2010年6月28日 星期一

陳寬仁 王晃三 鍾漢清

28日 1430-1530 陳寬仁 鍾漢清
1530-1730陳寬仁 王晃三 鍾漢清 (陳王對話 陳的6/8生命故事之一)
1730-1835 陳寬仁 王晃三 劉玉燕 鍾漢清(義大利麵)
1840-1940 陳寬仁 鍾漢清 (喝XO)

2010年6月26日 星期六

紀念Peter Scholtes

紀念Peter Scholtes -- 在工作中創造自豪與喜悅(待整理 待續)

該用什麼方式來紀念一下我們所喜歡的 Peter Scholtes 呢?
首先 我比較一下他的兩本暢銷書作品
The Leader Handbook 遠比 The Team Handbook (第2版改為3人合著)好
譬如說 前者各章都有"練習題"--- 它們充分發揮 Peter 的"功力"


Ken Su @ 雅集


Kenny Zhang張慶麟


Last month, I realised Peter was dead.恐

Tommorow we'll have a small meeting to remember him in Taipei.

We'll have a special issue for him in our annual conference and book.

Peter's last book The Leader's Handbook is a best selling book in Taiwan and China. I am very pleased he wrote me two letters to help me better understanding his points before the publishing Chinese version of it. Many of his readers agree it is a masterpiece. The leadership according to Peter's is with love and healing power at least.

I personally regretted I did not attend TWEDI's Wisconsin conference in 2008. I wrote to Prof. Orsini to inquire Peter's health condition then.

An aspect of Peter's character revealed in his writing and speeching (BDA's booklet). He is our "leader" in this part of world. I miss him.

eter Scholtes
photo of George Box, John Hunter and Peter Scholtesphoto of (from right to left) Peter Scholtes, John Hunter and George Box in Madison, Wisconsin at the 2008 Deming Conference

Peter Scholtes died peacefully this morning in Madison, Wisconsin. His family was with him.

"It was a happy surprise when I found out Peter Scholtes wrote They Will Know We are Christians by our Love (link to a nice mp3 recording of the song). I think it is a wonderful song. Here are the words to that song (and a webcast is below):

We are one in the spirit we are one in the Lord
We are one in the spirit we are one in the Lord
And we pray that all unity will one day be restored

And they’ll Know we are Christians by our love, by our love
Yes they’ll know we are Christians by our love.

We will walk with each other we will walk hand in hand
We will walk with each other we will walk hand in hand
And together we’ll spread the news that God is in our land.

We will work with each other we will work side by side
We will work with each other we will work side by side
And we’ll guard each man’s dignity and save each man’s pride

All praise to the father from whom all things come
And all praise to Christ Jesus his only son
And all praise to the spirit who makes us one."


They’ll Know We Are Christians By Our Love (FEL S-252) 1968

Best known as the composer of the title tune which went beyond its mainline roots to become the banner song of the Jesus movement. Despite that tune’s popularity this South Side Chicago reverend’s lp remains relatively unknown. Not so much a solo lp as a collection of his songs performed by members of his congregation. Hence a very homemade sound, with some songs like the title done almost like a Gregorian chant with folk backing. Others are performed by the Saint Brendan’s Choir who jam in a folky youth ensemble bossa nova style with guitars and flute while pounding away on conga drums, maracas, bongos, and temple blocks. A couple pleasant acoustic tunes with different lead singers. Includes selections from Missa Bossa Nova and Mass Of 67th Street (which adds sax to the mix). (Ken Scott - Archivist)


Creating Pride and Joy at Work

Peter R. Scholtes, 1938-2009

彼得 雷蒙德 斯科爾特斯在2009年7月11日上午逝世威斯康星州麥迪遜的家中,當時人在側

彼得對愛他喜歡他以及許多從未謀面的人都有深遠的影響力多才多藝更慷慨地與世界各地的人分享在他的畢生中 - 無論是做為一名牧師,音樂家,作曲家,社會工作者,教師,社區組織者,治療師,作家,或顧問 - 彼得天生英才能將許多雜而重要的想法讓人容易掌握之,利用他對自己的信念很有自信而也能包容異者,他更珍視他在做為文化和國家樑時所建立的友誼。

Peter Raymond Scholtes died on the morning of July 11 at his home in Madison, Wisconsin, surrounded by family. Peter had a profound impact on those who loved him, and on many more who never met him. He was blessed with amazing talents, and shared them generously with people all over the world. Throughout his life--whether as a priest, musician-composer, social worker, teacher, community organizer, therapist, author, or consultant--Peter had a genius for making complex and important ideas easy to grasp and put to use. He was confident in his convictions, but embraced differences, and cherished his friendships that bridged cultures and countries.

彼得在20世紀 60年代的芝加哥的 South Side聖布倫丹教堂當神父時寫過讚美詩“透過我們的愛人人會知道我們是基督徒”。當時,他帶領一青年合唱團走出教堂地下室,他在尋找合適的歌曲可用在一系列的旨在讓種族之間的關係癒合為一的活動。他找不到這樣的歌曲,就在一 天寫了這首現在著名的讚美詩聖布倫丹教堂,在芝加哥的民權運動等的經驗,影響了他的一生。

Peter wrote the hymn "They'll Know We Are Christians by Our Love" while he was a parish priest at St. Brendan's on the South Side of Chicago in the 1960s. At the time, he was leading a youth choir out of the church basement, and was looking for an appropriate song for a series of ecumenical, interracial events. When he couldn't find such a song, he wrote the now-famous hymn in a single day. His experiences at St. Brendan's, and in the Chicago Civil Rights movement, influenced him for the rest of his life.

彼得服務過馬薩諸塞州的 Lynn和威斯康星州的麥迪遜等地的公共部門之後,他在 80年代中加入喬伊納顧問公司,得以到世界各地去幫助企業,讓其員工的才能夠更充分,更人道,更有效地發揮。他撰寫了團隊手冊 (後來第2版是合著),榮登"史上100本最佳商業書籍"榜。他自立Scholtes Seminars and Consulting之後,他在1998年寫出 戴明領導手冊,它已是一本經典之作它對於績效考核制 (他認為這種做法令員工洩氣又是錯誤的)作出最有力的控訴

After working in the public sector in Lynn, Massachusetts, and Madison, Wisconsin, Peter became a consultant with Joiner Associates in the 1980s, traveling the globe to help businesses engage employees' talents more fully, humanely, and effectively. He co-authored The Team Handbook, which was named one of The 100 Best Business Books of All Time (in the book of that title). After starting Scholtes Seminars and Consulting, he wrote the classic The Leader's Handbook in 1998, which made the definitive case against performance appraisal--a practice he argued was demoralizing and wrong.

彼得經常講些他童年在伊州橡樹園(Oak Park)村的幸福故事,他有親愛的父 母和姐妹和大家庭。彼 得父母 為Lambert Peter 和 Mary Rose Scholtes,1938年11月20日出生於伊利諾州的Evanston,而他成長於Oak Park村,在那裡他讀 Ascension學校和Fenwick 高中 ,再進 Quigley 和St. Mary of the Lake-Mundelein 神學院進修他取得波士頓大 學的"成人教育暨和組織發展"的碩士學位。

Peter often told stories of a very happy childhood in Oak Park with loving parents and sisters and a large extended family. Peter was born to Lambert Peter and Mary Rose Scholtes on November 20, 1938 in Evanston, Illinois, and grew up in Oak Park, where he attended Ascension School and Fenwick High School before studying at Quigley and St. Mary of the Lake-Mundelein seminaries. He earned his Masters in Adult Education and Organization Development at Boston University.

彼得和他的妻子Peg在他們喜歡的城市,麥迪遜成家並撫養四個子女。他們那充滿愛心,狂野,活力的家中經常有來自世界各地的朋友和異鄉人共住。彼得的幽默感和反諷是維繫全家的基石。他喜歡當父親。他的孩子所記住的家庭生活,充滿了愛,音樂,歌唱,以及行使群體決策的種種巧妙方式。他的最後幾年與孫輩相處最為快樂無比。對他們而言, “Boppy”爺爺是個集“瘋老,狂老和怪老"一身的好玩伴

Peter and his wife Peg blended their families and raised their four children in the city that he loved, Madison. They welcomed friends and strangers from around the world to live with them in their loving, crazy, and active home. Peter's sense of humor and irony were a cornerstone of the household. He loved being a father. His kids remember a family life filled with love, music, singing, and elaborate ways to make group decisions. Nothing made him happier in his final years than spending time with his grandchildren. "Boppy" was "crazy, nuts, and gaga" for them.

彼得生場大病之後不得不退休,然而他仍積極參與社區的志願服務每週一天去 Meriter醫院 (他病中受過此醫院照料)協助其"日間康復方案"國會大廈廣場是他的前院,他總是盼望每週能造訪農市。他之所以能夠在家中辭世,多虧臨終關懷和溫馨 的家人和朋友們,尤其是 Fazel Hayati 的協助。

After illness forced his retirement, Peter stayed involved in the community, volunteering every week at Meriter hospital in the Day Rehab program, where he had been a patient. The Capitol Square was his front yard, and he always looked forward to his weekly trips to the Farmer's Market. The decision to stay at home at the end of his life was enabled by Hospice Care and loving family and friends, especially Fazel Hayati.

他的親人都深深地懷念他: 妻子Peg Scholtes; 姐妹 Carol Reilly 和 Mary Kay Marcum (同其夫Jim Marcum) 他的兒子Peter S. Scholtes (同未婚妻 Jenny Woods), Matthew Scholtes (同其妻Gretchen Kapperman),女兒Jenna Hansen (同其夫 Paul Hansen),兒 Benjamin Casbarro和 Abbi Alemu;孫輩 Sophia and Lilah Hansen;以及剛出生的“蓬鬆白色的東西,”小莫克。

2010年6月3日 星期四

Roland Boer Marxism and Death

臺大哲學系學術討論會公告 Roland Boer:馬克思主義與死亡(Marxism and Death)

06/04/2010 - 10:00
06/04/2010 - 12:00
臺灣大學水源校區哲學系館三樓 302室(台北市思源街18號)
Prof. Roland Boer (Faculty Research Professor, School of Humanities and Social Science, University of Newcastle, Australia)


主講人:Prof. Roland Boer (Faculty Research Professor, School of Humanities and Social Science, University of Newcastle, Australia)

二、主 題:馬克思主義與死亡(Marxism and Death)

三、時 間:99年6月4日(週五)上午10:00 – 12:00

四、地 點:臺灣大學水源校區哲學系館三樓 302室(台北市思源街18號)


Roland Boer

Roland Boer Roland Boer previously taught at the University of Sydney, McGill University, the University of New England, the United Theological College, Sydney and the University of Western Sydney. He is the author of the following books: Marxist Criticism of the Bible (2003), Last Stop Before Antarctica: The Bible and Postcolonialism in Australia (2001), Knockin' on Heaven's Door: The Bible and Popular Culture (1999), Novel Histories: The Fiction of Biblical Criticism (1997) and Jameson and Jeroboam (1996).

He also edited or co-edited Redirected Travel: Alternative Journeys and Places in Biblical Studies (2003), Tracking 'The Tribes of Yahweh': On the Trail of a Classic (2002), A Vanishing Mediator? The Absence/Presence of the Bible in Postcolonialism (2001) and The Labour of Reading: Desire, Alienation and Biblical Interpretation (1999).

He is founding and managing editor of the international journal, The Bible and Critical Theory and a member of the Editorial Board of Semeia Studies.

His website can be found here .

June 27th, 2010.周六

Dear Friends,

I plan to have a small meeting to remember Peter Scholtes (1938-2009)on the morning of
June 27th, 2010.周六


規 則之一 是必須準備在訪客留言上 寫些東西
有東西能與朋友分享 最好
要發表者 (包括我) 請將講題告知
10 點前可來聊天

2008年 我一直想去 Wisconsin 去參加 Deming Institute 的年會
我 知道 這是我的機會 可以向 Joiner 博士和 Peter致謝
但是 我懶了 我真正錯失跟Peter 開玩笑的機會
Peter R. Scholtes, 1938-2009

Peter 的書是本傑作 我開玩笑說
扣5分 他問為什麼
我 說政治領導學似乎缺席
權充暫時 的致哀
當好好寫文章 出書悼念他

Peter R. Scholtes on Holmes(1998/10)

Dear Hanching:

I hope that my response is not so tardy that it will be no help to you.I'm sorry to be so late. Oliver Wendell Holmes was a great AmericanJurist. He was also, however, a philosopher and deep thinker.

By "the simplicity on this side of complexity" I think he was referring to superficial and simplistic answers. "The simplicity on the other side of complexity" refers, I believe, to simple and profound truths that one arrives at by thinking deeply about things. Thoughtful answers to complex questions can yield many more questions than the first questions arrived at.

Einstien said "Things should be made as simple as possible, but not any simpler." And HL Mencken, an American writer, said, "to every complex problem there is a simple answer... and it is wrong!". They were expressing similar thoughts as those of Holmes. Thoughtful responses may take a lifetime of looking for the implications and contexts surrounding complex problems. But that effort usually results in simple truths rather than simplistic truths.

I also read your "Fire Sermon and Deming Philosophy". I think it is very good. You are a very good writer.


Peter R. Scholtes


July 30,1998 at Yungho, Taipei, Taiwan.

Dear Peter,

Attached is one article I did for the Chinese edition of coming. The leader Handbook, I translate the main idea for communication. This is a service for our international friends. I wrote an introduction or a review for every book I translated. It means I am very serious about our choice. Now it is different since we have a website as a magazine and cyber-college, we plan to take some responsibilities as a member of global Deming Community, so in addition to last May's summary of my keynote speech named Fire Sermon and Deming Philosophy which was also inspired by first impression of your book, I decide to spent some effort to write my learning and reflection to share with our friends.

I write the Chinese draft first and then put the main points into English but actually they are different. Although my English is not very good, I hope it can help you and our friends get some understanding or feedback as the starting point of dialogue you mentioned in our new Chinese edition of your great book.

Sincerely Yours,Hanching Chung

Notes: During last 4 weeks, maybe many people in the world are dismayed by the Clinton formula: Mea minima culpa for his sexual fling doesn’t merit a real apology since it is a private matter. For our generation, we may remember the Nixon formula of leadership (he wrote a book ‘Leaders’ in 1982 with some insights): I am responsible; the others are to blame.

I didn’t put any ‘criticism’ in my following notes. The major reason is that in the field of leadership studies, “ All theory is gray, / but the tree of life/ is evergreen.” ( Goethe ). Dr. Deming’s theory of leadership is worth doing more studies and learning. The Leader’s Handbook is major for business organizations, all though the author quotes some words of N. Ginrich’s talk. So in certain ways, like in the public and social sectors, and in the eastern way of leadership, the dialogue is only starting now. This can explain that the author’s view or insights of Japanese leadership are major through Kano’s window and Deming Prize winners’ stories. The recent popular Matsushita Leadership can tell the gap between the two worlds. In the field of leadership studies, we need to speak many languages. But a book is like a garden, it is a system, not only thousand flowers in blossom. I think this book is Peter’s best work up to now although Peter didn’t give us very good explanations of the dynamic balancing between improvement and standardization, between PDSA learning and leadership habits. During last several weeks, AMP CEO Mr. Bill Hudson resigned due to hostile merge proposal from Allied Signal, Bill was the VP who hired me and let me know AMP culture and sound expertise in serving customers. The sad story tell how difficult to be a good leader. Yes, we are in a new leadership age. ( notes added on Aug. 29, 1998)

Note: the website is http://www.deming.com.tw with very limited English material.




Notes on the Profound Leadership in the Age of Systems

-Thought on Peter Scholtes' The Leader’s Handbook


Why the best-in-class companies are not enough?

In 1986, I was the quality and reliability assurance manager of Motorola Automotive and Industrial Electronics Group (AIEG) new plants in Taiwan. Since our main customers like Ford and Chrysler are in the quality awareness that time and Motorola was preparing Motorola University, we learned a lot from Ford in Quality As Job No 1,trainings and education, SPC, Applied Diagnostic Tools and Design of Experiments, Benchmarking(BIC), prototype-QS 9000,Process FMEA, Six Sigma program, Cycle Time Management, Speak-out Program...you name it, our product and systems quality are one of the best. Our plants as the model plant claimed by our senior managers as one can Think-and-Act Globally, and within one year employees increased from 10 to about 800. I had a department with around 50 persons. So far, so good. But the plant with a very fantastic new building sold out 3 years later.

Last year on Dec. 20, we invited one senior manager of one worldwide famous IC manufacturing company to have a keynote speech for our Deming Memorial Conference. He is very honest and introduced the outlines of their performance appraisal systems. Although most participants are very keen on their compensations packages (average five times of other company’s at least).

But the speaker's personal delightful characteristics seemed more inspiring than his company’s practice explained. In deed, it also reminds us the difficulties of performance evaluation in any company. I think the semiconductor companies in Taiwan should think about new approach of performance management. Peter’s book provides good alternative systems for our reference.

Why Motorola and our friend’s company, both are world-class companies in quality and productivity are not good enough*? Maybe Peter Scholtes' The Leader Handbook can tell us why and show the new way of leadership.

Peter is an educator**, as Dr Ackoff's in his Foreword to his book put it. So are Dr Deming and Dr Ackoff. Educators need to teach Deming Philosophy or Profound Knowledge System. Peter is also an organization development professional, his main concerns are teams and leadership. After 10 years since his very successful The Team Handbook, a new book to bring the best of Peter’s expertise with heart, soul and head finally come true. In fact, this book can be called The Profound Leadership. This book not only illustrated that example is better than precept but tell us to know the true leadership and to know how to make things happen and get things done, as the sentence in the book cover tells.

Leadership is the heart of Deming Philosophy. Dr Deming insists that it is the responsibility of the leaders to lead organizations out of The Crisis and to take advantage of The New Economics (Deming intentionally or humorously to make his leadership philosophy into another 14 points in his great book The New Economics). This is the background of the new theory of leadership.

Peter is a very good educator so that through this wonderful book of moving stories in sidebars and theory-methods in the text, the readers can learn and enjoy a lot. Peter may agree that we are all leaders in certain subsystems, so, this book can help us make things happen and get thing done, if we can master the theories and the methods presented and be transformed with new leadership habits and mindset within a healing and learning organization.

For Peter, systems or organizations can learn by PDSA (plan-do-study-act) or by encoding inferences of studies (history) with theories into routines (standards) that guide the behavior, and the leaders and his people or teams players.

Overall, I think this is a good book. The content is very practical and useful, more importantly, it is a book with a sound theory of leadership and many useful operational tools. In fact, this is a book of treasures for so many wonderful cases, stories, humors, figures and cartoons that make it a very enjoyable reading. I also think that through the dialogue with the author, including enjoy the sidebars with world-wide favors and sound, we actually enjoy a Deming Philosophy In Action banquet. But this is only the Peter's persona practica. This book is also with strong autobiographical wisdom if we can say that this is the summary of his 45 years as the leadership observer (may be a passionate observer, not a bystander) and 25 years as a educator and an OD consultant. If we understand some of his activities and his career path together with his writings, we can appreciate his stories coverage is global and with proud local actions and cases and his continual learning and improvements. The book is very successful in terms of his persona poetica which I mean that the readers know a living educator is sharing his wisdom and love with us, and with such a masterly story-telling style (the “Poetry in the Gemba” of an educator may be in seminar rooms and in his or her books?).

This is a book of Peter's personal leadership or fellowship or servant-leadership journey. Reading it carefully will help us to know and understand the leadership first time. It bring life to leadership studies and make Peter's or Deming’s spirit and legacy forever (to use F. Rabelar’s friend word in Gargantua et Dantagruel).

This book is the pearl of Peter's more than 10 years endeavor, I think. We may borrow John Ruskin's word to praise it: When Love and Skill Work Together, Expect a Masterpiece. Let's talk about Love first. One of the themes of this book is that the leader should create a Healing and Learning Organization so that people can enjoy his work and be proud of the workmanship or leadership. Since most motivational and all performance appraisal schemes are based on wrong assumptions, hence they are wrong practices, so we should explore better leadership and methods. Peter also thinks the downsizing trend and fad may be immoral in essence, we’ll talk about this issue later.

The a leadership new competencies are based upon profound knowledge system. The leaders must create meaning and values for the organization, and he or she need to take responsibility in creating a healing and learning organization with purpose and aims. To take the leadership obligations is to love and trust the team and the people.

To appreciate this book, we need to go to Peter's skills in his writing tactics and style of treating leadership with sidebars and stories. It is impossible to go through many inspiring stories and cases otherwise we can extend and dialogue with them forever. Let's just try a very small samples of it.( In fact, may be Peter need to consider to write a book called Scholtes' Fables with Illustrations. It may be another hit.) We’ll make a survey of owners of his book in Taiwan later to see which stories are most impressive later.

Now let me ask my memory speak. We start with the cases from history which Peter favors. First, to use Prof. Tufte example of Losses to Napoleon's Army During the 1812-1813 Russian Campaign is very good choice since it is not only very moving but it is a good example of Loss Function, although the printing quality is not good and the author doesn’t call it this way (p. 255, the redefinition of this to make it a loss function also suggest the wisdom of people in wars and peace ). The second example is Wellington's response to bureaucracy which is very excellent since he is not only a truer winner who can pass Deming's criteria of winning continual 7 battles at least, but also that many people know Wellington is the few general famous for his logistics management ,and even he complained about the impossibility of meeting strict measurements( inventory, the true value). The Western vs. Eastern management history or fable contrast in the first chapter may be controversial. I am not very familiar with American's history but to use Ishikawa family as the representative of Japanese industries and so many contributing people is somehow misleading (more acknowledges need for the corporations and leaders attended Dr. Deming seminars and winning the Deming prizes. To mention few samples such as Toyota, Matsushita, NEC…etc ). But this is not the major issue***.

I personally like Pete Gillespie's Barber Chair (p.118) and the story of The Data-Gathers' Hall of Fame: The Intrepid Craighead Brothers are very good. So are many other stories like “ Another Tune on the...Triangle!” and the interesting policies of Malaysian Minister ( beware the guy charges you racist). We should talk about Peter's selections of Japanese cases. Most are very good( say, Aisin Seiki and the Ozashiki, p.109 and the stories of Konica Camera innovations),particularly impressive is the Joban Hawaiian Center of What Kind of Food do Customers Prefer? The reason is very interesting if we compare one Taiwanese professor wrote about the same case of Deming Prize winning Journey. The Prof. I mentioned us it as the Motivation guide for our National Quality Award, that is, he said, look how Japanese work so hard and so committed to winning the Deming Prize... Peter is much smarter to use this as one innovative case of understanding the voice of customers.

I think the most valuable cases are the true stories of American companies, such as many good stories from Peter’s community, the people learning to dance in Ford, the very arrogant VP of one high tech company proud of their creative confrontation style, the Deming methods applied in Marshall Industries, Parkview Healthcare, and companies try to kick of transformation at tailgates parties and the hospital need to do everyday PDSA improvement... the reason I think they are the best is they are true although some are not so successful. They are true people and "leaders of every day life". The prescriptions of Peter's book may be very helpful to them if the organizations really can learn. Peter joined the doubt of so-called turnaround and/or downsizing art--indeed, we can rearrange one sentence of Pickwick Papers: the father cut his little boy's head off, to cure him o'squintin' in order to look compact and comfortable (Chap.28).

See the Alert Dunlap story and other studies in the book. Maybe the reader like to compare it with the story of Showa company in the Lean Thinking (chap. 10). One is lean and mean and Japanese one is lean with better and more purposeful leadership.

This is a working encyclopedia of Deming Leadership Philosophy and with Many other practical methods such as Kepner-Tregoe's problem-solving method and QC story, etc. The scope and the scale of the book is somehow difficult to master at first reading and first time practice. The story of the misplaced foreword from Dr Deming for The Team Handbook and the rearrangement is good. Finally this book worth it and is able to meet the expectation and challenge of late Deming (p. 296). There are 47 habits need to be established for any serious profound leaders. I hope we are not too old to learn them and indeed this is the personal transformation needed to get organizations transformed.

Congratulations for Peter Scholtes' fine work and I hope we all learn from it. Now it brings us to the issue of Praxis. Few books on leadership offer good exercise and activities as The Leader Handbook (and The Team Handbook). But the challenge of practicing like the skills in listening exercise offered in this book( chapter 8) takes time and intimate team’s efforts. This also brings us to an important issue,that is the individual and organizational learning. To speak out the troubles of performance evaluation is very easy, like Andy Grove mentioned in his High Output Management that many managers were frustrated by it. But Andy is a very practical guy so he thought about how to improve on it. But this book and Deming Philosophy ask us to be more radical. I stayed with some good global companies for more than 15 years so that I can appreciate new thinking. But in real life, it is nearly impossible to take revolutionary measure Hence either the top management or somehow incremental and evolutionary approach may be better as long as we have constant purpose (alas! This is a dilemma and much needed to be studied.) Mind you that the forced distribution scheme was discarded in Harvard Business School as well as in our high school system. But if we watch British educational " new ways" recently, you may agree with Peter's comment in his foreword to the Chinese edition.

This book will certainly enrich the literature of Leadership Studies with some unique contributions**. We also need to start dialoguing with Western friends and learning from each other. Dr Deming and his friends like Peter learned from Japanese and create a community devoting with Profound Knowledge System which will be the foundation of next century leadership. We hope most Chinese Leaders like this book and make the methods as one of our tacit practice. For this book, may be Dr Deming will urge us to improve on it, use it often, so that a new synthesis will be born.



* If at that time Ford had an auditing systems based upon Deming 14 points and other BIC criteria, we'll prepared a very impressive manual to demonstrate we are more serious than Ford. Motorola culture is obsessed with quality and a very admired company. So is our friend's company with growth rate more than 30% continually last 6 years and gross margin better than Intel. I talked and played as devil's advocate that based on my industrial experiences (I was with AMP which was with growth rate more than 15% for more than 30 years and DuPont, one of very seasoned good company and sound knowledge in Deming Philosophy). At the Peak Time, people think in linear way and forget variations, world-as-a-system, the constraints of capability of individual and organizational learning and unlearning, the psychological stress and limits...I hope my friends understand Deming Philosophy better this year.



**Peter is an educator so that he recommends one time-proved leader effectiveness training originated from the training of teachers' effectiveness. As Dr Deming said, whatever Peter said, listen and think about it. As many people like Socratic way of leadership, so many treasure of leadership/management knowledge in the classics. For a simplified list of Leadership Studies, you may be referred to Chapter 14 of Synchronicity by Joseph Jaworski (1996) for the contributors/Directors and their works. We may like to add Max Depree, Howard Gardner and James O'Toole’s work on leadership. It is interesting to notice in Peter Senge's introduction to Synchronicity and Dr O'Toole Leading Change's one Chapter, they all mentioned about Dr. Deming as a leader. In fact, the EDN, The Deming Institute, BDA and other communities witness the power of Profound Leadership Legacy. Peter in his interview in Quality Digest mentioned the future leaders of quality professionals will come from these communities. I hope this translation will contribute it too.


***This is not a book in pursuit a theory of history. A brief record of Japanese transformations can be read in Dr Deming's Out of the Crisis appendix. In this field we need it’s A. D. Chandler and Thomas Johnson for at least two series of epic or trilogy, say Systems and Variations; Unknowable Hands; Quality and Quantity and Profound Knowledge System Forgotten/ Relearned/Understood and step change. Or we need something like The Quality Control Revolution like James Beniger's work. The study of history is concerned with recording, interpreting, and understanding those changes--transformations of systems, organizations and groups. In this sense, this book is a study of one type of transformations through Peter's eyeglass.