1977年10月20日 星期四

Reith Lectures

"英國廣播公司所播的Reith Lectures和許多討論會、紀錄片這類節目,提供聽眾和觀眾一個機會,可以廣泛接觸到嚴肅且往往是精采的題材。......Reith Lectures自一九四八年由羅素(Bertrand Russell, 1872-1970)肇始,在美國還找不到足以等量齊觀的系列演講。" Said

Reith Lectures 最沒名氣的是Essex 創校校長
  • 1963 Dr Albert Sloman, A University in The Making
據說 他談新興Essex大學 譬如說 宿舍tower十來層 每樓9-12間 可以男女共處 各居一室
Essex學最妙的當然是 Wivenhoe Park之湖
不過 它每一tower 都以英國學術巨擘命名
以前想 我必須翻譯他的一本著作
多可惜 時間就這樣扯過啦

Radio 4 - Reith Lectures 2008: Chinese Vistas

The 60th Anniversary Radio 4 Reith Lectures, on the subject of China, given by Professor Jonathan Spence. Each of the lectures will be available after broadcast to listen again or download.

A Reith Lecture is a lecture in a series of annual radio lectures given by leading figures of the day, commissioned by the BBC and broadcast on BBC Radio 4. They were begun in 1948, in honour of the first Director-General of the BBC, John Reith.

Reith lectures

External links