ollection begins with an essay on 'the marvelous.
I. 1903-06: "Roscher und Knies und die logischen Probleme der historischen Nationalökonomie"(羅 謝與肯尼士和歷史的國民經濟學之邏輯問題) (WL 1-145).
英譯:1975: Roscher and Knies. The logical Problems of historical Economics, tr. by Guy Oakes, New York: Free Press. (Weber 1975)
II. 1904: “Geleitwort”. 尚無正式出版之英文翻譯(網路有英 譯)。
I. 1904: "Die 'Objektivität' sozialwissenschaftlicher und sozialpolitischer Erkenntnis"(社 會科學與社會政策的知識之“客 觀性”)(WL 146-214).
英譯1:1949: "'Objectivity' in Social Science and Social Policy", tr. by Edward A. Shils and Henry A. Finch, in: Weber 1949, pp. 49-112.
英譯2:2004: “The 'Objectivity' of Knowledge in Social Science and Social Policy", tr. by Keith Tribe, in: Weber 2004a, pp. 359-404.
II. 1906: "Kritische Studien auf dem Gebiet der kulturwissenschaftlichen Logik" (在「文化科學的邏輯」這個領域的 一些批判性的研究)(WL 215-290).
.ogik" (215-290), (ocialcy", in:英譯:1949: "Critical Studies in the Logic of the Cultural Sciences", tr. by Edward A. Shils and Henry A. Finch, in: Weber 1949, pp. 113-188.
III. 1907: "R. Stammlers 'Überwindung' der materialistischen Geschichtsauffassung"(史坦樂之“克服”唯物論 的歷史觀)(WL 291-359).
英譯:1977: "Stammler’s ‘Refutation’ of the Materialist Conception of History”, tr. by Guy Oakes, in: Weber 1977, pp. 59-143.
IV. 1907: "Nachtrag zu dem Aufsätz über R. Stammlers 'Überwindung' der materialistischen Geschichtsauffassung"(關於〈史坦樂之“克服”唯物論的歷史觀〉 一文之補充)(WL 360-383).
英譯:1977: "Postscript to the Essay on Stammler’s ‘Refutation’ of the Materialist Conception of History”, tr. by Guy Oakes, in: Weber 1977, pp. 145-174.
V. 1908: "Die Grenznutzlehre und das 'psychophysische Grundgesetz'"(邊際效用學說和“心理物理學的基本法 則”)(WL 384-399).
英譯:1975: “Marginal Utility Theory and ‘The Fundamental Law of Psychophysics’”, tr. by Louis Schneider, in: Social Science Quarterly, 56, no.1: 21-36.
VI. 1909: "'Energetische' Kulturtheorie" (“能量學的”文化理論)(WL 400-426).
英譯:1984: "’Energetic’ Theorie of Culture”, tr. by J. Mikkelson and C. Schwartz, in: Mid-American Review of Sociology, 9, no, 2: 33-58.
VII. 1917: "Der Sinn der 'Wertfreiheit' der soziologischen und ökonomischen Wissenschaften"(社會學與經濟學的諸科學之“價值中立”的意義)(WL 480-540).
英譯:1949: "The Meaning of 'Ethical Neutrality' in Sociology and Economics", tr. by Edward A. Shils and Henry A. Finch, in: Weber 1949, pp. 1-47.
我想趁著這次張老師來聊天 讀一下Max WEBER 的作品 並且在可能的範圍內大家可通信一下
由 於兩岸的翻譯版都已封箱在永和 我利用台大圖書館 現有相關書約873本 現在每年還有數本出版
同時 我現在才知道台灣康樂等人翻譯的韋伯選集 也經由遠流授權廣西師範出版 (似乎11本 我還沒了解當出新光基金會的這套是怎麼分解的.....)
對 於我這外行人而言 我想重要的是韋伯的思路過程
不過 文字間可以有障礙 譬如說 TAWNEY 提的 究竟是經濟狀況的提升促進新教的改善 還是倒過來 (還是這是 double interact)?
發現印度等地有相當的書 英國似乎也有不同角度的新文選
書名 | Max Weber on charisma and institution building : selected papers / edited and with an introd. by S. N. Eisenstadt |
主要作者 | Weber, Max, 1864-1920 |
出版項 | Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 1968 |
這段劍橋哲學辭典關於Max Weber的簡介竟然在網路上找得到
我發神經病想找出 FAUST的出處 無功
現在用網路找 可能是6515-18行
German sociologist, whose polymathy defied his characterization of our age as one of specialization and bureaucracy. Men attach meanings to their actions and these become embodied in social norms. Hence sociology involves ‘understanding’ (
Verstehen). But it can causally explain social phenomena by the comparative method and by ‘ideal types’. Ideal types include the three types of authority: traditional, charismatic, and legal-rational or bureaucratic (which prevails in both
capitalism and
socialism). Social phenomena, e.g. the rise of capitalism, depend not only on economic factors but on ideas, e.g. Calvinism's ‘Protestant ethic’. Status groups are as important as
Marx's economic classes. In response to the political upheavals of
1919 he distinguished the ‘ethic of responsibility’ from the ‘ethic of conscience’ and quoted
Goethe's Faust: ‘The devil is old; you must become old to understand him’.
陳巨擘:"我查到的是 Philip Wayne 翻譯,Penguin 1958, lines 6817-8"
各位朋友: ‘The devil is old; you must become old to understand him’.這句話,不但出現在「政治作為職業」一文中,也出現在「科學作為職業」一文中(MWGI/17:105): "Bedenkt, der Teufel, der ist alt, so werdet alt, ihn zu verstehen".(出自Goethe, Faust, Teil 2, Vers 6817/18。 張旺山上"