2016年8月24日 星期三

美國基金會的組織型態 Foundation Stats;台灣公益 (NPO,非營利組織);基金會在台灣 : 結構與類型

United States[edit]

In the United States, many philanthropic and charitable organizations (such as the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation) are considered to be foundations. However, the Internal Revenue Code distinguishes between private foundations (usually funded by an individual, family, or corporation) and public charities (community foundations or other nonprofit groups that raise money from the general public). While they offer donors more control over their charitable giving, private foundations have more restrictions and fewer tax benefits than public charities.


Types of Foundations

In general, a private foundation is any section 501(c)(3) organization that does not fall into one of the categories specifically excluded from the definition of that term. Some tax law provisions apply to all private foundations. Others, however, are more narrowly focused on particular types of private foundations. Moreover, special rules apply to certain private foundations, and to organizations that are not private foundations and certain non-exempt entities.
For tax purposes, it may be necessary to distinguish between the following types of foundations:
Determinations of private foundation status. Every organization that qualifies for exemption under Code section 501(c)(3) is a private foundation unless it falls into one of the categoriesspecifically excluded from the definition of that term ("public charities"). A private operating foundation may claim that status when it applies for recognition of exemption by completing Part X of Form 1023. To claim exempt operating foundation status, a private operating foundation must request a private letter ruling, as discussed under Definition of Exempt Operating Foundation.


Foundation Stats: Guide to the Foundation Center's Research ...


Independent 79729
Corporate 2521
Community 789
Operating 3637
總共 86726

A nonprofit organization that creates new drugs for neglected diseases… The Drugs for Neglected Diseases
The Drugs for Neglected Diseases initiative is an unlikely success story in the expensive, challenging field of drug development.

A nonprofit organization that creates new drugs for neglected diseases…
But Wourgaft, now medical director for the innovative Drugs for Neglected Diseases initiative (DNDi), was confident that the clinic could handle the work. She was right. With data from this site and others, the DNDi will next year seek approval for a sleeping-sickness tablet, fexinidazole. It would be a massive improvement on existing treatment options: an arduous regimen of intravenous injections, or a 65-year-old arsenic-based drug that can be deadly.
The DNDi is an unlikely success story in the expensive, challenging field of drug development. In just over a decade, the group has earned approval for six treatments, tackling sleeping sickness, malaria, Chagas' disease and a form of leishmaniasis called kala-azar. And it has put another 26 drugs into development. It has done this with US$290 million—about one-quarter of what a typical pharmaceutical company would spend to develop just one drug. The model for its success is the product development partnership (PDP), a style of non-profit organization that became popular in the early 2000s. PDPs keep costs down through collaboration—with universities, governments and the pharmaceutical industry. And because the diseases they target typically affect the world's poorest people, and so are neglected by for-profit companies, the DNDi and groups like it face little competitive pressure. They also have lower hurdles to prove that their drugs vastly improve lives.
該DNDi是在藥物開發的昂貴的,具有挑戰性的領域不太可能成功的故事。僅在過去的十年中,該集團已獲得批准,6個處理,處理昏睡病,瘧疾,南美錐蟲病,並呼籲​​黑熱病利甚曼病的一種形式。它已經把另外26藥物進入發展。它已與美國這樣做$ 290億大約四分之一的是一個典型的製藥公司將斥資開發只是一種藥物。其成功的模式是產品開發夥伴關係(PDP),非營利組織的風格,在21世紀初開始流行。 PDP的降低成本,通過合作,與大學,政府和製藥業。而且因為他們的目標疾病通常會影響到世界上最貧窮的人,所以是由營利性公司,DNDi和群體喜歡它面臨小的競爭壓力被忽視。他們也有較低的障礙,以證明他們的藥物極大地改善人們的生活。

基金會是利用自然人法人或者其他組織捐贈的財產,基金會為從事慈善公益事業為目的之非營利性財團法人(Stiftung)。法人(Juristische Person)是自然人以外,由法律所創設,得為權利及義務主體的團體。自法人之組織內容觀察,有以社員的集合為中心者稱為「社團」,有以獨立財產為中心者稱為「財團」。法人本身為抽象的「單一體」(Einheit),與各社員或財產分離,具有獨立的法人格,可以獨立為法律行為。

基金會在台灣 : 結構與類型 / 蕭新煌,江明修,官有垣主編 : 總圖2F人社資料區:可流通, 總圖3F臺大人文庫:限館內閱覽 ;3050 011-37, 068.232 4488-1 
 總圖2F人社資料區 068.232 4488-1  
基金會在臺灣 : 名錄與活動. 民國八十三年 =. Foundations in Taiwan : directory & activities 1994 / 喜瑪拉雅硏究發展基金會著 ; 
書名基金會在台灣 : 結構與類型 / 蕭新煌,江明修,官有垣主編
Imprint台北市 : 巨流出版 ; 高雄市 : 麗文文化總經銷, 2006



非營利組織英語:Nonprofit OrganizationNPO)是指不以營利為目的組織團體[1],其核心目標通常是支持或處理個人關心或者公眾關注的議題或事件,因此其所涉及的領域非常廣,從藝術慈善教育政治公共政策宗教學術環保等,分別擔任起彌補社會需求與政府供給間的落差。
因此,今日社會中,非營利組織有時亦稱為「第三部門」(the third sector),與政府部門(第一部門)和企業界的私部門(第二部門),形成第三種影響社會的主要力量。



  • 台灣提到非營利組織,主要可分為公益性社團法人財團法人行政法人等類型。
  • 因為人的聚集而組成的法人團體,稱為「社團法人」,例如協會(社會服務及慈善團體)、學會(學術文化團體)等。因人的聚集而設立,因此最高權力來源為會員大會,由會員大會選出理監事若干名組成理事會以及監事會,再分別由理事會中選出理事長以及監事會中選出常務監事,作為日常會務的主要管理以及監督等工作的負責人。一般的協會會在理監事會下設總幹事或秘書長,作為主要的會務行政人員,處理協會的實際會務。
  • 因為財物的聚集而設立組織的團體,稱為財團法人,也就是一般的基金會。財團法人因為「財物」而聚集,所以重點在財物的管理(因為不一定是錢,也可以是土地等有價且可以孳息的財貨)。因此在成立之初便需訂定捐贈辦法,設董事會,並且內置董事長、董事與監事若干人,執行這筆財物的管理,因此董事會為日常政策性決定的單位,一般會在下設一執行長,作為日常基金會行政事務的工作者。
  • 社團法人與財團法人的差異:
    • 前者依人而設立,所以一切權力來源為會員大會,理事長為間接選舉後的最高領導人,連選得連任一次,每次任期最多不可超過4年。後者因為財物而設立,所以一切權力最高來源為董事會,董事長及董事皆可連選連任。前者的重點是眾人的意志,後者的重點是要把錢管好。
    • 前者有明確的法律管轄,人民團體法為其主要管理法律。後者目前沒有明確的法律,只有在民法內有間續性的提到,目前在台灣實行的財團法人設立管理辦法,多半都只是中央政府或者是地方政府的行政命令而已。

