英國倫敦肯辛頓公園Serpentine Gallery內的涼亭Serpentine Gallery Pavilion就獨樹一格,在涼亭設計上搞搞新意思。
Serpentine Gallery Pavilion既是涼亭,更是一件藝術品。每年夏天,Serpentine Gallery也會搭建臨時建築Serpentine Gallery Pavilion,作為派對、展覽或演講等活動的場地。歷屆作品均出自建築名師之手,包括曾奪得建築界榮譽普立茲克獎(Pritzker Architecture Prize)的Frank Gehry、Zaha Hadid、Oscar Niemeyer及Rem Koolhaas。
2009 年則由日本建築師妹島和世(Kazuyo Sejima)與西澤立衛(Ryue Nishizawa)設計,以鏡面拋光的鋁片製成天花。設計不設牆壁,只以條條細長不鏽鋼柱撐起整座涼亭,使環境顯得開揚。從高處看,涼亭像倒瀉的一攤 ,又或是灰銀色的雲層,穿插於周邊的樹林間。亭內天花如鏡,能反射地面景致,給予觀眾視覺新鮮感。Pavilion將於3個月後拆卸,要一睹大師作品, 就要在10月中前往倫敦了。
■Serpentine Gallery Pavilion
地址﹕Serpentine Gallery, Kensington Gardens, London W2 3XA
電話﹕+44(0)20 7402 6075
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13 February - 7 April 2013
18-21 April 2013
Sound Series
Dominic Eichler
An introduction to the exhibition Rosemarie Trockel: A Cosmos
Future Plans
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8 March 2013 - 6 March 2014
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Tuesday 2 April 2013
Sou Fujimoto to design Serpentine Gallery Pavilion 2013
Limited Editions
Limited Editions by Rosemarie Trockel
Watch the Memory Marathon on The Space
- ser • pen • tine
- 発音
- sə'ːrpəntìːn | -tàin
1 (形・動きなどが)蛇の(ような).
3 陰険な, 狡猾(こうかつ)な.
1 [U]蛇紋(じゃもん)石.
2 ((the S-))サーペンタイン池:LondonのHyde ParkとKensington Gardensにまたがる.
3 (スケートで)S字曲線.
━━[動](自)うねうね曲がる, くねくね動く, 蛇行する.Serpentine Gallery Pavilion 2013
Designed by Sou Fujimoto
Indicative CGI
© Sou Fujimoto Architects
Serpentine Gallery Pavilion 2013
Designed by Sou Fujimoto
Indicative CGI
© Sou Fujimoto Architects
'Tokyo Apartment'
Designed by Sou Fujimoto Architects
© Iwan Baan
Sou Fujimoto to design Serpentine Gallery Pavilion 2013
The Serpentine Gallery Pavilion 2013 will be designed by multi award-winning Japanese architect Sou Fujimoto.
He is the thirteenth and, at 41, youngest architect to accept the invitation to design a temporary structure for the Serpentine Gallery. The most ambitious architectural programme of its kind worldwide, the Serpentine's annual Pavilion commission is one of the most anticipated announcements on the cultural calendar. Past Pavilions have included designs by Herzog & de Meuron and Ai Weiwei (2012), Frank Gehry (2008), the late Oscar Niemeyer (2003) and Zaha Hadid, who designed the inaugural structure in 2000.
Widely acknowledged as one of the most important architects coming to prominence worldwide, Sou Fujimoto is the leading light of an exciting generation of artists who are re-inventing our relationship with the built environment. Inspired by organic structures, such as the forest, the nest and the cave, Fujimoto's signature buildings inhabit a space between nature and artificiality. Fujimoto has completed the majority of his buildings in Japan, with commissions ranging from the domestic, such as Final Wooden House, T House and House N, to the institutional, such as the Musashino Art Museum and Library at Musashino Art University.
Occupying some 350 square-metres of lawn in front of the Serpentine Gallery, Sou Fujimoto's delicate, latticed structure of 20mm steel poles will have a lightweight and semi-transparent appearance that will allow it to blend, cloud-like, into the landscape and against the classical backdrop of the Gallery's colonnaded East wing. Designed as a flexible, multi-purpose social space - with a café sited inside - visitors will be encouraged to enter and interact with the Pavilion in different ways throughout its four-month tenure in London's Kensington Gardens.
Julia Peyton-Jones, Director, and Hans Ulrich Obrist, Co-Director, Serpentine Gallery, said:
"We are thrilled to be working with one of the most fascinating architects in the world today. A visionary, who has conceived an extraordinary response to our invitation to design the Serpentine Gallery Pavilion, Sou Fujimoto has designed a structure that will enthral everyone that encounters it throughout the summer."
Describing his design concept, Sou Fujimoto said:
"For the 2013 Pavilion I propose an architectural landscape: a transparent terrain that encourages people to interact with and explore the site in diverse ways. Within the pastoral context of Kensington Gardens, I envisage the vivid greenery of the surrounding plant life woven together with a constructed geometry. A new form of environment will be created, where the natural and the man-made merge; not solely architectural nor solely natural, but a unique meeting of the two.
The Pavilion will be a delicate, three-dimensional structure, each unit of which will be composed of fine steel bars. It will form a semi-transparent, irregular ring, simultaneously protecting visitors from the elements while allowing them to remain part of the landscape. The overall footprint will be 350 square-metres and the Pavilion will have two entrances. A series of stepped terraces will provide seating areas that will allow the Pavilion to be used as a flexible, multi-purpose social space.
The delicate quality of the structure, enhanced by its semi-transparency, will create a geometric, cloud-like form, as if it were mist rising from the undulations of the park. From certain vantage points, the Pavilion will appear to merge with the classical structure of the Serpentine Gallery, with visitors suspended in space."
Fujimoto is the third Japanese architect to accept the invitation to design the Serpentine Gallery Pavilion, following Toyo Ito in 2002 and Kazuyo Sejima & Ryue Nishizawa of SANAA in 2009