2010年9月25日 星期六

国際ペン大会、26年ぶりに日本で 高行健氏ら基調講演

国際ペン大会、26年ぶりに日本で 高行健氏ら基調講演



パレツキー氏作品など朗読 国際ペン東京大会フォーラム



 「環境と文学」をテーマに、各国の文学者らが集まる「国際ペン東京大会」(26日開幕)の文学フォーラムが23日、東京都新宿区の早稲田大学で始まり、 米国の人気推理作家サラ・パレツキー氏が同時多発テロ後の社会環境について「ブログやテレビなどでは、真実に触れにくくなった。だからこそ、本質的な真実 を描けるフィクションが必要だ」と語った。

 文学フォーラムは各国の作家6人の作品を朗読する。高さ4.5メートル、幅10メートルのスクリーンに映像を流し、楽器の生演奏などで演出。23日は日 本ペンクラブ会長の阿刀田高氏の小説「闇彦」と、パレツキー氏のエッセー「沈黙の時代に書くということ」を、それぞれ元NHKの松平定知氏と山根基世氏が 読み上げた。



 文学フォーラムは25日まで。24日は、ナイジェリア出身の若手作家チママンダ・ンゴズィ・アディーチェ氏「なにかが首のまわりに」を俳優の松たか子氏 が、中国の作家莫言氏の「牛」を講談師の神田松鯉氏が田中泯氏の踊りと共に朗読。25日はアラブ人作家サルワ・アル・ネイミ氏「蜜の証拠」を俳優の吉行和 子氏が、英国移民のマリーナ・レビツカ氏「おっぱいとトラクター」を活動写真弁士の片岡一郎氏が朗読する。

Schedule and venue of the 76th International PEN Congress Tokyo 2010


Dear PEN colleagues and friends,

We are preparing the 76th International PEN Congress Tokyo Congress 2010.You're your travel arrangements, we would like to inform the date and the venue of the Congress beforehand.
Please come not only the Congress but also Literary Forum and Kyoto session.

Venue: Shinjuku Keio Plaza Hotel, Tokyo (for PEN congress)
Waseda University, Tokyo (for Literary Forum)

Schedule (tentative)

1 Literary Forum/Seminar September 23rd to September 30th
2 Opening Ceremony September 26th
3 International PEN Congress/Seminar September 27th to September 30th
4 Post congress Tour/Seminar in Kyoto October 1st to October 3rd

Further details of Congress will be sent through the PEN centers in April 2010.

February 22nd, 2010

Best regard,

Secretariat for the Congress
The Japan P.E.N Club

Our contact: info@japanpen.or.jp

Year 2010 - International PEN Congress in Tokyo

Based on our long-held desire to stage the International PEN Congress in Tokyo, The Japan P.E.N.club took action to extend this invitation to the International PEN Secretariat (at London headquarters) and the PEN centres in each country. At the congress recently held in Bogotá, Colombia, our proposal was accepted, with the official decision being made to hold the 2010 congress in Tokyo (International PEN Congress Tokyo 2010) over a period of approximately one week in the end of-September.
This will be third time Tokyo has been host, the first two being 1957 (Yasunari Kawabata, chairman) and 1984 (Yasushi Inoue, chairman). The year 2010 will also be the 75th anniversary year of the founding of the Japan P.E.N. Club (Toson Shimazaki, founding chairman).

The theme of International PEN Congress Tokyo 2010 - "Environment and Literature"

The theme for "International PEN Congress Tokyo 2010" is "Environment and Literature".
The topic of "the environment" is a wide one, however, and what we are envisioning is not limited to the global warming and environmental destruction problems that are currently the subject of worldwide debate. It goes without saying that many aspects of human birth, aging, sickness and death are intimately connected to the natural world. The actions of nature, from the miniscule elementary particle and gene level to the huge scale of the solar system and universe, exert tangible and intangible forces on the era and society as well as influencing the way people live and their ideas and literature. From a broad perspective, it could be said that the theme of "Environment and Literature" encompasses everything involving human beings.
At the root of the International PEN Congress Tokyo 2010 theme of "Environment and Literature" is a question: In what ways can literature express and portray the environment as something which exerts such a controlling influence on human life and circumstance?

Assembly of Delegates of International PEN Congress

International PEN Congress normally comprises two parts: (1) the annual Assembly of Delegates with two representatives from each country over the world participated in the annual Assembly of Delegates as well as the committees' meetings.
We plan to hold the Assembly of Delegates at the Keio Plaza Hotel in the Shinjuku district of Tokyo.

Literary Forum

Literary Forum covering literary topics and including a general audience While "literature and the environment" will be a common theme extending across both these two parts, we will be making a special effort to hold substantive Literary Forum activities.
For the Literary Forum activities, with the cooperation of Tokyo area universities such as Waseda University , we are arranging for the use of facilities worthy of an international event, and we plan to hold activities open not only to writers from Japan and abroad but also to literature readers and community residents.
We anticipate that during the congress period the Literary forum will be the subject of consideration in a variety of venues, including symposiums, lectures, public readings, video documentaries, etc.

Congress organization

The International PEN Congress Tokyo 2010 Executive Committee is chaired by Japan P.E.N. Club president Takashi Atoda , the chief secretary for International Conferences is Japan P.E.N. Club senior managing director Jiro Asada, and the chief secretary for the Literary Forum is Japan P.E.N. Club managing director Shinobu Yoshioka.

2010年9月14日 星期二





展期從9月25 日起一個月


(捷運忠孝新生站二號出口momo藥 妝右轉入)

文:胡慧玲 圖:樂樂台北 2010-09-14

2010年9月3日 星期五

Best of Americas Conference

Americas' Conference

PR Newswire

DEARBORN, Mich., Sept. 2 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- On Thursday, Sept. 9, John Fleming, Ford Motor Company (NYSE: F) executive vice president, Global Manufacturing and Labor Affairs, will participate in the UBS Best of Americas Conference in London. The presentation will begin at 11:00 a.m. London time (6:00 a.m. EDT) and will last for approximately 40 minutes.

A listen-only audio webcast and presentation materials will be available on the Internet at www.shareholder.ford.com.

About Ford Motor Company

Ford Motor Company, a global automotive industry leader based in Dearborn, Mich., manufactures or distributes automobiles across six continents. With about 159,000 employees and about 70 plants worldwide, the company's automotive brands include Ford, Lincoln and Mercury, production of which has been announced by the company to be ending in the fourth quarter of 2010. The company provides financial services through Ford Motor Credit Company. For more information regarding Ford's products, please visit www.ford.com.

SOURCE Ford Motor Company

密歇根州迪爾波恩, 9月2日 /美通社-PR Newswire/ -- 福特汽車公司 (Ford Motor Company) 製造與勞工部門執行副總裁 John Fleming 將出席在倫敦舉行的瑞士聯合銀行美國之最大會 (UBS Best of Americas Conference)。該演講將於倫敦時間上午11:00(美國東部時間上午6:00)開始,該會議時長為約40分鐘。 您可透? www.shareholder.ford.com 網站獲取該會議只供收聽的音訊網播和演講材料。 消息來源 福特汽車公司

2010年9月1日 星期三

【永和社大】9/7~9 /10 試聽週活動,等你來挖寶!

【永和社大】想知道社大有哪些豐富有趣的課程嗎?9/7~9 /10 試聽週活動,等你來挖寶!

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