2月18日討論的是福婁拜的【情感教育】和我的【紀念John Berger】。就我而言,有一條小線索:社會學家的評介:前者是法國【藝術法則】中的說法,後者是英國的博士論文/書:Modernity as Exile: The Stranger in John Berger's Writing。
Walter Benjamin wrote the essay “Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction”"機械複製時代中的藝術作品"要義闡述/John Berger原著;互互譯,台北:電影欣賞(第六卷),1988
Berger’s documentary, Ways of Seeing 1972. 書中特別推薦此篇論文。
John Berger與Walter Benjamin 兩人都寫過【說故事的人】文章,性質差很大。
John Berger的老友 Ernst Fischer (1899–1972) 在The Necessity of Art.1959/1971/2010 就提到Walter Benjamin 論波特萊爾;2010年的新版,由John Berger寫 Introduction,詳細"紀錄" Ernst Fischer 死亡當天(1972)的情形。
Berger’s documentary, Ways of Seeing 1972. 書中特別推薦此篇論文。
John Berger與Walter Benjamin 兩人都寫過【說故事的人】文章,性質差很大。
John Berger的老友 Ernst Fischer (1899–1972) 在The Necessity of Art.1959/1971/2010 就提到Walter Benjamin 論波特萊爾;2010年的新版,由John Berger寫 Introduction,詳細"紀錄" Ernst Fischer 死亡當天(1972)的情形。
真正影響John Berger的藝術思想的,是Max Raphael ( 1889 – 1952), German-American art historian. ..Fellowships awarded by the Bollingen Foundation,希望讀者讀讀Wikipedia 中關於他的詞條。
日期:2月18日(周末),10:00~ 13:00
電話:(02) 2365012主辦:漢清講堂
主題::紀念John Berger (1926-2017) 、討論 G. Flaubet【情感教育】
紀念John Berger (1926-2017) 鍾漢清
討論 G. Flaubet【情感教育】 梁永安、繆詠華、張華、鍾漢清、曹永洋

This anthology of short films, including one directed by Oscar®-winning actress Tilda Swinton, examines the life and work of British painter and art critic John Berger, who abandoned his metropolitan artistic life to become a farmer.
The leftist sympathies and sociological interests of British painter and art critic John Berger, now 89, were so fervent that in the mid-'70s he relocated to France's Haute-Savoie region to embark on a second career as a farmer. Prior to this, his 1972 TV series/book "Ways of Seeing" explored the intersection of art and politics, especially gender politics, by examining the visual depiction of culture in works from Old Master oils to modern advertising photography. Now Berger is himself the subject, in a tetralogy of shorts—a format referring to both "Ways of Seeing"'s four-part structure and to the changing seasons, experienced in depth as only one working the land can. Tilda Swinton, Bartek Dziadosz, Christopher Roth, and Colin MacCabe are the four collaborating directors. "Ways of Listening" presents an intimate kitchen chat between Berger and Swinton. In "Spring," Berger's writings about animals lead to a contemplation of life cycles and death. "A Song for Politics" gathers young left-wing scholars for a discussion, intercut with found footage of agricultural work and traditional labor songs. "Harvest" includes Swinton's and Berger's children for ruminations on generational change and the slow passing of pastoral traditions. All this is set against lavishly shot Alpine scenery, the beauty of which makes Berger's devotion to this quiet and fading way of life all the more bittersweet.
The Seasons in Quincy 1080p WEB-DL DD5.1 H.264.mkv.mp4
John Berger (1926-2017): Ways of Seeing; "The Success and Failure of Picasso" ; Art and Revolution: Ernst Neizvestny;《約定》Keeping a Rendezvous ;《講故事的人》(The Storyteller);
JOHN BERGER1926-2017與 Walter Benjamin:說故事的人
⋯⋯更多JOHN BERGER1926-2017與 Walter Benjamin:說故事的人
R.I.P. John Berger.....
有著藝評家、小說家、詩人與畫家等多重身份,並影響了一代人觀看與思考方式的作家——John Berger,於1月2日辭世,享年90歲。
1926年,Berger出生於英國倫敦,在牛津一所公立學校St Edward's School接受教育,1944年至1946年在英國軍隊服役,退伍後曾於倫敦的藝術學校Chelsea School of Art和Central School of Art就讀。
Berger最初以繪畫為業,在1940年代末至50年代中期曾教授繪畫,並開始於左翼政論雜誌《New Statesman》撰寫藝術評論文章,他的第一本小說《A Painter of Our Time》發表於1958年。Berger秉持的馬克思主義人道精神在對現代藝術的書寫上起初曾為他引來爭議,他的早期文集《Permanent Red》(1960)說明了他的政治思維,Berger批判資本主義終生未改其志,自始至終是一個左翼公共知識份子。
1972年,Berger參與製作了電視節目《Ways of Seeing》討論影像的閱讀思考,在英國公共電視台BBC播出並出版成書,成為藝術評論的經典之作。同年,他以第一次世界大戰戰前的歐洲作為背景的小說《G.》獲頒英國文學界的重要獎項布克獎(Booker Prize)和布萊克紀念獎(James Tait Black Memorial Prize)。在接受布克獎時,他將一半獎金捐給了支持黑人民族主義運動與社會主義運動的英國黑豹黨(Black Panther Party),另一半獎金則投入他與攝影師Jean Mohr關於歐洲移工的研究與寫作計畫,後來出版為《A Seventh Man》(1975),成為著名的勞工報導代表作。兩人並於1982年再合作出版了《Another Way of Telling》一本收錄著山區農民勞動生活照片並探討攝影敘事與照片本質意涵的重要影像論述。其他如《About Looking》(1980)、《Why Look at Animals》(2009)等也是Berger思索藝術與社會關係的代表作品。
(Photograph by Jean Mohr)
R.I.P. John Berger.....
有著藝評家、小說家、詩人與畫家等多重身份,並影響了一代人觀看與思考方式的作家——John Berger,於1月2日辭世,享年90歲。
1926年,Berger出生於英國倫敦,在牛津一所公立學校St Edward's School接受教育,1944年至1946年在英國軍隊服役,退伍後曾於倫敦的藝術學校Chelsea School of Art和Central School of Art就讀。
Berger最初以繪畫為業,在1940年代末至50年代中期曾教授繪畫,並開始於左翼政論雜誌《New Statesman》撰寫藝術評論文章,他的第一本小說《A Painter of Our Time》發表於1958年。Berger秉持的馬克思主義人道精神在對現代藝術的書寫上起初曾為他引來爭議,他的早期文集《Permanent Red》(1960)說明了他的政治思維,Berger批判資本主義終生未改其志,自始至終是一個左翼公共知識份子。
1972年,Berger參與製作了電視節目《Ways of Seeing》討論影像的閱讀思考,在英國公共電視台BBC播出並出版成書,成為藝術評論的經典之作。同年,他以第一次世界大戰戰前的歐洲作為背景的小說《G.》獲頒英國文學界的重要獎項布克獎(Booker Prize)和布萊克紀念獎(James Tait Black Memorial Prize)。在接受布克獎時,他將一半獎金捐給了支持黑人民族主義運動與社會主義運動的英國黑豹黨(Black Panther Party),另一半獎金則投入他與攝影師Jean Mohr關於歐洲移工的研究與寫作計畫,後來出版為《A Seventh Man》(1975),成為著名的勞工報導代表作。兩人並於1982年再合作出版了《Another Way of Telling》一本收錄著山區農民勞動生活照片並探討攝影敘事與照片本質意涵的重要影像論述。其他如《About Looking》(1980)、《Why Look at Animals》(2009)等也是Berger思索藝術與社會關係的代表作品。
(Photograph by Jean Mohr)
Stand News 立場新聞
藝術評論大師John Berger逝世 享年90歲
2017/1/3 — 7:46
名著 Ways of Seeing 作者、英國藝評人 John Berger 昨日於法國巴黎逝世,享年 90 歲。
曾出版 John Berger 多部著作的出版社 Verso Books 在 twitter 證實這個消息。
其最有名的著作≪觀看的方式 (Ways of Seeing)≫,堪稱文化研究及藝術評論必讀書籍。此作起初是 1972 年 BBC 一輯四部節目,其後他把節目內容改編為書。著作深入分析人類觀看藝術的視角,跳出單純的「欣賞」框架,進而分析美醜背後的權力及文化關係,改變了整代人觀看事物的方法。他的不少語錄,如「男人注視女人,女人看自己被男人注視」,「攝影就是一種記憶。照片,與人的記憶,都同等依賴並對抗時間的流逝」,均廣為世界各地藝評人引用。
我們用言語解釋這個世界,但言語永遠無法還原這個事實:世界包圍著我們。我們看到的世界與我們知道的世界,兩者間的關係從未確定。(John Berger)
除藝術評論外,John Berger 亦有不少重要著作。其小說 G. 就贏得 1972 年的布克獎 (Booker Prize) 。
不少藝術及文化工作者在 John Berger 死後發 twitter 表達對他的尊敬。藝術家 David Shrigley 稱他是「史上最佳藝術作者」,作家 Jeanette Winterson 稱他是在「枯竭的世界中之能量泉源」。
John Berger 1926 年生於英國倫敦。他曾在二戰末期(1944 至 1946)服役英軍,其後入讀切爾西藝術與設計學院及倫敦中央藝術與設計學校(該校 1989 年與聖馬丁藝術學合併成現時知名的中央聖馬丁藝術與設計學院)。1940 年代末,他以畫家身份出道,曾舉辦多次展覽。
1952 年,他開始替《新政治家》雜誌撰稿,並很快的以一位馬克思主義的藝術評論家身分竄起。1958 年,他出版其小說處女作,≪我們時代的畫家 (A Painter of Our Time)≫。此外他亦有其他創作如劇本、詩歌等。1972 年是其事業巔峰。那一年,BBC 的節目 Ways of Seeing 及由之引申的同名書籍,是 John Berger 最著名的作品;同年發表的小說 G. 亦為他贏得布克獎及英國最古老的文學獎「詹姆斯·泰特·布萊克紀念獎 (The James Tait Black Memorial Prize)」。當時他把前者的一半獎金捐給人權運動組織。
其最新小說作品,是 2008 年的 From A to X。去年,他出版了文集 Confabulations。一部由 Tilda Swinton 製作、以 John Berger 為題的紀錄片 The Seasons in Quincy: Four Portraits of John Berger 亦於去年 8 月推出。不料事隔未夠半年,大師便溘然長逝。
John Peter Berger was an English art critic, novelist, painter and poet. His novel G. won the 1972 Booker Prize, and his essay on art criticism Ways of Seeing, written as an accompaniment to a BBC series, is often used as a university text.Wikipedia
John Berger on Trump’s win…
In such a climate, somebody who is actually saying something, who seems to suggest that there may be a connection between what he said and what he will do, such a person is a way out of a vacuous nightmare—even if the way out is dangerous or vicious… The less hot air you make and the more tangible you are the better chance you have at this moment.
In such a climate, somebody who is actually saying something, who seems to suggest that there may be a connection between what he said and what he will do, such a person is a way out of a vacuous nightmare—even if the way out is dangerous or vicious… The less hot air you make and the more tangible you are the better chance you have at this moment.
John Berger on the American electorate’s anger towards the elite…
They are angry at the elite not because it’s the elite in the old fashion way—the elites have always been criticizable or suspected—but because it’s the elite that talks and talks and talks and there is no connection between his talk and his actions and what is really happening in the world. So it’s a kind of elitism which is an abstraction.
They are angry at the elite not because it’s the elite in the old fashion way—the elites have always been criticizable or suspected—but because it’s the elite that talks and talks and talks and there is no connection between his talk and his actions and what is really happening in the world. So it’s a kind of elitism which is an abstraction.
John Berger on what keeps him going…
The next job, the next task. Because I’m always so involved and also collaborating in many, many ways with many different people on many different levels. So what keeps me going is the next page.
The next job, the next task. Because I’m always so involved and also collaborating in many, many ways with many different people on many different levels. So what keeps me going is the next page.
Celebrating John Berger (1926-2017) and his legacy. Our piece today becomes a fitting tribute:
"The modern illusion concerning painting (which post-modernism has done nothing to correct) is that the artist is the creator. Rather he is a receiver. What seems like creation is the act of giving form to what he has received." ~ John Berger (The Shape of a Pocket)
Below, an article on Berger's life and work that was published in Oct.
“The relation between what we see and what we know is never settled. Each evening we see the sun set. We know that the earth is turning away from it. Yet the knowledge, the explanation, never quite fits the sight.” - John Berger, "Ways of Seeing"
John Berger, art critic and the author of "Ways of Seeing," has passed. Learn about his work via The Guardian: http://mo.ma/2irohQn