談 Peter Drucker的著作,譬如說《旁觀者》、《不連續的時代》
2015 紀念戴明博士:Deming and Drucker at NYU /GBS :A Friendship.
日期:10月14日(周三),10:00~ 13:00
電話:(02) 2365012
談戴明博士Dr. W. Edwards Deming 與杜拉克博士Dr. Peter Drucker在紐約大學 (NYU) 商學院 鍾漢清 30分鐘
23日:兩單位在台北自由之家晚宴戴明博士 (高禩謹理事長等賓客14人);戴明博士戴中華民國品質管制學會會徽。
25日: 台北陽明山高階主管座談,人數待確認。高禩謹理事長送戴明博士冰鼎紀念品。
27日: 高雄品質管制研討會,約160名學生,全數著西裝。
(參考:戴久永老師贈的戴明博士著《品管九講》,台北:中國生產力中心/中華民國品質管制學會 共同發行,1972年6月) W. Edwards Dming博士著{品管九講 } 譯者劉振序言 (1970)
杜 拉克授權協志工業叢書出版股份有限公司3本書的文字簡介:
企業經營演習 The Practice of Management
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ISBN: 978-957-9357-48-7
作 者:彼得‧杜拉克 著 / 張漢裕 譯 頁 數:478 頁 出版社:協志工業叢書出版(股) 出版日期:1998年6月 一版七刷 /1965 |
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作 者:彼得‧杜拉克著 / 游來乾、何清欽、鄭慶昭、陳宗欽 譯 頁 數:280 頁 出版社:協志工業叢書出版(股) 出版日期:2003年7月 第二十版 |
「事在人為」,事業成敗的關鍵在於人。企業的成果、風格、盈虧、發展方向等均決定於其經營者。本書主題即在於探究如何做一個有效的經營者。這是可供經營者自我啟發的一本修養書,推論有條理,敘述平易淺顯,含義深遠,引例豐富而適切,引人深思。 彼得‧杜拉克(Peter F. Drucker)先生在本書中提到知識工作者的問題,這是已開發國家的重要社會問題。他在本書「原著者中文版序言」裡指出:「在這環境中,臺灣的經營者正遇上他的成功所帶來的各種問題」。隨著我們經濟建設的進展,我們的知識工作者已有顯著地增加,我們對這個問題亦宜及早有所認識。這本書,特別要幫助經營者,用很有把握、很正確的方法,來處理他們自己的成功所帶來的問題。 發展企業,必須注重經營者的自我啟發,這就是本書不斷再版新刷的期望與緣故。 |
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作 者:彼得‧杜拉克 著 / 莊宏信 陳瑞珍 林錦勝 譯 頁 數:406 頁 出版社:協志工業叢書出版(股) 出版日期:1978年3月 第五版81971 |
「天行健,君子以自強不息」,整個人類的文明歷史,就是繼往開來,生生不息的過程產物。現今我們所面臨的正是舊時創造的事項已趨於窮盡,新的轉機有待開展的時代。管理大師彼得‧杜拉克以其慧眼獨具的筆觸,勾畫出現今斷絕不續的世界輪廓。他從已經展現在地平線上的四個方面著手,指出新的流趨所向;新技術的開發,造成主要的新產業;由「國際經濟體系」轉變為「世界經濟體系」,取代缺乏政策、理論與機構的現行經濟體系;社會政治上新的多元機構,其實體存在構成政治、哲學和精神上的激烈挑戰;以遍及大眾教育為基礎的知識新宇宙,以及其於工作、生活、休閒活動與領導上的意涵。 |
•同:兩人為名顧問,不過都是非顧問公司;異:參與顧問的方式、領域;從統計學、知識論出發 v 從政經社出發;The W. Edwards Deming Institute v The Drucker Institute Archives, Claremont, California
•同:關心全世界,特別是美國重生的迫切;異:社會生態 v 產、官、學組織之轉型
•同:從生活中舉例學習;異:寫回憶錄的方式:Deming 書中提故事 v Drucker夫婦都有早期生活回憶錄《旁觀者》(Adventures of a Bystander by Peter Drucker、 Doris Drucker, Invent Radium or I'll Pull Your Hair
•由於一般人但知Deming 反對 Drucker 提倡的目標管理 (MBO Management by Objective) ,誤認為他倆是敵手。事實上恰恰相反:1976年Deming 自NYU退休,Drucker 給的信,參考 Petrer Drucker to W. Edwards Deming, May 19, 1976. From Drucker: A Life in Pictures
•Deming 過世時Drucker的說法。
日本企業並不追求股東的最大股利。因為資本是由銀行借貸而來,只要求固定的資產報酬率。由於日本企業不需要去討好股東,就可以委託另一批人--企業的員工--來經營。彼得‧杜拉克(Peter Drucker) 類似的觀察:大企業的經營是為了員工,在傳統的法律上,大企業是「相互扶助的業主」。由於員工是(非為盈餘)制度的受益者,勞資之間自然會相互信任。(注2)---戴明《轉危為安》
「可惜,不同部門的努力是不能簡單相加成整體的成績。例如,採購人員的買價比去年節省了10 %,但這在製造過程當中反而增加了成本,又損及品質。另一可能是公司享受到大量購買的折扣優惠,卻造成庫存過多的問題,從而也妨礙對於未來不測變動的反應及彈性。
對於上述說法,杜拉克(Peter Drucker)深人的了解,解釋得很清楚。很可惜許多人都沒讀過他提出的警告。 (參考《管理的任務、責任與實務》(Management Tasks, Responsibilities, Practices, Harper & Row出版,1973;此書有漢譯)) 」
---- 戴明《新經濟學》
•從Drucker 在NYU的待遇,可以推論Dr. Deming "退休"後的待遇,尤其是80年代。
•Receives the Presidential Citation at New York University, the highest award given by the university.
•根據 Drucker - A Life in Pictures
• 1. In 1969 he was awarded New York University ’s highest honor, its Presidential Citation.[65]
Letter recognizing Presidential Citation of New York University , Box 8, Folder 7, The Drucker Institute Archives, Claremont, California.
•Correspondence from James M. Hester to Peter Drucker, 1968-12-09
•2. 1972.7.25 Drucker to Jim and Milie
•Drucker 說,搬到加州洛杉磯東40哩的 Claremont....不想加入史丹佛大學商學院,因該校要求全職教學,而Drucker 對該校也不覺合口胃。Drucker 答應NYU每年公開演講3次 (4月,以 Distinguished University Professor 名義。這是在University Professor之前加形容詞。)
New York University 1001 2015
The Times Higher Education World University Rankings are out, and we're no. 30, up from 60 in 2010-11! http://bit.ly/1jzvQle
•---- 戴明《新經濟學》第1章 現況的省思 motto
•對你傷害最大的,莫過於差勁的對手;對於強勁的好對手, 應心存感激。──波利茲(Alfred Politz)
•The Politz papers : science and truth in marketing research / edited by Hugh S. Hardy ; with a foreword by Darrel B. Lucas and with additional notes by W. Edwards Deming ,Chicago, Ill. : American Marketing Association, 1990
•Lucas 教授在Foreword 中說:How could he have approached a budget-minded business college dean to bring an international statistics authority to New York University?
•主編的書:為慶祝GBS/NYU 成立50周年:
•(Drucker, the man who invented the corporate society By John J. Tarrant. Inside Drucker‘s Brain,Publisher Cahners Books, 1976;杜魯克:開創企業社會的人,沈鑑治譯,香港:今日世界出版社,1984;第12章: 講堂上的杜魯克 (1975.3.18~19) :300人企業人士參加,每人繳60元美方
•敬弔 現代經營學、社會觀察大師 Peter Drucker:2005年11月12日19:55從NHK廣播知道先生仙逝。(日美影響力、 員工是資產、 1965年三等瑞寶勳章……)
•Peter F. Drucker, a Pioneer in Social and Management Theory, Is Dead at 95 (紐約時報)
• Peter Drucker 生前出書約40本,有早年傳記《旁觀者》。不過我認為1993年出版的The Ecological Vision 《社會生態學的靈視》也很可以看出他的本色: Peter Drucker自稱為一位社會生態學家,詳下。
•NYU商學院校友調查報告Rough draft of Report of Study of Former Students, Memorandum, W. Edwards Deming to Dean William R. Dill, March 30, 1976, 9. (hc按:正式退休數月的報告。)
•遲來的賞識。威廉•迪爾(William R. Dill)任職紐約大學企管研究院院長時,大約在1972年,他邀請我一起進行一項研究,調查畢業5年以上的學生目前在做什麼?並詢問他們成功的要件是什麼?其中有一個問題是︰
• 您的人生是否受到本校老師的影響?
• 如果是,請說出他們的名字。
• 不幸的是,這種賞識來得太遲了。學校當局並沒有採取特別措施來留住這6位教授——他們是那種會使學校成名的老師——而他們當中也沒有一位受到學生團體頒贈「本年的偉大老師」獎。
•我1963年在紐約大學指導的博士生Cureton Harris的論文,讓我學習許多美國式管理的問題。
•喬伊斯˙奧爾西尼 (Joyce Orsini) 〈在混亂狀態下抑減產品的總檢驗和矯正成本的簡單規則〉(Simple rule to reduce total cost of inspection and correction of product in state of chaos),1982年美國紐約大學企研所博士論文。
• 關於大將軍的影響力及天才──有這樣一則故事,恩里科•費米(Enrico Fermi)曾向萊斯利˙格羅夫斯(Leslie Groves)將軍問道︰有多少將軍可以稱之為「偉大」?格羅夫斯回答說︰大約3%。費米隨後問道︰什麼是「偉大」的條件,格羅夫斯回答說︰任何一位將軍在連續贏得5次戰役後,就可稱之為偉大。這是二次世界大戰的中期。費米說︰在考慮過大多數戰場的反抗力量,大約與攻方是相等的,這位將軍可能在2場戰役中贏1場,有1/4的機會可以連續贏2場,有1/8的機會可連續贏3場,有1/16的機會可以連續贏4場,有1/32的機會可以連續贏5場。「將軍,你是對的,大約有3% 的機會,這是數學概率,並不是天才。」(約翰‧基岡(John Keegan)著,《戰爭的面目》,維京(Viking)出版公司,1977年。)
• 現代美國企管學校的學生,經常會問自己和老師,那一種課程可以直接教導人改善貿易平衡的知識。數學、經濟學、心理學、統計學、法律,的確沒錯。但是,大部份的會計學、行銷學和財務學偏重於技藝傳授,並非教育(思想);就如同電腦只用來做文書處理一般,諸如此類課程,不勝枚舉。(戴明任教美國紐約大學Stern管理學院達30年,他及其同志想提倡本書的「淵博知識體系」,而非只是技能。——譯注) ;美國MBA教育的省思……)
University of California, Irvine
50 years ago, UCI opened our doors for the first day of classes, Oct. 4, 1965.
Celebrating five decades of a bright past and looking forward to a brilliant future!
What's your brightest UCI memory? What's your prediction for the next brilliant 50 years?
Photo courtesy of Special Collections in the UCI Libraries.

"At 12.05am he told an incredibly long story about an old lady having sex with a gorilla that I’m pretty sure was sexist but I was too tired to tell."
At 87 Ken Dodd is still delivering marathon standup sets. Did our correspondent make it to the end?
Dr. Peter Drucker
- 1997: Drucker on Asia: A Dialogue between Peter Drucker and Isao Nakauchi (Tokyo: Diamond Inc.)
- 1998: Peter Drucker on the Profession of Management (Boston: Harvard Business School Publishing)
Out of the Crisis, by W. Edwards Deming, 1986
妻讀了我寫的 Peter Drucker ,說想讀 My Years with General Motors。她說她也是『經營者』…..
我在1990-91年教東海化工系,就是用Peter Drucker的『管理學』(台灣1973約有三種翻譯),那時版權在聯經。不過,我也讀過,有人說『管理學』也只是泛泛之言而已。
敬弔 現代經營學、社會觀察大師 Peter Drucker
2005年11月12日19:55從NHK廣播知道先生仙逝。(日美影響力、 員工是資產、 1965年三等瑞寶勳章……)
Peter F. Drucker, a Pioneer in Social and Management Theory, Is Dead at 95
今天,看到廖月娟譯的先生《旁觀者:杜拉克回憶錄》(Adventures of a Bystander by Peter Ferdinand Drucker ,1993重新發行)在大陸的機械工業出版社發行(台灣約10年前舊書)。
約半年前,我收聽先生的50分鐘收音機訪談。先生諄諄告誡美國人: 世界已經是多強國之局勢…….
約十年前,先生是少數可以用email給 The Economist 澄清觀點的人。
H. A. Simon的回憶錄上提過,與你等”主講” (?)世銀亞洲論壇。
先生稱 W. E. Deming 為 Ed.。你說,他對美國經營界有很深的挫折。
昨天,談 Sloan先生的 My Years With General Motors,引:「杜拉克在回憶錄上一章:「史隆的專業風彩」。1970s他為在發行的 My Years with General Motors 寫序。
A. 亞佛瑞‧史隆(Alfred Sloan)所著的《我與通用汽車》(My Years with General
CHARLES HANDY: Now that I am sitting where the great Peter Drucker walked and talked, I wonder how he would have reacted to some of the things that bother me. For instance, how would he respond to what I call "Adam Smith's Great Conundrum?"
Adam Smith, the father of economics, 250 years ago, said: "An investment is by all right-minded people to be commended, because it brings comforts and necessities to the citizenry. But, if continued indefinitely, it will lead to the endless pursuit of unnecessary things."
Now that I am living for a while in California, I am staggered by the amount of "unnecessary things" that I see in the malls that dot the suburbs. America is no different from anywhere else, of course -- just more so.
The conundrum is this: All that stuff creates jobs -- making it, promoting it, selling it. It's literally the stuff of growth. What I'd love to ask Peter Drucker is: How do you grow an economy without the jobs and taxes that these unnecessary things produce?
Drucker saw business as the agent of progress. Its main responsibility, he said, was to come up with new ideas and take them to market. But not just any new ideas, please -- only those that bring genuine benefits to the customers, and do not muck up the environment.
The market, unfortunately, does not differentiate between good and bad. If the people want junk, the market will provide. So we have to fall back on the conscience of our business leaders.
Maybe they should all be required to sign the equivalent of the Hippocratic oath that doctors used to be required to swear, including the commitment, "Above all, do no harm." No, it couldn't be a legal requirement, just an indication of a cultivated responsibility.
To my question, then, I like to imagine Peter Drucker nodding assent and saying, "Yes, I have always insisted that business exists to serve society, not to muck it up."
A. 亞佛瑞‧史隆(Alfred Sloan)所著的《我與通用汽車》(My Years with General
CHARLES HANDY: Now that I am sitting where the great Peter Drucker walked and talked, I wonder how he would have reacted to some of the things that bother me. For instance, how would he respond to what I call "Adam Smith's Great Conundrum?"
Adam Smith, the father of economics, 250 years ago, said: "An investment is by all right-minded people to be commended, because it brings comforts and necessities to the citizenry. But, if continued indefinitely, it will lead to the endless pursuit of unnecessary things."
Now that I am living for a while in California, I am staggered by the amount of "unnecessary things" that I see in the malls that dot the suburbs. America is no different from anywhere else, of course -- just more so.
The conundrum is this: All that stuff creates jobs -- making it, promoting it, selling it. It's literally the stuff of growth. What I'd love to ask Peter Drucker is: How do you grow an economy without the jobs and taxes that these unnecessary things produce?
Drucker saw business as the agent of progress. Its main responsibility, he said, was to come up with new ideas and take them to market. But not just any new ideas, please -- only those that bring genuine benefits to the customers, and do not muck up the environment.
The market, unfortunately, does not differentiate between good and bad. If the people want junk, the market will provide. So we have to fall back on the conscience of our business leaders.
Maybe they should all be required to sign the equivalent of the Hippocratic oath that doctors used to be required to swear, including the commitment, "Above all, do no harm." No, it couldn't be a legal requirement, just an indication of a cultivated responsibility.
To my question, then, I like to imagine Peter Drucker nodding assent and saying, "Yes, I have always insisted that business exists to serve society, not to muck it up."
We tend to think of Drucker as forever old, a gnomic and mysterious elder. At least I always did. His speech, always slow and measured, was forever accented in that commanding Viennese. His wisdom could not have come from anyone who was young. So it's easy to forget his dashing youth, his long devotion to one woman and their four children (until the end, Drucker still greeted his wife of 71 years with an effusive "Hello, my darling!"), or even his deliciously self-deprecating sense of play.