有關兆豐金事件的政治正確發言:1 新政府5月上任到8月才發覺問題,一定是刻意隱瞞。不然就是無能。
2 人家周小姐早就在2008年辭職了,基金會執行長哪有什麼影響力。牽拖辜家長子也是基金會執行長,這是哪招?
3 事件爆發後又派事件發生時的總經理當董事長,難道沒問題嗎?
4 巴拿馬文件中,傳聞有綠營人士遭美國盯上。
5 國民黨洗錢,根本不值得驚訝(這句話要用立可白蓋起來)。
Hillary Clinton
FACT: The Clinton Foundation helps 11.5 million people with HIV/AIDS worldwide get their medication.
Emails released Monday provide new examples of a Clinton Foundation official seeking access to the State Department on behalf of donors at a time when Hillary Clinton led the department.
Occupy Democrats
The Trump "Foundation" is a sham, the Clinton Foundation is doing god's work.
Image by Occupy Democrats,. LIKE our page for more!
“If Hillary is elected president, the Clinton Foundation's work, funding, global reach, and my role in it will present questions that must be resolved in a way that keeps the good work going while eliminating legitimate concerns about potential conflicts of interest."
過去美國總統當選後都把資產交付盲目信託,放棄管理與過問權利,也不能知道盈虧,以避免利益衝突,但川普說當選後事業交給兒女,恐無法真正避嫌。川普(Donald Trump)曾告訴美國有線電視新聞網(CNN):「我是欠債之王,我愛舉債。」至少4次債台高築而破產,如今自稱身家逾百億美元,但《富比士》、《財星》和彭博等媒體估計,他實際身家不到50億美元(約1581億台幣)。
Should she win the presidency, the Clinton Foundation will only accept donations from American citizens and independent charities.
slush fund noun [C]
a sum of money that is kept for dishonest or illegal activities in politics or business:
He used his party's slush fund to buy votes in the election.