 12% decline in homelessness nationally, but increases of 18% in San Francisco, 35% in Seattle, 50% in Los Angeles and 59% in New York

1. The Disharmonic Polity. 2. The American Creed and National Identity. 3. The Gap: The American Creed versus Political Authority 4. Coping with the Gap 5. The Politics of Creedal Passion. 6. The Sources of Creedal Passion 7. The S&S Years, 1960–1975. 
8. The Viability of American Ideals and Institutions


作者: (美)芭芭拉·埃倫里奇

Bait and Switch: The (Futile) Pursuit of the American Dream 

每日一詞 nytimes:Bait-and-switch,誘購。軟銀向初創企業巨額注資引發連鎖效應。這些企業用激勵措施來吸引承包商,但在沒有得到預期回報後又踢走了他們。 時報記者寫道 ,對那些遭受損失的承包商來說,這就像一種“bait-and-switch”。 Bait-and-switch一詞指以廉價商品、促銷活動等招徠顧客,再引誘他們為高價商品買單的誘售策略。


複雜理論Sciences of Complexity

The Economist  By examining millions of books and newspaper articles published since 1820, researchers found that wealth does bring happiness, but some other things bring more of it  
Can money buy happiness? Two centuries’ worth of books suggest it can

This disturbing graph has been dubbed the "chart of the century." Food, clothing, cars and electronics have all become cheaper since 1997, but as the above shows: health care, child care and education have soared relative to worker's wages. Why? Noah Smith writes that it's partly down to something called Baumol cost disease. "Some things rise in price even as productivity goes up," writes Smith. "It takes about the same number of hours for doctors and nurses to treat a patient as it did two decades ago, and it takes about the same number of teacher hours to instruct an algebra class." It doesn't explain it all though: monopoly power, falling productivity and perverse incentives should all be considered too. https://bloom.bg/31eHMid


知識的分區化不可取,美國高等教育越來越少人主修英文與歷史,此風不可長,諾貝爾經濟學家Robert Shiller 新書 “Narrative Economics” 主張

The whole premise of Shiller’s book is that stories matter. 
“Traditional economic approaches fail to examine the role of public beliefs in major economic events — that is, narrative,' Shiller wrote. “Economists can best advance their science by developing and incorporating into it the art of narrative economics.”~Nobel Prize winner Robert Shiller’s new book “Narrative Economics”

“Compartmentalization of intellectual life is bad.”
:more English and history majors,

約1930以來主修英文少25.5 %

How Mister Rogers’ faith shaped his idea of children’s television

Theodore White ( 1915-86,白修德). America in Search of Itself: The Making of the President, 1956–1980

美國監獄America’s obsession with incarceration


 lists the 253 US cities that experienced a mass shooting this year 2019

America worries that Huawei, China's telecoms giant, spies on behalf of its government and threatens Western interests. Such concerns are not just about America's security, but also its insecurity https://econ.st/2QbOQtH

索爾孟《美國製造-凝視美國文明 2006》《我為何成為美國公民》
(Guy Sorman)

China and America embody two versions of capitalism, a new book argues. Their co-evolution will shape world history for decades to come

An unarmed teen was killed by a border patrol agent. The Supreme Court will soon decide if his family can sue the agent for his death  2019.11

The New Yorker Cartoons
Today's daily cartoon by Barry Blitt.

Many expected the fall of communism to transform their countries overnight. It did not, but GDP and life expectancy has risen sharply across the region

 What have they achieved?
 Donald Trump raises an important question of the long wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

"鄭明萱女士的翻譯"與美國文明:《從黎明到衰頹:五百年來的西方文化生活》;哥倫布大交換:1492年以後的生物影響和文化衝擊 , 克羅斯比   鄭明萱 , 貓頭鷹 , 出版日期:2008/ 2019;費城奇蹟:美國憲法誕生的關鍵127天 , 包恩   鄭明萱 , 貓頭鷹 , 出版日期: 2004;認識媒體:人的延伸(麥克魯漢經典), 麥克魯漢   鄭明萱 , 貓頭鷹 , 極端的年代1914-1991(下)中文書 , 艾瑞克‧霍布斯邦   鄭明萱 , 麥田 , 出版日期: 1996-11-01等等

International Business Machines Corporation

成立 1911年6月16日
1960年代初期小華森用公司年營收三倍的巨資,花費五十億美元開發360系列大型電腦,採用最新的積體電路技術,奠定IBM在大型電腦稱霸的定位。On April 7, 1964, IBM announced the first computer system family, the IBM System/360.

An IBM System/360 in use at the University of Michigan c. 1969.

Upon his death, Mark Twain was buried in Elmira, the hometown of his wife, Olivia Langdon.

Mark Twain Himself: A Pictorial Biography (Mark Twain and His Circle) 
