大師到師大--一位藝術史學家的世紀回顧 (方聞教授座談)
一是老一輩的華人帶下一代到大都會 只看畫的印 知道這是"唐伯虎"的 就走
他們可能在北京清華大學教過三年 (似乎沒什麼成就 或許謙虛)
問 每天630-730 到校園打太極拳的 多是離休校工
據他說他的好友日本東京大學鈴木敬教授 退休之後到靜岡的溫泉防震基金成立的博物館當館長/義工
他勉勵學藝術史研究所的 多從事"導遊/導引"
不過藝術學科是通的 他在普林斯頓先教6年西洋中古藝術 (建築)
可惜中國兩千多家博物館的藏品都被職員"上鎖" ---或需靠錢或關係才看得到真品
2008國立臺灣大學藝術史研究所 專題系列演講及座談會
主講人:方聞 教授
場次/地點 | 時間/地點 | 主題 |
1. 演講 | 2008/11/05 (三) 14:00-16:00 蘇格拉底廳 | The Han-Tang Miracle at Dunhuang 漢唐奇蹟在敦煌 |
2. 座談會 | 2008/11/08 (六) 14:00-16:00 蘇格拉底廳 | Why is Chinese Painting Art History? 為什麼中國畫是藝術史? |
3. 演講 | 2008/11/10 (一) 14:00-16:00 蘇格拉底廳 | Paradigms and Deconstruction in Song and Yuan Landscape Art 宋元山水畫的模式與解構 |
4. 演講 | 2008/11/13 (四) 14:00-16:00 柏拉圖廳 | Wang Hui's Repossessing the Past 王翬的「趨古」 |
Many scholars of archaic Greek sculpture do not focus on this idea that Greek kouroi represent an ideal and not individuals. This is so because most are interested in how the representation of human form changed between the mid seventh and the early fifth century. In investigating this change, scholars focus on the differences between the kouroi rather than the similarities they share. For these art historians, representations of men during the archaic period came to look more and more like real men. That is, as sculpture progressed chronologically, it came to look more and more like what it represented. This view has allowed a scholar like Gombrich to write:
"The whole process looks so logical and inevitable that it appears easy to arrange the various types of figures so as to show their gradual approximation to life. ... But even though our reading of the history of Greek art may have made it look too tidy, the essential lines of this astounding development have been established beyond any doubt. ...the conquest of naturalism may be described as the gradual accumulation of corrections due to the observation of reality." E. H. Gombrich, "The Greek Revolution," Art and Illusion (1961): 117-18.