與 台大社會系 賴曉黎老師談
《新北投新民路一巷 5號 6樓(過新民國中在新民路 25 號後,左轉十公尺「貴園別莊」內;Tel. 02-2894 6100 ):開車很方便 附近新民 國中巷有許多停車位》。捷運 (往)「淡水線」,在「北投站」下(不出站),直接過月台,轉「
報名電話 02-23625776;email: hcsimonl@gmail.com
International Conference on the New Horizons of East Asian Studies in the Age of Globalization
Conference Room #4, 2nd Administrative Building,
| | ||
| Registration | | Registration |
| Opening Ceremony Chair: Chun-chieh Huang (黃俊傑) Welcoming Remarks: Si-Chen Lee(李嗣涔)President, National Taiwan University | | Chair : Tzong-ho Bau (包宗和) Keynote speech Speaker: Longxi Zhang (張隆溪) “ Discussion (20 mins) |
| Chair : Chun-chieh Huang (黃俊傑) Keynote speech: Speaker: Jörn Rüsen “Intercultural Humanism: How to Do the Humanities in the Age of Globalization” Discussion (20 mins) | ||
| Coffee Break | | Coffee Break |
| Session I Chair : Jo-shui Chen (陳弱水) 1.“Rethinking Chinese Studies in an Age of Reflexive Modernization: Guangda Zhang (張廣達) 2. “Chinese History in the Age of Globalization” Young-tsu Wong (汪榮祖) Discussion (20 mins) | | Session IV Chair : Huai-chen Kan(甘懷真) 1.“ Man-houng Lin (林滿紅) 2. “Some Reflections on the Study of East Asian Confucianisms: Its Rationale and Its Problematiques” Chun-chieh Huang (黃俊傑) Discussion (20 mins) |
| Lunch | | Lunch |
| Session II Chair: Yun-han Chu (朱雲漢) 1.“The Rational and Transactional Rationality: Exploring Eastern and Western Bases of Exchanges” Nan Lin (林南) 2.“ The Chih-yu Shih (石之瑜) Discussion (20 mins) | | Session V Chair: Chien-fu Lin (林建甫) 1.“New Approach of Indigenous Social Science in the Age of Globalization” Kwang-kuo Hwang (黃光國) 2.“Chinese Organizational Behavior Studies in the Age of Globalization” Bor-shiuan Cheng & Discussion (20 mins) |
| Coffee Break | | Coffee Break |
| Session III Chair: Ming-cheng Tsai (蔡明誠) 1. “Political Legitimacy in East Asia: Modernization, Institution, Culture, and Regime Performance” Yun-han Chu & Fu Hu 2. “ East Asian Constitutionalism” Jiunn-rong Yeh & Wen-chen Chang (葉俊榮&張文貞) Discussion (30 mins) | | Concluding Keynote Speech: Speaker: Cho-yun Hsu (許倬雲) |
| Round-table Discussion: Chair: Cho-yun Hsu (許倬雲) Panelists: Anne Waltner Jörn Rüsen Longxi Zhang (張隆溪) Guangda Zhang (張廣達) Alain-marc Rieu | ||
| Closing Ceremony |
Sponsored by the Institute of Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences,
Co-sponsored by the Center of the Humanities and Social Sciences, National Tsing-hwa University
時間:2008/12/6(六) 10:00AM~12:00AM (上午9:30~9:50報到,請準時勿遲到!)
委 員 長:高正人 會長
副委員長:洪啟洲 副會長
執 行 長:李光斌 副會長
執行組員:王世琦 秘書長、劉義履 理事
敬 邀
◎講者簡介:巴黎大學博士,香港中文大學翻譯系榮譽教授,最優秀不列顛帝國勳章官佐(Officer of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire)。著有《認識翻譯真面目》(香港:天地圖書,2002),《譯道行》(武漢:湖北教育出版社,2002)等書,譯有《小酒館的悲歌》(The Ballad of the Sad Cafe,香港:今日世界,1975),《石與影》(Stone and Shadow,北京:中國對外翻譯出版公司,1993),《海隅逐客》(An Outcast of the Islands,台北:聯經,1981;南京:譯林,2000)等。
Le Taoisme dans les romans de François Cheng
Taoism in the novels of François Cheng (Abstract)
「以法語演講,中文口譯」(The lecture will be delivered in French, interpreted into Chinese.)
Speaker: Mr. Tao Hanwei (DFLL Project Instructor )
Moderator: Prof. Rachel Juan (Director, Undergraduate Program in European Languages, NCCU)
Interpreter: Prof. Louisa Lin (DFLL Assistant Professor)
Time: 3:30 ~ 5:00 pm, Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Venue: DFLL New Conference Room, Gallery of NTU History (Old Main Library)
1-5 of 5 pages with references to prater:
1. | on Page 15: |
"... the Russian zone, where the Prater lay smashed and deso- late and full of weeds, ..." | |
2. | on Page 78: |
"... half- destroyed Diana baths and in the distance the great black circle of the Prater Wheel, stationary above the ruined houses. ..." | |
3. | on Page 119: |
"... zone-in the second bezirk to be exact, in a wide empty desolate street that runs down to the Prater Platz. ..." | |
4. | on Page 132: |
"... A ghost isn't afraid of a man, is it? Surely it's the other way round. I'll be waiting in the Prater by the Big ..." | |
5. | on Page 133: |
"... the smashed Prater with its bones sticking crudely through the snow was nearly empty. One stall sold thin flat cakes like cartwheels, ..." |
No motion picture actor so captured and enthralled the world as did Charles Spencer Chaplin, a London ragamuffin who became an immortal artist for his deft and effective humanization of man's tragicomic conflicts with fate.
這humanization 讓我想起WWS說 Dr Deming的統計教學:
The celluloid of the German classic was in private hands for 80 years and then was in the Museum of Cinema in Buenos Aires where it was discovered in April with never before seen scratched images.
Museum director Paula Felix-Didier said theirs is the only copy of German director Fritz Lang's complete film.
Three reels, edited out and long thought lost, were part of the discovery of the film that depicts a 21st century world divided between an underworld working class and the above-ground thinkers who control them.
Buenos Aires film distributor Adolfo Z. Wilson acquired a long version of "Metropolis" in 1928 which survived as a copy, and finally ended up in the archive of a local film museum, said Felix-Didier.
Rediscovered reels deemed authentic
Bildunterschrift: Großansicht des Bildes mit der Bildunterschrift: Lang's original vision may finally be realized
A DVD of the version was brought to the Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau Foundation in Wiesbaden, Germany, for analysis. Researchers at the foundation, which owns the rights to "Metropolis," confirmed that the scenes were original.
"We were overjoyed when we heard about the find," foundation head Helmut Possmann told Reuters news agency. "We no longer believed we'd see this. Time and again we had had calls about supposed footage but were disappointed.
"We're not being fooled," he said. "The film can now be shown more or less as Lang originally intended it. In terms of understanding what it's about, we'll be seeing a new film."
Material expands characters and plot
Bildunterschrift: The film wasn't an initial success
Around 20 to 25 minutes of footage that fleshes out secondary characters and sheds light on the plot would be added to the film pending restoration, he added. But around five minutes of the original were probably still missing, he said.
Due to the poor condition of the film stock, it was too early to say how long restoration would take, Possmann said.
"It's taken several years with similar films," he added.
Written by Lang and his actress wife Thea von Harbou, “Metropolis” was originally three-and-a-half-hours long but was cut into a shorter version since seen by millions worldwide.
Commercial flop to influential blueprint
It was not a commercial success and nearly bankrupted the studio behind it. According to some estimates, it still ranks as one of the most expensive movies ever made once inflation is factored in.
With its cold, monumental vision of a vast mechanized society in the middle of a tumultuous class struggle, "Metropolis" forged a template for generations of science fiction cinema, and its enduring influence has been cited on films from "Blade Runner" to "Fahrenheit 451" and "Star Wars."
"Metropolis," was the first film to be entered into UNESCO's Memory of the World Register -- which aims to preserve cultural achievements of outstanding significance.
DW staff (nda)
2008國立臺灣大學藝術史研究所 專題系列演講及座談會
主講人:方聞 教授
場次/地點 | 時間/地點 | 主題 |
1. 演講 | 2008/11/05 (三) 14:00-16:00 蘇格拉底廳 | The Han-Tang Miracle at Dunhuang 漢唐奇蹟在敦煌 |
2. 座談會 | 2008/11/08 (六) 14:00-16:00 蘇格拉底廳 | Why is Chinese Painting Art History? 為什麼中國畫是藝術史? |
3. 演講 | 2008/11/10 (一) 14:00-16:00 蘇格拉底廳 | Paradigms and Deconstruction in Song and Yuan Landscape Art 宋元山水畫的模式與解構 |
4. 演講 | 2008/11/13 (四) 14:00-16:00 柏拉圖廳 | Wang Hui's Repossessing the Past 王翬的「趨古」 |
"The whole process looks so logical and inevitable that it appears easy to arrange the various types of figures so as to show their gradual approximation to life. ... But even though our reading of the history of Greek art may have made it look too tidy, the essential lines of this astounding development have been established beyond any doubt. ...the conquest of naturalism may be described as the gradual accumulation of corrections due to the observation of reality." E. H. Gombrich, "The Greek Revolution," Art and Illusion (1961): 117-18.
A | B | C | |
1 | 2008 臺灣大學統計研討會議程 | ||
2 | 8:30 - 9:00 | 報到 | |
3 | 9:00 - 9:20 | 統計週競賽活動頒獎及長官致詞 | |
4 | 主持人:羅竹芳 臺灣大學生命科學院院長 | ||
5 | 9:20 - 10:00 | 劉仁沛 主任 國立台灣大學統計教學中心 | |
6 | 統計教學中心之工作與展望 | ||
7 | 10:00 - 10:40 | 劉仁沛 主任 國立台灣大學統計教學中心 | |
8 | 研究資源與研究成果關係之探討: | ||
9 | 10:40 - 11:00 Break | ||
10 | 主持人:趙永茂 臺灣大學社科學院政治學系教授兼院長 | ||
11 | 11:00- 11:40 | 洪永泰 教授 國立台灣大學政治系 | |
12 | 椰林過客群像:臺大學生的人口學特徵、認知、態度與行為 | ||
13 | 11:40 - 12:20 | 李文宗 所長 國立台灣大學流行病學所 | |
14 | 醫學及公共衛生研究中常見的研究設計及分析之謬誤 | ||
15 | 12:20 - 13:30 Lunch | ||
16 | 主持人:季瑋珠 臺灣大學公共衛生學院預防醫學研究所教授 | ||
17 | 13:30 - 14:10 | 李克昭 所長 中央研究院統計研究所 | |
18 | Model selection, dimension reduction and liquid association: a trilogy via Stein's lemma | ||
19 | 14:10 - 14:50 | 熊昭 主任 國家衛生研究院生物統計與生物資訊研究組 | |
20 | 生物統計在生物醫學研究的角色及案例分享 | ||
21 | 14:50 - 15:10 Break | ||
22 | 主持人:吳鐵肩 成功大學統計系教授 | ||
23 | 15:10 - 15:50 | 陳宏 教授 國立台灣大學數學系 | |
24 | 使用學測、指考成績預測微積分學期成績 | ||
25 | 15:50 - 16:30 | 講員:優良教學助理 | |
26 | 初等統計學實習課教學心得分享 | ||
27 |
戴明博士(W. Edwards Deming, 1900-1993) 是世界級管理哲學家,台灣的友人,參與創建日本現代經濟奇蹟和美國產業復興。戴明博士畢生的學問,構成一套完整系統,他晚年時稱之為「淵博知識體系」 (Deming's System of Profound Knowledge)。
「淵博知識體系」是一套專為全人員貢獻的心得,也是套適用於工商業、政界、教育 界等等的「新經濟學」--。它也可應用於個人修養精進、公司發達、社會繁榮、世界和平所不可或缺的。
在亞洲諸國當中,除了日本,他可能與台灣關係最密切。 Deming的學生和朋友頗多,其中對台灣最有緣份的,可能是William W. Scherkenbach (威廉‧謝爾肯巴赫)先生了。他今年(2008)為台灣某大科技公司的副總。
我們很幸運,在威廉‧謝爾肯巴赫的慷慨答應,以及東海蔡副校長和品質學會諸主管的協助下,能順利推出『東海戴明學者講座 2008』。希望這三場演講,能對台灣的產、官、學界有所貢獻,透過這些交流中,能更深入了解戴明的淵博知識精華和應用到組織與個人轉型之道,促進品質和生產力的提升,養成持續改善事業之習慣。
演講主題:戴明修煉III:淵博知識導論和應用 (Lecture One: Dr. Deming’s System of Profound Knowledge…and its applications )
時間:10/16(四) 全天研討會9:10-5:00 專題演講 15:00-17:00
地點:台北 品管學會(羅斯福路2段75號10樓) 台北捷運往新店線 古亭站 第四號出口
地點: 品管學會(台北市羅斯福路2段75號9樓)
台北捷運往新店線 古亭站 第四號出口
14:300-15:00 茶 咖啡
15:00-15:20 開幕
開幕主持人致詞: 蔡禎騰(東海大學副校長)
引言:台灣戴明圈的故事 (鍾漢清)
劉振老師紀念獎 Liu Cheng Award
15:20-16:20 演講
主題:戴明修煉III:淵博知識、導論、故事…….和應用 ( Dr. Deming’s System of Profound Knowledge…and its applications )
演講者:謝爾肯巴赫先生(Mr. William W. Scherkenbach 光寶集團副總)
16:20-17:20 問答、反思、分享
回應人:Mr. William W. Scherkenbach、鍾漢清、與會貴賓
第二、三場, Free and Open to All!
演講時間:10/17(五) 下午4:20-6:10
演講主題:Statistical Thinking and Psychology and Actions
演講時間:10/18(六) 上午10:00-12:00
演講主題:Systems Thinking and Knowledge
演講者:謝爾肯巴赫先生(Mr. William W. Scherkenbach)
演講地點:東海大學 基礎科學實驗大樓一樓 求真廳
報名請洽:東海大學 工業工程與經營資訊學系
13916467312008 THU- Deming.pdf |