2017年9月14日 星期四

2017年9月23日 漢清講堂:、蘇錦坤先生、缪詠華 ​


「漢清講堂」YouTube (hc itaiwan forum all)

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日期:2017年9月23日,10:00~ 13:00
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蘇錦坤 (Ken Su):「《出曜經》,1600年的寂寞」


“Goodbye,” said the fox. “And now here is my secret, a very simple secret: It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.”
“What is essential is invisible to the eye,” the little prince repeated, so that he would be sure to remember.
“It is the time you have wasted for your rose that makes your rose so important.”
“It is the time I have wasted for my rose—” said the little prince, so that he would be sure to remember.
“Men have forgotten this truth,” said the fox. “But you must not forget it. You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed. You are responsible for your rose …”
“I am responsible for my rose,” the little prince repeated, so that he would be sure to remember.

From The Little Prince.

Dear HC,        2013年12月11日我應邀上法鼓山作了一次「《出曜經》研究」的演講,可惜當年並未留下影音資料。 如我所言,《法句經》是 2500年前釋迦牟尼的「詩頌」,是近代翻譯成最多語言版本的一部佛經,而古代文獻(西元 1000年之前的文獻)的《法句經》共有漢語、梵語、犍陀羅語、巴利語、印度俗語、西藏語等六種語言版本,彼此之間的內容呈現或大或小的差異。 支謙翻譯的《法句經》譯於西元 224年,竺佛念(歸化漢地的第二代漢人)《出曜經》則譯於西元 399年。這當中又以《出曜經》翻譯之後,一千六百多年來都沒有人留下研究成果。 這幾天我翻了一翻舊紀錄,突然起了一個念頭想製作這次演講的影音紀錄,因此提出請求,不知是否能情商令弟上台北來參加漢清講堂的活動時,另外撥出一個半小時幫我錄下來,作為漢清講堂的 Youtube 影像紀錄。 如果可行的話,由於此一講題即使對佛學研究的學者也算冷僻,所以不用安排聽眾,只要我這位講者與令弟幫我錄影即可。如有相關費用,我也樂意支付。
     蘇錦坤 敬上

1. Teriade 特里德先生: Verve季刊, and His Great Books ​​
2. 簡介 Henri CARTIER-BRESSON 1908-2004
3. 画狂老人 Hokusai 簡介
4. Le Corbusier (1946~65) : Poems、 Modular、Monumental and Symbolic Architecture
5.  綜述 Corbu 此人一生:Who Was Le Corbusier
6. 簡介Honoré Daumier 1808-79 奧諾雷·杜米埃
7. 簡介 川瀬健一主編的「台湾映画」2017年  (優先)
8. 簡介 D.H. Lawrence的繪畫和藝術

藝高膽大的TASCHEN (德國、以英文出版)  公司

吳增榮建築師:主要作品與各種業餘嗜好(照相、素描等6冊)之精華 (此計畫放棄)


9 月23日

2017年9月8日 星期五

"領導學"漫談: "leadership"是"無法教的"

哈佛商業評論hbr 以及所有的商、政學院的出發點多錯了。"leadership"是"無法教的",參考鄙人2010年的{系統與變異}一書中,Russell Ackoff等哲人/大師的說法。
Harvard Business Review
2016年9月8日 ·
Companies spend billions on programs that don’t pay off.
"領導學"漫談 2017-06-16 鍾漢清 【漢清講堂】 心得分享與討論會 地址:台北市新生南路三段88號2樓

壯志待酬:【漢清講堂 科技系列】

檢討一年來我的這一雄心,實在有點不好意思。我已非昔日的經理人,績效大不如前。去年曾企劃【漢清講堂 科技系列】,跟錦坤兄等談過,他說要講"Reliability" (可靠性),而我想講Dr. W. E. Deming認為科學哲學的重要一 堂課 {可運作的定義}......這些是想法,
2016年9月8日 16:59 ·
下午,以前D公司 (離開已經廿年)的同事陳祖林兄和嫂夫人來訪。他們現在的職位和錢財都好,而不忘舊友。
我跟陳兄談起今年過世的Andy Grove,談起Grove的某一鼓吹美國技術教育的基金會 (他熟讀"十倍數的時代" 一書Only the Paranoid Survive by Andrew S. Grove )。
紀念安迪・葛洛夫, 前英特爾CEO 鍾漢清 張華 漢清講堂 台北市新生南路三段88號2樓 時間:2016-3月27日,周日 3 月 27 日 ( 周日 )…

2017年9月5日 星期二

Doris Drucker (1911~ 2013);Peter Drucker 1905~2005

1934年 Peter Drucker 與 Doris Schmitz,結婚--- Frankfurt大學的舊識。

這種回憶錄很有趣。其實,Doris 是有聲學設備專利的。

Doris Drucker dies at 103; memoirist and wife of Peter Drucker - LA
Oct 4, 2014 - When Doris Drucker started a company at age 82 to manufacture a device she invented, she had a world-famous business expert in-house.

天才知道Peter Drucker 夫人晚年寫的德國童年回憶錄: By the time we were born, fashions had changed, and women were encouraged to breast-feed their babies. My mother went at it vigorously because, as she told me later, "I wanted to override the bad genes your father has contributed to your existence."

Doris Drucker, Invent Radium or I'll Pull Your Hair, an excerpt
An excerpt from Invent Radium or I'll Pull Your Hair: A Memoir by Doris Drucker. Also available on web site: online catalogs, secure online ordering, excerpts from new books. Sign up for email notification of new releases in your field.

The title of Drucker's 2004 memoir, "Invent Radium or I'll Pull Your Hair," comes from the many battles she had with her mother, Clara, who was domineering to such an extent that it bordered on comedy at times. Clara decided the names of her daughter's dolls, what subjects she would study in school and even when she was permitted to be hungry.
At one point her mother declared that her daughter should grow up to be a scientist and invent radium. "You'll be famous!" Clara said, and marry a Rothschild. When her daughter pointed out that radium had already been invented, Clara raged, "You are going to invent radium or I'll pull your hair!"
The book, which USA Today called a "fast and absorbing read," detailed life in Germany during World War I. Drucker eventually studied international law as an undergraduate and in the early 1930s worked at the League of Nations in The Hague.
Fearing the spread of Nazism, she moved to London, where she began a romance with Peter Drucker. They married and in 1937 moved to the U.S., where he took on the first of several teaching positions.
Doris Drucker, who indeed was interested in science, earned a master's degree in physics from Fairleigh Dickinson University in Teaneck, N.J.
They moved to Southern California in 1971 when he joined the faculty of Claremont Graduate University. The school of management there is now named for him.
Doris Drucker's invention was born of her sitting in the back row of classrooms and other venues while her husband — whose hearing was less than perfect— gave lectures. "She was there to make sure everyone heard every precious word," Spivack said. When his voice inadvertently dropped in volume, "she would shriek out, 'Louder!' in her heavy German accent."
Her idea was a battery-powered device, equipped with a microphone and colored lights, that would give people who were hard of hearing a visual representation of how loudly they were speaking. A prototype was developed by an engineer and eventually the Visivox, as they called it, went on sale.
The device was bought by some institutions for speech therapy but never took off with the target audience — lecturers and other public speakers — she said, because they were too vain to use it.
She said the fact that her husband was Peter Drucker, who not only lectured widely but also wrote nearly 40 books, did not make the venture any easier.
"For all I know it may have hindered me because people think, 'You don't need to do this if your husband is so successful.'" she told the NJBiz business journal in 2006. "I found it a little silly because I don't ask people, 'Are you the wife of so-and-so?' 'Are you the husband of Mrs. Smith?'"