與 台大社會系 賴曉黎老師談
《新北投新民路一巷 5號 6樓(過新民國中在新民路 25 號後,左轉十公尺「貴園別莊」內;Tel. 02-2894 6100 ):開車很方便 附近新民 國中巷有許多停車位》。捷運 (往)「淡水線」,在「北投站」下(不出站),直接過月台,轉「
報名電話 02-23625776;email: hcsimonl@gmail.com
International Conference on the New Horizons of East Asian Studies in the Age of Globalization
Conference Room #4, 2nd Administrative Building,
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| Registration | | Registration |
| Opening Ceremony Chair: Chun-chieh Huang (黃俊傑) Welcoming Remarks: Si-Chen Lee(李嗣涔)President, National Taiwan University | | Chair : Tzong-ho Bau (包宗和) Keynote speech Speaker: Longxi Zhang (張隆溪) “ Discussion (20 mins) |
| Chair : Chun-chieh Huang (黃俊傑) Keynote speech: Speaker: Jörn Rüsen “Intercultural Humanism: How to Do the Humanities in the Age of Globalization” Discussion (20 mins) | ||
| Coffee Break | | Coffee Break |
| Session I Chair : Jo-shui Chen (陳弱水) 1.“Rethinking Chinese Studies in an Age of Reflexive Modernization: Guangda Zhang (張廣達) 2. “Chinese History in the Age of Globalization” Young-tsu Wong (汪榮祖) Discussion (20 mins) | | Session IV Chair : Huai-chen Kan(甘懷真) 1.“ Man-houng Lin (林滿紅) 2. “Some Reflections on the Study of East Asian Confucianisms: Its Rationale and Its Problematiques” Chun-chieh Huang (黃俊傑) Discussion (20 mins) |
| Lunch | | Lunch |
| Session II Chair: Yun-han Chu (朱雲漢) 1.“The Rational and Transactional Rationality: Exploring Eastern and Western Bases of Exchanges” Nan Lin (林南) 2.“ The Chih-yu Shih (石之瑜) Discussion (20 mins) | | Session V Chair: Chien-fu Lin (林建甫) 1.“New Approach of Indigenous Social Science in the Age of Globalization” Kwang-kuo Hwang (黃光國) 2.“Chinese Organizational Behavior Studies in the Age of Globalization” Bor-shiuan Cheng & Discussion (20 mins) |
| Coffee Break | | Coffee Break |
| Session III Chair: Ming-cheng Tsai (蔡明誠) 1. “Political Legitimacy in East Asia: Modernization, Institution, Culture, and Regime Performance” Yun-han Chu & Fu Hu 2. “ East Asian Constitutionalism” Jiunn-rong Yeh & Wen-chen Chang (葉俊榮&張文貞) Discussion (30 mins) | | Concluding Keynote Speech: Speaker: Cho-yun Hsu (許倬雲) |
| Round-table Discussion: Chair: Cho-yun Hsu (許倬雲) Panelists: Anne Waltner Jörn Rüsen Longxi Zhang (張隆溪) Guangda Zhang (張廣達) Alain-marc Rieu | ||
| Closing Ceremony |
Sponsored by the Institute of Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences,
Co-sponsored by the Center of the Humanities and Social Sciences, National Tsing-hwa University
時間:2008/12/6(六) 10:00AM~12:00AM (上午9:30~9:50報到,請準時勿遲到!)
委 員 長:高正人 會長
副委員長:洪啟洲 副會長
執 行 長:李光斌 副會長
執行組員:王世琦 秘書長、劉義履 理事
敬 邀
◎講者簡介:巴黎大學博士,香港中文大學翻譯系榮譽教授,最優秀不列顛帝國勳章官佐(Officer of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire)。著有《認識翻譯真面目》(香港:天地圖書,2002),《譯道行》(武漢:湖北教育出版社,2002)等書,譯有《小酒館的悲歌》(The Ballad of the Sad Cafe,香港:今日世界,1975),《石與影》(Stone and Shadow,北京:中國對外翻譯出版公司,1993),《海隅逐客》(An Outcast of the Islands,台北:聯經,1981;南京:譯林,2000)等。
Le Taoisme dans les romans de François Cheng
Taoism in the novels of François Cheng (Abstract)
「以法語演講,中文口譯」(The lecture will be delivered in French, interpreted into Chinese.)
Speaker: Mr. Tao Hanwei (DFLL Project Instructor )
Moderator: Prof. Rachel Juan (Director, Undergraduate Program in European Languages, NCCU)
Interpreter: Prof. Louisa Lin (DFLL Assistant Professor)
Time: 3:30 ~ 5:00 pm, Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Venue: DFLL New Conference Room, Gallery of NTU History (Old Main Library)